Add supported languages to generate usage/help text for CLI

This commit is contained in:
2012-08-06 20:25:22 +02:00
parent 8709ade69f
commit 37ec2f505b

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.PMD;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.LanguageVersion;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.renderers.Renderer;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.renderers.RendererFactory;
@ -51,9 +52,7 @@ public class PMDCommandLineInterface {
for ( String command : jcommander.getCommands().keySet() )
allCommandsDescription += jcommander.getCommandDescription(command) + PMD.EOL;
final String WINDOWS_PROMPT = "c:\\> ";
final String WINDOWS_PATH_TO_CODE = "c:\\my\\source\\code";
final String UNIX_PROMPT = "$ ";
// TODO: Externalize that to a file available within the classpath ? - with a poor's man templating ?
String fullText = PMD.EOL
+ "Mandatory arguments:" + PMD.EOL
@ -65,6 +64,8 @@ public class PMDCommandLineInterface {
+ "c:\\> " + launchCmd + " c:\\my\\source\\code html java-unusedcode" + PMD.EOL
fullText += supportedVersions() + PMD.EOL;
if ( allCommandsDescription != null ) {
fullText += "Optional arguments that may be put before or after the mandatory arguments: " + PMD.EOL
+ allCommandsDescription + PMD.EOL;
@ -72,20 +73,54 @@ public class PMDCommandLineInterface {
fullText += "Available report formats and their configuration properties are:" + PMD.EOL
+ getReports() + PMD.EOL
+ "For example on windows: " + PMD.EOL
+ getExamples(launchCmd) + PMD.EOL
return fullText += usage.toString();
private static String getExamples(String launchCmd) {
return getWindowsExample(launchCmd) + getUnixExample(launchCmd);
private static String getWindowsExample(String launchCmd) {
final String WINDOWS_PROMPT = "c:\\> ";
final String WINDOWS_PATH_TO_CODE = "c:\\my\\source\\code";
return "For example on windows: " + PMD.EOL
+ WINDOWS_PROMPT + launchCmd + " -dir" + WINDOWS_PATH_TO_CODE + "-format text java-unusedcode,java-imports -version 1.5 -language java -debug" + PMD.EOL
+ WINDOWS_PROMPT + launchCmd + " -dir" + WINDOWS_PATH_TO_CODE + "-f xml -rulesets java-basic,java-design -encoding UTF-8" + PMD.EOL
+ WINDOWS_PROMPT + launchCmd + " -d" + WINDOWS_PATH_TO_CODE + "-rulesets java-typeresolution -auxclasspath commons-collections.jar;derby.jar" + PMD.EOL
+ WINDOWS_PROMPT + launchCmd + " -d" + WINDOWS_PATH_TO_CODE + "-f html java-typeresolution -auxclasspath file:///C:/my/classpathfile" + PMD.EOL
+ "For example on *nix: " + PMD.EOL
private static String getUnixExample(String launchCmd) {
final String UNIX_PROMPT = "$ ";
return "For example on *nix: " + PMD.EOL
+ UNIX_PROMPT + launchCmd + " -dir /home/workspace/src/main/java/code -f nicehtml -rulesets java-basic,java-design" + PMD.EOL
+ UNIX_PROMPT + launchCmd + " -d ./src/main/java/code -f nicehtml -r java-basic,java-design -xslt my-own.xsl" + PMD.EOL
+ UNIX_PROMPT + launchCmd + " -d ./src/main/java/code -f nicehtml -r java-typeresolution -auxclasspath commons-collections.jar:derby.jar"
fullText += usage.toString();
return fullText;
private static String supportedVersions() {
String supportedVersion = "Languages and version suported:" + PMD.EOL;
for ( LanguageVersion version : LanguageVersion.values() ) {
supportedVersion += version.getName() + ", ";
supportedVersion += PMD.EOL;
supportedVersion += "Note that some language are not supported by PMD - only by CPD" + PMD.EOL;
return supportedVersion;
* For testing purpose only...
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static String jarName() {