[java] Fix grammar and tests for Java 19
This commit is contained in:
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ void Pattern() #void:
LOOKAHEAD(ReferenceType() "(") RecordPattern()
| LOOKAHEAD("(") ParenthesizedPattern()
| TypePattern() [ GuardedPatternCondition() #GuardedPattern(2) ]
| TypePattern() [ LOOKAHEAD({getToken(1).kind == SC_AND && jdkVersion < 19}) GuardedPatternCondition() #GuardedPattern(2) ]
void GuardedPatternCondition() #void:
@ -1739,7 +1739,7 @@ void ParenthesizedPattern() #void:
void TypePattern():
LocalVarModifierList() ReferenceType() VariableDeclaratorId()
LocalVarModifierList() FormalParamType() VariableDeclaratorId()
void RecordPattern():
@ -1767,10 +1767,9 @@ void InstanceOfExpression() #void:
AnnotatedRefType() [ VariableDeclaratorId() #TypePattern(2) ]
LOOKAHEAD(ReferenceType() "(") RecordPattern()
| AnnotatedRefType() [ VariableDeclaratorId() #TypePattern(2) ]
| Pattern()
| LOOKAHEAD(ReferenceType() "(") RecordPattern()
@ -2464,11 +2463,11 @@ void CaseLabelElement(ASTSwitchLabel label) #void:
"default" {label.setDefault();}
LOOKAHEAD(Pattern()) Pattern() ( LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("when")}) Guard() )* {
LOOKAHEAD(Pattern()) Pattern() {
AbstractJavaNode top = jjtree.popNode();
top = new ASTPatternExpression((ASTPattern) top);
} ( LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("when")}) Guard() )*
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTGuardedPattern;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTInfixExpression;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPattern;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPatternExpression;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordPattern;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypePattern;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTUnaryExpression;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableDeclaratorId;
@ -90,6 +91,13 @@ final class PatternBindingsUtil {
static BindSet bindersOfPattern(ASTPattern pattern) {
if (pattern instanceof ASTTypePattern) {
return BindSet.whenTrue(HashTreePSet.singleton(((ASTTypePattern) pattern).getVarId()));
} else if (pattern instanceof ASTRecordPattern) {
// record pattern might not bind a variable for the whole record...
ASTVariableDeclaratorId varId = ((ASTRecordPattern) pattern).getVarId();
if (varId == null) {
return BindSet.whenTrue(BindSet.noBindings());
return BindSet.whenTrue(HashTreePSet.singleton(varId));
} else if (pattern instanceof ASTGuardedPattern) {
BindSet patternBindings = bindersOfPattern(((ASTGuardedPattern) pattern).getPattern());
BindSet guardBindings = bindersOfExpr(((ASTGuardedPattern) pattern).getGuard());
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class Java18PreviewTreeDumpTest extends BaseTreeDumpTest {
Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected message: " + thrown.getMessage(),
thrown.getMessage().contains("Null case labels is a preview feature of JDK 18 or JDK 19, you should select your language version accordingly"));
thrown.getMessage().contains("Null case labels is a preview feature of JDK 18, you should select your language version accordingly"));
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public class Java18PreviewTreeDumpTest extends BaseTreeDumpTest {
assertThat(thrown.getMessage(), containsString("Guarded patterns is a preview feature of JDK 18, you should select your language version accordingly"));
assertThat(thrown.getMessage(), containsString("Pattern matching for switch is a preview feature of JDK 18, you should select your language version accordingly"));
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public class Java18PreviewTreeDumpTest extends BaseTreeDumpTest {
Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected message: " + thrown.getMessage(),
thrown.getMessage().contains("Pattern matching for switch is a preview feature of JDK 18 and JDK 19, you should select your language version accordingly"));
thrown.getMessage().contains("Pattern matching for switch is a preview feature of JDK 18, you should select your language version accordingly"));
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public class Java19PreviewTreeDumpTest extends BaseTreeDumpTest {
assertTrue("Unexpected message: " + thrown.getMessage(),
thrown.getMessage().contains("Null case labels in switch are only supported with JDK 18 Preview or JDK 19 Preview."));
thrown.getMessage().contains("Null case labels is a preview feature of JDK 19, you should select your language version accordingly"));
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public class Java19PreviewTreeDumpTest extends BaseTreeDumpTest {
assertTrue("Unexpected message: " + thrown.getMessage(),
thrown.getMessage().contains("Pattern Matching in Switch is only supported with JDK 18 Preview or JDK 19 Preview."));
thrown.getMessage().contains("Pattern matching for switch is a preview feature of JDK 19, you should select your language version accordingly"));
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public class Java19PreviewTreeDumpTest extends BaseTreeDumpTest {
assertTrue("Unexpected message: " + thrown.getMessage(),
thrown.getMessage().contains("Pattern Matching in Switch is only supported with JDK 18 Preview or JDK 19 Preview."));
thrown.getMessage().contains("Pattern matching for switch is a preview feature of JDK 19, you should select your language version accordingly"));
@ -116,6 +116,6 @@ public class Java19PreviewTreeDumpTest extends BaseTreeDumpTest {
assertTrue("Unexpected message: " + thrown.getMessage(),
thrown.getMessage().contains("Record Patterns are only supported with JDK 19 Preview."));
thrown.getMessage().contains("Record patterns is a preview feature of JDK 19, you should select your language version accordingly"));
@ -31,19 +31,22 @@ class ASTInstanceOfExpressionTest : ParserTestSpec({
inContext(ExpressionParsingCtx) {
"o instanceof (String s && s.length() > 4)" should parseAs {
infixExpr(BinaryOp.INSTANCEOF) {
it::getLeftOperand shouldBe variableAccess("o")
it::getRightOperand shouldBe patternExpr {
guardedPattern {
it::getPattern shouldBe typePattern {
"o instanceof String s && s.length() > 4" should parseAs {
infixExpr(BinaryOp.CONDITIONAL_AND) {
infixExpr(BinaryOp.INSTANCEOF) {
it::getLeftOperand shouldBe variableAccess("o")
it::getRightOperand shouldBe patternExpr {
typePattern {
it::getGuard shouldBe infixExpr(BinaryOp.GT)
infixExpr(BinaryOp.GT) {
it::getLeftOperand shouldBe methodCall("length")
it::getRightOperand shouldBe number { }
@ -1,7 +1,80 @@
+- CompilationUnit[@PackageName = ""]
+- ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration[@Abstract = false, @Annotation = false, @Anonymous = false, @BinaryName = "DealingWithNull", @CanonicalName = "DealingWithNull", @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_PUBLIC, @Enum = false, @Final = false, @Image = "DealingWithNull", @Interface = false, @Local = false, @Native = false, @Nested = false, @PackageName = "", @PackagePrivate = false, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = true, @Record = false, @RegularClass = true, @RegularInterface = false, @SimpleName = "DealingWithNull", @Static = false, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = true, @SyntacticallyStatic = false, @TopLevel = true, @Transient = false, @Visibility = Visibility.V_PUBLIC, @Volatile = false]
+- ModifierList[]
+- ClassOrInterfaceBody[@Empty = false, @Size = 4]
+- ClassOrInterfaceBody[@Empty = false, @Size = 6]
+- MethodDeclaration[@Abstract = false, @Arity = 1, @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_PACKAGE, @Final = false, @Image = "testFooBar", @MainMethod = false, @MethodName = "testFooBar", @Name = "testFooBar", @Native = false, @Overridden = false, @PackagePrivate = true, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @Static = true, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @SyntacticallyStatic = true, @Transient = false, @Varargs = false, @Visibility = Visibility.V_PACKAGE, @Void = true, @Volatile = false]
| +- ModifierList[]
| +- VoidType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @TypeImage = "void"]
| +- FormalParameters[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| | +- FormalParameter[@Abstract = false, @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @Final = false, @Native = false, @PackagePrivate = false, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @Static = false, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @SyntacticallyStatic = false, @Transient = false, @Varargs = false, @Visibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @Volatile = false]
| | +- ModifierList[]
| | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = true, @FullyQualified = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false, @SimpleName = "String", @TypeImage = "String"]
| | +- VariableDeclaratorId[@Abstract = false, @ArrayType = false, @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @EnumConstant = false, @ExceptionBlockParameter = false, @Field = false, @Final = false, @ForLoopVariable = false, @ForeachVariable = false, @FormalParameter = true, @Image = "s", @LambdaParameter = false, @LocalVariable = false, @Name = "s", @Native = false, @PackagePrivate = false, @PatternBinding = false, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @RecordComponent = false, @ResourceDeclaration = false, @Static = false, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @SyntacticallyStatic = false, @Transient = false, @TypeInferred = false, @VariableName = "s", @Visibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @Volatile = false]
| +- Block[@Empty = false, @Size = 1, @containsComment = false]
| +- SwitchStatement[@DefaultCase = true, @EnumSwitch = false, @ExhaustiveEnumSwitch = false, @FallthroughSwitch = false]
| +- VariableAccess[@AccessType = AccessType.READ, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "s", @Name = "s", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- SwitchArrowBranch[@Default = false]
| | +- SwitchLabel[@Default = false]
| | | +- NullLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = true, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = false]
| | +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "println", @MethodName = "println", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | +- FieldAccess[@AccessType = AccessType.READ, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "out", @Name = "out", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | | +- TypeExpression[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = true, @FullyQualified = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false, @SimpleName = "System", @TypeImage = "System"]
| | +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| | +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "Oops", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"Oops\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 4, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
| +- SwitchArrowBranch[@Default = false]
| | +- SwitchLabel[@Default = false]
| | | +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "Foo", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"Foo\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 3, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
| | | +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "Bar", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"Bar\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 3, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
| | +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "println", @MethodName = "println", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | +- FieldAccess[@AccessType = AccessType.READ, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "out", @Name = "out", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | | +- TypeExpression[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = true, @FullyQualified = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false, @SimpleName = "System", @TypeImage = "System"]
| | +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| | +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "Great", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"Great\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 5, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
| +- SwitchArrowBranch[@Default = true]
| +- SwitchLabel[@Default = true]
| +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "println", @MethodName = "println", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- FieldAccess[@AccessType = AccessType.READ, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "out", @Name = "out", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | +- TypeExpression[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = true, @FullyQualified = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false, @SimpleName = "System", @TypeImage = "System"]
| +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "Ok", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"Ok\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 2, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
+- MethodDeclaration[@Abstract = false, @Arity = 1, @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_PACKAGE, @Final = false, @Image = "testStringOrNull", @MainMethod = false, @MethodName = "testStringOrNull", @Name = "testStringOrNull", @Native = false, @Overridden = false, @PackagePrivate = true, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @Static = true, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @SyntacticallyStatic = true, @Transient = false, @Varargs = false, @Visibility = Visibility.V_PACKAGE, @Void = true, @Volatile = false]
| +- ModifierList[]
| +- VoidType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @TypeImage = "void"]
| +- FormalParameters[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| | +- FormalParameter[@Abstract = false, @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @Final = false, @Native = false, @PackagePrivate = false, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @Static = false, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @SyntacticallyStatic = false, @Transient = false, @Varargs = false, @Visibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @Volatile = false]
| | +- ModifierList[]
| | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = true, @FullyQualified = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false, @SimpleName = "Object", @TypeImage = "Object"]
| | +- VariableDeclaratorId[@Abstract = false, @ArrayType = false, @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @EnumConstant = false, @ExceptionBlockParameter = false, @Field = false, @Final = false, @ForLoopVariable = false, @ForeachVariable = false, @FormalParameter = true, @Image = "o", @LambdaParameter = false, @LocalVariable = false, @Name = "o", @Native = false, @PackagePrivate = false, @PatternBinding = false, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @RecordComponent = false, @ResourceDeclaration = false, @Static = false, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @SyntacticallyStatic = false, @Transient = false, @TypeInferred = false, @VariableName = "o", @Visibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @Volatile = false]
| +- Block[@Empty = false, @Size = 1, @containsComment = false]
| +- SwitchStatement[@DefaultCase = true, @EnumSwitch = false, @ExhaustiveEnumSwitch = false, @FallthroughSwitch = false]
| +- VariableAccess[@AccessType = AccessType.READ, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "o", @Name = "o", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- SwitchArrowBranch[@Default = false]
| | +- SwitchLabel[@Default = false]
| | | +- NullLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = true, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = false]
| | | +- PatternExpression[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | | +- TypePattern[@Abstract = false, @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_PACKAGE, @Final = false, @Native = false, @PackagePrivate = true, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @Static = false, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @SyntacticallyStatic = false, @Transient = false, @Visibility = Visibility.V_PACKAGE, @Volatile = false]
| | | +- ModifierList[]
| | | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = true, @FullyQualified = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false, @SimpleName = "String", @TypeImage = "String"]
| | | +- VariableDeclaratorId[@Abstract = false, @ArrayType = false, @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @EnumConstant = false, @ExceptionBlockParameter = false, @Field = false, @Final = false, @ForLoopVariable = false, @ForeachVariable = false, @FormalParameter = false, @Image = "s", @LambdaParameter = false, @LocalVariable = false, @Name = "s", @Native = false, @PackagePrivate = false, @PatternBinding = true, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @RecordComponent = false, @ResourceDeclaration = false, @Static = false, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @SyntacticallyStatic = false, @Transient = false, @TypeInferred = false, @VariableName = "s", @Visibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @Volatile = false]
| | +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "println", @MethodName = "println", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | +- FieldAccess[@AccessType = AccessType.READ, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "out", @Name = "out", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | | +- TypeExpression[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = true, @FullyQualified = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false, @SimpleName = "System", @TypeImage = "System"]
| | +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| | +- InfixExpression[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Operator = BinaryOp.ADD, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "String: ", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"String: \"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 8, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
| | +- VariableAccess[@AccessType = AccessType.READ, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "s", @Name = "s", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- SwitchArrowBranch[@Default = true]
| +- SwitchLabel[@Default = true]
| +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "print", @MethodName = "print", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- FieldAccess[@AccessType = AccessType.READ, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "out", @Name = "out", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | +- TypeExpression[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = true, @FullyQualified = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false, @SimpleName = "System", @TypeImage = "System"]
| +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "default case", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"default case\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 12, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
+- MethodDeclaration[@Abstract = false, @Arity = 1, @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_PACKAGE, @Final = false, @Image = "test", @MainMethod = false, @MethodName = "test", @Name = "test", @Native = false, @Overridden = false, @PackagePrivate = true, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @Static = true, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @SyntacticallyStatic = true, @Transient = false, @Varargs = false, @Visibility = Visibility.V_PACKAGE, @Void = true, @Volatile = false]
| +- ModifierList[]
| +- VoidType[@ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ClassOrInterfaceType = false, @PrimitiveType = false, @TypeImage = "void"]
@ -196,7 +269,7 @@
| | +- ArrayDimensions[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| | +- ArrayTypeDim[@Varargs = false]
| +- VariableDeclaratorId[@Abstract = false, @ArrayType = true, @EffectiveVisibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @EnumConstant = false, @ExceptionBlockParameter = false, @Field = false, @Final = false, @ForLoopVariable = false, @ForeachVariable = false, @FormalParameter = true, @Image = "args", @LambdaParameter = false, @LocalVariable = false, @Name = "args", @Native = false, @PackagePrivate = false, @PatternBinding = false, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @RecordComponent = false, @ResourceDeclaration = false, @Static = false, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyFinal = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @SyntacticallyStatic = false, @Transient = false, @TypeInferred = false, @VariableName = "args", @Visibility = Visibility.V_LOCAL, @Volatile = false]
+- Block[@Empty = false, @Size = 6, @containsComment = false]
+- Block[@Empty = false, @Size = 12, @containsComment = false]
+- ExpressionStatement[]
| +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "test", @MethodName = "test", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
@ -233,6 +306,30 @@
| +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "test", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"test\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 4, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
+- ExpressionStatement[]
+- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "test3", @MethodName = "test3", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "test3", @MethodName = "test3", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| +- NullLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = true, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = false]
+- ExpressionStatement[]
| +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "testFooBar", @MethodName = "testFooBar", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| +- NullLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = true, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = false]
+- ExpressionStatement[]
| +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "testFooBar", @MethodName = "testFooBar", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "Foo", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"Foo\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 3, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
+- ExpressionStatement[]
| +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "testFooBar", @MethodName = "testFooBar", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "Bar", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"Bar\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 3, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
+- ExpressionStatement[]
| +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "testFooBar", @MethodName = "testFooBar", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| +- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "baz", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"baz\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 3, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
+- ExpressionStatement[]
| +- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "testStringOrNull", @MethodName = "testStringOrNull", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
| +- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
| +- NullLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = true, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = false]
+- ExpressionStatement[]
+- MethodCall[@CompileTimeConstant = false, @Expression = true, @Image = "testStringOrNull", @MethodName = "testStringOrNull", @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false]
+- ArgumentList[@Empty = false, @Size = 1]
+- NullLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = true, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = false]
+- StringLiteral[@BooleanLiteral = false, @CharLiteral = false, @CompileTimeConstant = true, @ConstValue = "some string", @DoubleLiteral = false, @Empty = false, @Expression = true, @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "\"some string\"", @IntLiteral = false, @Length = 11, @LongLiteral = false, @NullLiteral = false, @NumericLiteral = false, @ParenthesisDepth = 0, @Parenthesized = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false]
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
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