Prepare next development version

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Dangel
2020-08-31 18:32:02 +02:00
parent c59af0aee6
commit 6d69bdb386
3 changed files with 217 additions and 187 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
repository: pmd/pmd
version: 6.27.0
previous_version: 6.26.0
date: 31-August-2020
version: 6.28.0-SNAPSHOT
previous_version: 6.27.0
date: ??-????-2020
release_type: minor
# release types: major, minor, bugfix

View File

@ -14,195 +14,11 @@ This is a {{ site.pmd.release_type }} release.
### New and noteworthy
#### Java 15 Support
This release of PMD brings support for Java 15. PMD can parse [Text Blocks](
which have been promoted to be a standard language feature of Java.
PMD also supports [Pattern Matching for instanceof](,
[Records](, and [Sealed Classes](
Note: The Pattern Matching for instanceof, Records, and Sealed Classes are all preview language features of OpenJDK 15
and are not enabled by default. In order to
analyze a project with PMD that uses these language features, you'll need to enable it via the environment
variable `PMD_JAVA_OPTS` and select the new language version `15-preview`:
export PMD_JAVA_OPTS=--enable-preview
./ pmd -language java -version 15-preview ...
Note: Support for Java 13 preview language features have been removed. The version "13-preview" is no longer available.
#### Changes in how tab characters are handled
In the past, tab characters in source files has been handled differently in different languages by PMD.
For instance in Java, tab characters had a width of 8 columns, while C# used only 1 column. Visualforce instead
used 4 columns.
This has been unified now so that tab characters are consistently now always 1 column wide.
This however might be a **incompatible** change, if you're using the properties "BeginColumn" or "EndColumn"
additionally to "BeginLine" and "EndLine" of a Token/AST node in order to highlight
where a rule violation occurred in the source file. If you have logic there that deals with tab characters,
you most likely can remove this logic now, since tab characters are now just "normal" characters
in terms of string processing.
See also [[all] Ensure PMD/CPD uses tab width of 1 for tabs consistently #2656](
#### Updated PMD Designer
This PMD release ships a new version of the pmd-designer.
For the changes, see [PMD Designer Changelog](
#### New Rules
* The new Java rule {% rule "java/bestpractices/AvoidReassigningCatchVariables" %} (`java-bestpractices`) finds
cases where the variable of the caught exception is reassigned. This practice is surprising and prevents
further evolution of the code like multi-catch.
#### Modified Rules
* The Java rule {% rule "java/errorprone/CloseResource" %} (`java-errorprone`) has a new property
`closeNotInFinally`. With this property set to `true` the rule will also find calls to close a
resource, which are not in a finally-block of a try-statement. If a resource is not closed within a
finally block, it might not be closed at all in case of exceptions.
As this new detection would yield many new violations, it is disabled by default. It might be
enabled in a later version of PMD.
#### Deprecated Rules
* The Java rule {% rule "java/errorprone/DataflowAnomalyAnalysis" %} (`java-errorprone`)
is deprecated in favour of {% rule "java/bestpractices/UnusedAssignment" %} (`java-bestpractices`),
which was introduced in PMD 6.26.0.
### Fixed Issues
* core
* [#724]( \[core] Avoid parsing rulesets multiple times
* [#1962]( \[core] Simplify Report API
* [#2653]( \[lang-test] Upgrade kotlintest to Kotest
* [#2656]( \[all] Ensure PMD/CPD uses tab width of 1 for tabs consistently
* [#2690]( \[core] Fix java7 compatibility
* java
* [#2646]( \[java] Support JDK 15
* java-bestpractices
* [#2471]( \[java] New Rule: AvoidReassigningCatchVariables
* [#2663]( \[java] NoClassDefFoundError on upgrade from 6.25.0 to 6.26.0
* [#2668]( \[java] UnusedAssignment false positives
* [#2673]( \[java] UnusedPrivateField and SingularField false positive with lombok annotation EqualsAndHashCode
* [#2684]( \[java] UnusedAssignment FP in try/catch
* [#2686]( \[java] UnusedAssignment must not flag abstract method parameters in interfaces and abstract classes
* java-design
* [#2108]( \[java] \[doc] ImmutableField rule: Description should clarify shallow immutability
* [#2461]( \[java] ExcessiveParameterListRule must ignore a private constructor
* java-errorprone
* [#2264]( \[java] SuspiciousEqualsMethodName: Improve description about error-prone overloading of equals()
* [#2410]( \[java] ProperCloneImplementation not valid for final class
* [#2431]( \[java] InvalidLogMessageFormatRule throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when only logging exception message
* [#2439]( \[java] AvoidCatchingThrowable can not detect the case: catch (java.lang.Throwable t)
* [#2470]( \[java] CloseResource false positive when resource included in return value
* [#2531]( \[java] UnnecessaryCaseChange can not detect the case like: foo.equals(bar.toLowerCase())
* [#2647]( \[java] Deprecate rule DataFlowAnomalyAnalysis
* java-performance
* [#1868]( \[java] false-positive for SimplifyStartsWith if string is empty
* [#2441]( \[java] RedundantFieldInitializer can not detect a special case for char initialize: `char foo = '\0';`
* [#2530]( \[java] StringToString can not detect the case: getStringMethod().toString()
* dart
* [#2750]( \[dart] \[cpd] Cpd Dart escaped dollar
### API Changes
* XML rule definition in rulesets: In PMD 7, the `language` attribute will be required on all `rule`
elements that declare a new rule. Some base rule classes set the language implicitly in their
constructor, and so this is not required in all cases for the rule to work. But this
behavior will be discontinued in PMD 7, so missing `language` attributes are now
reported as a forward compatibility warning.
#### Deprecated API
##### For removal
* {% jdoc !!core::Rule#getParserOptions() %}
* {% jdoc !!core::lang.Parser#getParserOptions() %}
* {% jdoc core::lang.AbstractParser %}
* {% jdoc !!core::RuleContext#removeAttribute(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc !!core::RuleContext#getAttribute(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc !!core::RuleContext#setAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) %}
* {% jdoc apex::lang.apex.ApexParserOptions %}
* {% jdoc !! %}
* {% jdoc javascript::lang.ecmascript.EcmascriptParserOptions %}
* {% jdoc javascript::lang.ecmascript.rule.EcmascriptXPathRule %}
* {% jdoc xml::lang.xml.XmlParserOptions %}
* {% jdoc xml::lang.xml.rule.XmlXPathRule %}
* Properties of {% jdoc xml::lang.xml.rule.AbstractXmlRule %}
* {% jdoc !!core::Report.ReadableDuration %}
* Many methods of {% jdoc !!core::Report %}. They are replaced by accessors
that produce a List. For example, {% jdoc !a!core::Report#iterator() %}
(and implementing Iterable) and {% jdoc !a!core::Report#isEmpty() %} are both
replaced by {% jdoc !a!core::Report#getViolations() %}.
* The dataflow codebase is deprecated for removal in PMD 7. This
includes all code in the following packages, and their subpackages:
* {% jdoc_package plsql::lang.plsql.dfa %}
* {% jdoc_package %}
* {% jdoc_package core::lang.dfa %}
* and the class {% jdoc plsql::lang.plsql.PLSQLDataFlowHandler %}
* {% jdoc visualforce::lang.vf.VfSimpleCharStream %}
* {% jdoc jsp::lang.jsp.ast.ASTJspDeclarations %}
* {% jdoc jsp::lang.jsp.ast.ASTJspDocument %}
* {% jdoc !!scala::lang.scala.ast.ScalaParserVisitorAdapter#zero() %}
* {% jdoc !!scala::lang.scala.ast.ScalaParserVisitorAdapter#combine(Object, Object) %}
* {% jdoc apex::lang.apex.ast.ApexParserVisitorReducedAdapter %}
* {% jdoc %}
* {% jdoc %} is deprecated in
favor of {% jdoc %}, which has the
same functionality, but a slightly changed API.
* Many of the classes in {% jdoc_package %}
are deprecated as internal API.
### External Contributions
* [#2656]( \[all] Ensure PMD/CPD uses tab width of 1 for tabs consistently - [Maikel Steneker](
* [#2659]( \[java] StringToString can not detect the case: getStringMethod().toString() - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2662]( \[java] UnnecessaryCaseChange can not detect the case like: foo.equals(bar.toLowerCase()) - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2671]( \[java] CloseResource false positive when resource included in return value - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2674]( \[java] add lombok.EqualsAndHashCode in AbstractLombokAwareRule - [berkam](
* [#2677]( \[java] RedundantFieldInitializer can not detect a special case for char initialize: `char foo = '\0';` - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2678]( \[java] AvoidCatchingThrowable can not detect the case: catch (java.lang.Throwable t) - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2679]( \[java] InvalidLogMessageFormatRule throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when only logging exception message - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2682]( \[java] New Rule: AvoidReassigningCatchVariables - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2697]( \[java] ExcessiveParameterListRule must ignore a private constructor - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2699]( \[java] ProperCloneImplementation not valid for final class - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2700]( \[java] Fix OnlyOneReturn code example - [Jan-Lukas Else](
* [#2722]( \[doc] \[java] ImmutableField: extend description, fixes #2108 - [Mateusz Stefanski](
* [#2723]( \[doc] \[java] SimplifyStartsWith: update description and example, fixes #1868 - [Mateusz Stefanski](
* [#2724]( \[doc] [java] SuspiciousEqualsMethodName: update description, fixes #2264 - [Mateusz Stefanski](
* [#2725]( Cleanup: change valueOf to parse when we need primitive return value. - [XenoAmess](
* [#2726]( Cleanup: replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder - [XenoAmess](
* [#2727]( Cleanup: replace indexOf() < 0 with contains - [XenoAmess](
* [#2728]( Cleanup: javadoc issues - [XenoAmess](
* [#2729]( Cleanup: use print instead of printf if no format exists - [XenoAmess](
* [#2730]( Cleanup: StringBuilder issues - [XenoAmess](
* [#2731]( Cleanup: avoid compiling Patterns repeatedly - [XenoAmess](
* [#2732]( Cleanup: use StandardCharsets instead of Charset.forName - [XenoAmess](
* [#2733]( Cleanup: Collection::addAll issues - [XenoAmess](
* [#2734]( Cleanup: use try with resources - [XenoAmess](
* [#2744]( Cleanup: fix typos - [XenoAmess](
* [#2745]( \[core] Fix a NPE in buildUsageText - [XenoAmess](
* [#2749]( \[dart] \[cpd] Improvements for Dart interpolated strings - [Maikel Steneker](
* [#2750]( \[dart] \[cpd] Cpd Dart escaped dollar - [Maikel Steneker](
### Stats
* 189 commits
* 68 closed tickets & PRs
* Days since last release: 37
{% endtocmaker %}

View File

@ -5,6 +5,220 @@ permalink: pmd_release_notes_old.html
Previous versions of PMD can be downloaded here:
## 31-August-2020 - 6.27.0
The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.27.0.
This is a minor release.
### Table Of Contents
* [New and noteworthy](#new-and-noteworthy)
* [Java 15 Support](#java-15-support)
* [Changes in how tab characters are handled](#changes-in-how-tab-characters-are-handled)
* [Updated PMD Designer](#updated-pmd-designer)
* [New Rules](#new-rules)
* [Modified Rules](#modified-rules)
* [Deprecated Rules](#deprecated-rules)
* [Fixed Issues](#fixed-issues)
* [API Changes](#api-changes)
* [Deprecated API](#deprecated-api)
* [For removal](#for-removal)
* [External Contributions](#external-contributions)
* [Stats](#stats)
### New and noteworthy
#### Java 15 Support
This release of PMD brings support for Java 15. PMD can parse [Text Blocks](
which have been promoted to be a standard language feature of Java.
PMD also supports [Pattern Matching for instanceof](,
[Records](, and [Sealed Classes](
Note: The Pattern Matching for instanceof, Records, and Sealed Classes are all preview language features of OpenJDK 15
and are not enabled by default. In order to
analyze a project with PMD that uses these language features, you'll need to enable it via the environment
variable `PMD_JAVA_OPTS` and select the new language version `15-preview`:
export PMD_JAVA_OPTS=--enable-preview
./ pmd -language java -version 15-preview ...
Note: Support for Java 13 preview language features have been removed. The version "13-preview" is no longer available.
#### Changes in how tab characters are handled
In the past, tab characters in source files has been handled differently in different languages by PMD.
For instance in Java, tab characters had a width of 8 columns, while C# used only 1 column. Visualforce instead
used 4 columns.
This has been unified now so that tab characters are consistently now always 1 column wide.
This however might be a **incompatible** change, if you're using the properties "BeginColumn" or "EndColumn"
additionally to "BeginLine" and "EndLine" of a Token/AST node in order to highlight
where a rule violation occurred in the source file. If you have logic there that deals with tab characters,
you most likely can remove this logic now, since tab characters are now just "normal" characters
in terms of string processing.
See also [[all] Ensure PMD/CPD uses tab width of 1 for tabs consistently #2656](
#### Updated PMD Designer
This PMD release ships a new version of the pmd-designer.
For the changes, see [PMD Designer Changelog](
#### New Rules
* The new Java rule [`AvoidReassigningCatchVariables`]( (`java-bestpractices`) finds
cases where the variable of the caught exception is reassigned. This practice is surprising and prevents
further evolution of the code like multi-catch.
#### Modified Rules
* The Java rule [`CloseResource`]( (`java-errorprone`) has a new property
`closeNotInFinally`. With this property set to `true` the rule will also find calls to close a
resource, which are not in a finally-block of a try-statement. If a resource is not closed within a
finally block, it might not be closed at all in case of exceptions.
As this new detection would yield many new violations, it is disabled by default. It might be
enabled in a later version of PMD.
#### Deprecated Rules
* The Java rule [`DataflowAnomalyAnalysis`]( (`java-errorprone`)
is deprecated in favour of [`UnusedAssignment`]( (`java-bestpractices`),
which was introduced in PMD 6.26.0.
### Fixed Issues
* core
* [#724]( \[core] Avoid parsing rulesets multiple times
* [#1962]( \[core] Simplify Report API
* [#2653]( \[lang-test] Upgrade kotlintest to Kotest
* [#2656]( \[all] Ensure PMD/CPD uses tab width of 1 for tabs consistently
* [#2690]( \[core] Fix java7 compatibility
* java
* [#2646]( \[java] Support JDK 15
* java-bestpractices
* [#2471]( \[java] New Rule: AvoidReassigningCatchVariables
* [#2663]( \[java] NoClassDefFoundError on upgrade from 6.25.0 to 6.26.0
* [#2668]( \[java] UnusedAssignment false positives
* [#2673]( \[java] UnusedPrivateField and SingularField false positive with lombok annotation EqualsAndHashCode
* [#2684]( \[java] UnusedAssignment FP in try/catch
* [#2686]( \[java] UnusedAssignment must not flag abstract method parameters in interfaces and abstract classes
* java-design
* [#2108]( \[java] \[doc] ImmutableField rule: Description should clarify shallow immutability
* [#2461]( \[java] ExcessiveParameterListRule must ignore a private constructor
* java-errorprone
* [#2264]( \[java] SuspiciousEqualsMethodName: Improve description about error-prone overloading of equals()
* [#2410]( \[java] ProperCloneImplementation not valid for final class
* [#2431]( \[java] InvalidLogMessageFormatRule throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when only logging exception message
* [#2439]( \[java] AvoidCatchingThrowable can not detect the case: catch (java.lang.Throwable t)
* [#2470]( \[java] CloseResource false positive when resource included in return value
* [#2531]( \[java] UnnecessaryCaseChange can not detect the case like: foo.equals(bar.toLowerCase())
* [#2647]( \[java] Deprecate rule DataFlowAnomalyAnalysis
* java-performance
* [#1868]( \[java] false-positive for SimplifyStartsWith if string is empty
* [#2441]( \[java] RedundantFieldInitializer can not detect a special case for char initialize: `char foo = '\0';`
* [#2530]( \[java] StringToString can not detect the case: getStringMethod().toString()
* dart
* [#2750]( \[dart] \[cpd] Cpd Dart escaped dollar
### API Changes
* XML rule definition in rulesets: In PMD 7, the `language` attribute will be required on all `rule`
elements that declare a new rule. Some base rule classes set the language implicitly in their
constructor, and so this is not required in all cases for the rule to work. But this
behavior will be discontinued in PMD 7, so missing `language` attributes are now
reported as a forward compatibility warning.
#### Deprecated API
##### For removal
* <a href=""><code>Rule#getParserOptions</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>Parser#getParserOptions</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>AbstractParser</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>RuleContext#removeAttribute</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>RuleContext#getAttribute</code></a>
* <a href=",java.lang.Object)"><code>RuleContext#setAttribute</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>ApexParserOptions</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>ASTThrowStatement#getFirstClassOrInterfaceTypeImage</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>EcmascriptParserOptions</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>EcmascriptXPathRule</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>XmlParserOptions</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>XmlXPathRule</code></a>
* Properties of <a href=""><code>AbstractXmlRule</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>net.sourceforge.pmd.Report.ReadableDuration</code></a>
* Many methods of <a href=""><code>net.sourceforge.pmd.Report</code></a>. They are replaced by accessors
that produce a List. For example, <a href=""><code>iterator()</code></a>
(and implementing Iterable) and <a href=""><code>isEmpty()</code></a> are both
replaced by <a href=""><code>getViolations()</code></a>.
* The dataflow codebase is deprecated for removal in PMD 7. This
includes all code in the following packages, and their subpackages:
* <a href=""><code>net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.plsql.dfa</code></a>
* <a href=""><code></code></a>
* <a href=""><code>net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa</code></a>
* and the class <a href=""><code>PLSQLDataFlowHandler</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>VfSimpleCharStream</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>ASTJspDeclarations</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>ASTJspDocument</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>ScalaParserVisitorAdapter#zero</code></a>
* <a href=",Object)"><code>ScalaParserVisitorAdapter#combine</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>ApexParserVisitorReducedAdapter</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>JavaParserVisitorReducedAdapter</code></a>
* <a href=""><code>TypeHelper</code></a> is deprecated in
favor of <a href=""><code>TypeTestUtil</code></a>, which has the
same functionality, but a slightly changed API.
* Many of the classes in <a href=""><code></code></a>
are deprecated as internal API.
### External Contributions
* [#2656]( \[all] Ensure PMD/CPD uses tab width of 1 for tabs consistently - [Maikel Steneker](
* [#2659]( \[java] StringToString can not detect the case: getStringMethod().toString() - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2662]( \[java] UnnecessaryCaseChange can not detect the case like: foo.equals(bar.toLowerCase()) - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2671]( \[java] CloseResource false positive when resource included in return value - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2674]( \[java] add lombok.EqualsAndHashCode in AbstractLombokAwareRule - [berkam](
* [#2677]( \[java] RedundantFieldInitializer can not detect a special case for char initialize: `char foo = '\0';` - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2678]( \[java] AvoidCatchingThrowable can not detect the case: catch (java.lang.Throwable t) - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2679]( \[java] InvalidLogMessageFormatRule throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when only logging exception message - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2682]( \[java] New Rule: AvoidReassigningCatchVariables - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2697]( \[java] ExcessiveParameterListRule must ignore a private constructor - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2699]( \[java] ProperCloneImplementation not valid for final class - [Mykhailo Palahuta](
* [#2700]( \[java] Fix OnlyOneReturn code example - [Jan-Lukas Else](
* [#2722]( \[doc] \[java] ImmutableField: extend description, fixes #2108 - [Mateusz Stefanski](
* [#2723]( \[doc] \[java] SimplifyStartsWith: update description and example, fixes #1868 - [Mateusz Stefanski](
* [#2724]( \[doc] [java] SuspiciousEqualsMethodName: update description, fixes #2264 - [Mateusz Stefanski](
* [#2725]( Cleanup: change valueOf to parse when we need primitive return value. - [XenoAmess](
* [#2726]( Cleanup: replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder - [XenoAmess](
* [#2727]( Cleanup: replace indexOf() < 0 with contains - [XenoAmess](
* [#2728]( Cleanup: javadoc issues - [XenoAmess](
* [#2729]( Cleanup: use print instead of printf if no format exists - [XenoAmess](
* [#2730]( Cleanup: StringBuilder issues - [XenoAmess](
* [#2731]( Cleanup: avoid compiling Patterns repeatedly - [XenoAmess](
* [#2732]( Cleanup: use StandardCharsets instead of Charset.forName - [XenoAmess](
* [#2733]( Cleanup: Collection::addAll issues - [XenoAmess](
* [#2734]( Cleanup: use try with resources - [XenoAmess](
* [#2744]( Cleanup: fix typos - [XenoAmess](
* [#2745]( \[core] Fix a NPE in buildUsageText - [XenoAmess](
* [#2749]( \[dart] \[cpd] Improvements for Dart interpolated strings - [Maikel Steneker](
* [#2750]( \[dart] \[cpd] Cpd Dart escaped dollar - [Maikel Steneker](
### Stats
* 189 commits
* 68 closed tickets & PRs
* Days since last release: 37
## 25-July-2020 - 6.26.0
The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.26.0.