[java] Allow guarded pattern for instanceof expressions

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Dangel
2021-07-01 20:28:19 +02:00
parent e2b1f0f3b9
commit 808b571a82
6 changed files with 181 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1787,7 +1787,9 @@ void InstanceOfExpression() #InstanceOfExpression(>1):
[ "instanceof"
LOOKAHEAD("final" | "@") {checkforBadInstanceOfPattern();} TypePattern()
LOOKAHEAD("final" | "@") {checkforBadInstanceOfPattern();} PrimaryPattern()
LOOKAHEAD("(") Pattern() {checkforBadInstanceOfPattern();}
[ {checkforBadInstanceOfPattern();} VariableDeclaratorId() #TypePattern(2) ]

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@ -35,4 +35,11 @@ public final class ASTGuardedPattern extends AbstractJavaNode implements ASTPatt
return visitor.visit(this, data);
public ASTPattern getPattern() {
return (ASTPattern) getChild(0);
public JavaNode getGuard() {
return getChild(1);

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@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast;
* A pattern (for pattern matching constructs like {@link ASTInstanceOfExpression InstanceOfExpression}).
* This is a JDK 16 feature.
* A pattern (for pattern matching constructs like {@link ASTInstanceOfExpression InstanceOfExpression}
* or within a {@link ASTSwitchLabel}). This is a JDK 16 feature.
* <p>This interface will be implemented by all forms of patterns. For
* now, only type test patterns are supported. Record deconstruction
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast;
* <pre class="grammar">
* Pattern ::= {@link ASTTypePattern TypePattern}
* Pattern ::= {@link ASTTypePattern TypePattern}
* | {@link ASTGuardedPattern GuardedPattern}
* </pre>

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@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ public class Java17PreviewTreeDumpTest extends BaseTreeDumpTest {
@Test(expected = ParseException.class)
public void guardedAndParenthesizedPatternsBeforeJava17Preview() {
public void guardedAndParenthesizedPatterns() {

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@ -17,12 +17,24 @@ public class GuardedAndParenthesizedPatterns {
static void instanceOfPattern(Object o) {
if (o instanceof String s && s.length() > 2) {
System.out.println("A string containing at least two characters");
if (o != null && (o instanceof String s && s.length() > 3)) {
System.out.println("A string containing at least three characters");
if (o instanceof (String s && s.length() > 4)) {
System.out.println("A string containing at least four characters");
public static void main(String[] args) {

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@ -110,6 +110,143 @@
| +- PrimaryExpression[]
| +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| +- Literal[@CharLiteral = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @EscapedStringLiteral = ""default case"", @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = ""default case"", @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @SingleCharacterStringLiteral = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false, @TextBlockContent = ""default case"", @ValueAsDouble = NaN, @ValueAsFloat = NaN, @ValueAsInt = 0, @ValueAsLong = 0]
+- ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration[@AnonymousInnerClass = false, @EnumChild = false, @Kind = DeclarationKind.METHOD]
| +- MethodDeclaration[@Abstract = false, @Arity = 1, @Default = false, @Final = false, @InterfaceMember = false, @Kind = MethodLikeKind.METHOD, @MethodName = "instanceOfPattern", @Modifiers = 16, @Name = "instanceOfPattern", @Native = false, @PackagePrivate = true, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @Static = true, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = false, @Transient = false, @Void = true, @Volatile = false]
| +- ResultType[@Void = true, @returnsArray = false]
| +- MethodDeclarator[@Image = "instanceOfPattern", @ParameterCount = 1]
| | +- FormalParameters[@ParameterCount = 1, @Size = 1]
| | +- FormalParameter[@Abstract = false, @Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @Default = false, @ExplicitReceiverParameter = false, @Final = false, @Modifiers = 0, @Native = false, @PackagePrivate = true, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = false, @Static = false, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @Transient = false, @TypeInferred = false, @Varargs = false, @Volatile = false]
| | +- Type[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @TypeImage = "Object"]
| | | +- ReferenceType[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0]
| | | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@AnonymousClass = false, @Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @Image = "Object", @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false]
| | +- VariableDeclaratorId[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ExceptionBlockParameter = false, @ExplicitReceiverParameter = false, @Field = false, @Final = false, @ForeachVariable = false, @FormalParameter = true, @Image = "o", @LambdaParameter = false, @LocalVariable = false, @Name = "o", @PatternBinding = false, @ResourceDeclaration = false, @TypeInferred = false, @VariableName = "o"]
| +- Block[@containsComment = false]
| +- BlockStatement[@Allocation = false]
| | +- Statement[]
| | +- IfStatement[@Else = false]
| | +- Expression[@StandAlonePrimitive = false]
| | | +- ConditionalAndExpression[]
| | | +- InstanceOfExpression[]
| | | | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | | | +- Name[@Image = "o"]
| | | | +- TypePattern[]
| | | | +- Type[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @TypeImage = "String"]
| | | | | +- ReferenceType[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0]
| | | | | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@AnonymousClass = false, @Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @Image = "String", @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false]
| | | | +- VariableDeclaratorId[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ExceptionBlockParameter = false, @ExplicitReceiverParameter = false, @Field = false, @Final = false, @ForeachVariable = false, @FormalParameter = false, @Image = "s", @LambdaParameter = false, @LocalVariable = false, @Name = "s", @PatternBinding = true, @ResourceDeclaration = false, @TypeInferred = false, @VariableName = "s"]
| | | +- RelationalExpression[@Image = ">"]
| | | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | | | +- Name[@Image = "s.length"]
| | | | +- PrimarySuffix[@ArgumentCount = 0, @Arguments = true, @ArrayDereference = false]
| | | | +- Arguments[@ArgumentCount = 0, @Size = 0]
| | | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | +- Literal[@CharLiteral = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @EscapedStringLiteral = "2", @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "2", @IntLiteral = true, @LongLiteral = false, @SingleCharacterStringLiteral = false, @StringLiteral = false, @TextBlock = false, @TextBlockContent = "2", @ValueAsDouble = NaN, @ValueAsFloat = NaN, @ValueAsInt = 2, @ValueAsLong = 2]
| | +- Statement[]
| | +- Block[@containsComment = false]
| | +- BlockStatement[@Allocation = false]
| | +- Statement[]
| | +- StatementExpression[]
| | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | +- Name[@Image = "System.out.println"]
| | +- PrimarySuffix[@ArgumentCount = 1, @Arguments = true, @ArrayDereference = false]
| | +- Arguments[@ArgumentCount = 1, @Size = 1]
| | +- ArgumentList[@Size = 1]
| | +- Expression[@StandAlonePrimitive = false]
| | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | +- Literal[@CharLiteral = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @EscapedStringLiteral = ""A string containing at least two characters"", @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = ""A string containing at least two characters"", @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @SingleCharacterStringLiteral = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false, @TextBlockContent = ""A string containing at least two characters"", @ValueAsDouble = NaN, @ValueAsFloat = NaN, @ValueAsInt = 0, @ValueAsLong = 0]
| +- BlockStatement[@Allocation = false]
| | +- Statement[]
| | +- IfStatement[@Else = false]
| | +- Expression[@StandAlonePrimitive = false]
| | | +- ConditionalAndExpression[]
| | | +- EqualityExpression[@Image = "!=", @Operator = "!="]
| | | | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | | | +- Name[@Image = "o"]
| | | | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | | +- Literal[@CharLiteral = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @EscapedStringLiteral = null, @FloatLiteral = false, @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @SingleCharacterStringLiteral = false, @StringLiteral = false, @TextBlock = false, @TextBlockContent = null, @ValueAsDouble = NaN, @ValueAsFloat = NaN, @ValueAsInt = 0, @ValueAsLong = 0]
| | | | +- NullLiteral[]
| | | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | +- Expression[@StandAlonePrimitive = false]
| | | +- ConditionalAndExpression[]
| | | +- InstanceOfExpression[]
| | | | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | | | +- Name[@Image = "o"]
| | | | +- TypePattern[]
| | | | +- Type[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @TypeImage = "String"]
| | | | | +- ReferenceType[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0]
| | | | | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@AnonymousClass = false, @Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @Image = "String", @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false]
| | | | +- VariableDeclaratorId[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ExceptionBlockParameter = false, @ExplicitReceiverParameter = false, @Field = false, @Final = false, @ForeachVariable = false, @FormalParameter = false, @Image = "s", @LambdaParameter = false, @LocalVariable = false, @Name = "s", @PatternBinding = true, @ResourceDeclaration = false, @TypeInferred = false, @VariableName = "s"]
| | | +- RelationalExpression[@Image = ">"]
| | | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | | | +- Name[@Image = "s.length"]
| | | | +- PrimarySuffix[@ArgumentCount = 0, @Arguments = true, @ArrayDereference = false]
| | | | +- Arguments[@ArgumentCount = 0, @Size = 0]
| | | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | +- Literal[@CharLiteral = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @EscapedStringLiteral = "3", @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "3", @IntLiteral = true, @LongLiteral = false, @SingleCharacterStringLiteral = false, @StringLiteral = false, @TextBlock = false, @TextBlockContent = "3", @ValueAsDouble = NaN, @ValueAsFloat = NaN, @ValueAsInt = 3, @ValueAsLong = 3]
| | +- Statement[]
| | +- Block[@containsComment = false]
| | +- BlockStatement[@Allocation = false]
| | +- Statement[]
| | +- StatementExpression[]
| | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | +- Name[@Image = "System.out.println"]
| | +- PrimarySuffix[@ArgumentCount = 1, @Arguments = true, @ArrayDereference = false]
| | +- Arguments[@ArgumentCount = 1, @Size = 1]
| | +- ArgumentList[@Size = 1]
| | +- Expression[@StandAlonePrimitive = false]
| | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | +- Literal[@CharLiteral = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @EscapedStringLiteral = ""A string containing at least three characters"", @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = ""A string containing at least three characters"", @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @SingleCharacterStringLiteral = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false, @TextBlockContent = ""A string containing at least three characters"", @ValueAsDouble = NaN, @ValueAsFloat = NaN, @ValueAsInt = 0, @ValueAsLong = 0]
| +- BlockStatement[@Allocation = false]
| +- Statement[]
| +- IfStatement[@Else = false]
| +- Expression[@StandAlonePrimitive = false]
| | +- InstanceOfExpression[]
| | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | +- Name[@Image = "o"]
| | +- GuardedPattern[]
| | +- TypePattern[]
| | | +- Type[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @TypeImage = "String"]
| | | | +- ReferenceType[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0]
| | | | +- ClassOrInterfaceType[@AnonymousClass = false, @Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @Image = "String", @ReferenceToClassSameCompilationUnit = false]
| | | +- VariableDeclaratorId[@Array = false, @ArrayDepth = 0, @ArrayType = false, @ExceptionBlockParameter = false, @ExplicitReceiverParameter = false, @Field = false, @Final = false, @ForeachVariable = false, @FormalParameter = false, @Image = "s", @LambdaParameter = false, @LocalVariable = false, @Name = "s", @PatternBinding = true, @ResourceDeclaration = false, @TypeInferred = false, @VariableName = "s"]
| | +- RelationalExpression[@Image = ">"]
| | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | | | +- Name[@Image = "s.length"]
| | | +- PrimarySuffix[@ArgumentCount = 0, @Arguments = true, @ArrayDereference = false]
| | | +- Arguments[@ArgumentCount = 0, @Size = 0]
| | +- PrimaryExpression[]
| | +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | +- Literal[@CharLiteral = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @EscapedStringLiteral = "4", @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "4", @IntLiteral = true, @LongLiteral = false, @SingleCharacterStringLiteral = false, @StringLiteral = false, @TextBlock = false, @TextBlockContent = "4", @ValueAsDouble = NaN, @ValueAsFloat = NaN, @ValueAsInt = 4, @ValueAsLong = 4]
| +- Statement[]
| +- Block[@containsComment = false]
| +- BlockStatement[@Allocation = false]
| +- Statement[]
| +- StatementExpression[]
| +- PrimaryExpression[]
| +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | +- Name[@Image = "System.out.println"]
| +- PrimarySuffix[@ArgumentCount = 1, @Arguments = true, @ArrayDereference = false]
| +- Arguments[@ArgumentCount = 1, @Size = 1]
| +- ArgumentList[@Size = 1]
| +- Expression[@StandAlonePrimitive = false]
| +- PrimaryExpression[]
| +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| +- Literal[@CharLiteral = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @EscapedStringLiteral = ""A string containing at least four characters"", @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = ""A string containing at least four characters"", @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @SingleCharacterStringLiteral = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false, @TextBlockContent = ""A string containing at least four characters"", @ValueAsDouble = NaN, @ValueAsFloat = NaN, @ValueAsInt = 0, @ValueAsLong = 0]
+- ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration[@AnonymousInnerClass = false, @EnumChild = false, @Kind = DeclarationKind.METHOD]
+- MethodDeclaration[@Abstract = false, @Arity = 1, @Default = false, @Final = false, @InterfaceMember = false, @Kind = MethodLikeKind.METHOD, @MethodName = "main", @Modifiers = 17, @Name = "main", @Native = false, @PackagePrivate = false, @Private = false, @Protected = false, @Public = true, @Static = true, @Strictfp = false, @Synchronized = false, @SyntacticallyAbstract = false, @SyntacticallyPublic = true, @Transient = false, @Void = true, @Volatile = false]
+- ResultType[@Void = true, @returnsArray = false]
@ -173,6 +310,19 @@
| +- PrimaryExpression[]
| +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| +- Literal[@CharLiteral = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @EscapedStringLiteral = "1L", @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = "1L", @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = true, @SingleCharacterStringLiteral = false, @StringLiteral = false, @TextBlock = false, @TextBlockContent = "1L", @ValueAsDouble = NaN, @ValueAsFloat = NaN, @ValueAsInt = 1, @ValueAsLong = 1]
+- BlockStatement[@Allocation = false]
| +- Statement[]
| +- StatementExpression[]
| +- PrimaryExpression[]
| +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| | +- Name[@Image = "instanceOfPattern"]
| +- PrimarySuffix[@ArgumentCount = 1, @Arguments = true, @ArrayDereference = false]
| +- Arguments[@ArgumentCount = 1, @Size = 1]
| +- ArgumentList[@Size = 1]
| +- Expression[@StandAlonePrimitive = false]
| +- PrimaryExpression[]
| +- PrimaryPrefix[@SuperModifier = false, @ThisModifier = false]
| +- Literal[@CharLiteral = false, @DoubleLiteral = false, @EscapedStringLiteral = ""abcde"", @FloatLiteral = false, @Image = ""abcde"", @IntLiteral = false, @LongLiteral = false, @SingleCharacterStringLiteral = false, @StringLiteral = true, @TextBlock = false, @TextBlockContent = ""abcde"", @ValueAsDouble = NaN, @ValueAsFloat = NaN, @ValueAsInt = 0, @ValueAsLong = 0]
+- BlockStatement[@Allocation = false]
+- Statement[]
+- StatementExpression[]