Merge branch 'pr-2388'

[lang-test] Use tree dumps for regression tests #2388
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Dangel
2020-04-11 15:09:42 +02:00
13 changed files with 2477 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
* BSD-style license; for more info see
package net.sourceforge.pmd.util.treeexport;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.annotation.Experimental;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node;
* A simple recursive printer. Output looks like so:
* <pre>
* +- LocalVariableDeclaration
* +- Type
* | +- PrimitiveType
* +- VariableDeclarator
* +- VariableDeclaratorId
* +- VariableInitializer
* +- 1 child not shown
* </pre>
* or
* <pre>
* LocalVariableDeclaration
* Type
* PrimitiveType
* VariableDeclarator
* VariableDeclaratorId
* VariableInitializer
* 1 child not shown
* </pre>
* By default just prints the structure, like shown above. You can
* configure it to render nodes differently by overriding {@link #appendNodeInfoLn(Appendable, Node)}.
public class TextTreeRenderer implements TreeRenderer {
static final TreeRendererDescriptor DESCRIPTOR = new TreeRendererDescriptor() {
private final PropertyDescriptor<Boolean> onlyAscii =
.desc("Use only ASCII characters in the structure")
private final PropertyDescriptor<Integer> maxLevel =
.desc("Max level on which to recurse. Negative means unbounded")
public PropertySource newPropertyBundle() {
PropertySource bundle = new AbstractPropertySource() {
protected String getPropertySourceType() {
return "tree renderer";
public String getName() {
return "text";
return bundle;
public String id() {
return "text";
public String description() {
return "Text renderer";
public TreeRenderer produceRenderer(PropertySource properties) {
return new TextTreeRenderer(properties.getProperty(onlyAscii), properties.getProperty(maxLevel));
private final Strings str;
private final int maxLevel;
* Creates a new text renderer.
* @param onlyAscii Whether to output the skeleton of the tree with
* only ascii characters. If false, uses unicode chars
* like '├'
* @param maxLevel Max level on which to recurse. Negative means
* unbounded. If the max level is reached, a placeholder
* is dumped, like "1 child is not shown". This is
* controlled by {@link #appendBoundaryForNodeLn(Node, Appendable, String)}.
public TextTreeRenderer(boolean onlyAscii, int maxLevel) {
this.str = onlyAscii ? Strings.ASCII : Strings.UNICODE;
this.maxLevel = maxLevel;
public void renderSubtree(Node node, Appendable out) throws IOException {
printInnerNode(node, out, 0, "", true);
private String childPrefix(String prefix, boolean isTail) {
return prefix + (isTail ? : str.verticalEdge);
protected final void appendIndent(Appendable out, String prefix, boolean isTail) throws IOException {
out.append(prefix).append(isTail ? str.tailFork : str.fork);
* Append info about the node. The indent has already been appended.
* This should end with a newline. The default just appends the name
* of the node, and no other information.
protected void appendNodeInfoLn(Appendable out, Node node) throws IOException {
private void printInnerNode(Node node,
Appendable out,
int level,
String prefix,
boolean isTail) throws IOException {
appendIndent(out, prefix, isTail);
appendNodeInfoLn(out, node);
if (level == maxLevel) {
if (node.getNumChildren() > 0) {
appendBoundaryForNodeLn(node, out, childPrefix(prefix, isTail));
} else {
int n = node.getNumChildren() - 1;
String childPrefix = childPrefix(prefix, isTail);
for (int i = 0; i < node.getNumChildren(); i++) {
Node child = node.getChild(i);
printInnerNode(child, out, level + 1, childPrefix, i == n);
protected void appendBoundaryForNodeLn(Node node, Appendable out, String indentStr) throws IOException {
appendIndent(out, indentStr, true);
if (node.getNumChildren() == 1) {
out.append("1 child is not shown");
} else {
out.append(String.valueOf(node.getNumChildren())).append(" children are not shown");
private static final class Strings {
private static final Strings ASCII = new Strings(
"+- ",
"+- ",
"| ",
" "
private static final Strings UNICODE = new Strings(
"└─ ",
"├─ ",
" "
private final String tailFork;
private final String fork;
private final String verticalEdge;
private final String gap;
private Strings(String tailFork, String fork, String verticalEdge, String gap) {
this.tailFork = tailFork;
this.fork = fork;
this.verticalEdge = verticalEdge; = gap;

View File

@ -102,7 +102,10 @@ public final class TreeRenderers {
static {
List<TreeRendererDescriptor> builtinDescriptors = Arrays.asList(XML, TextTreeRenderer.DESCRIPTOR);
for (TreeRendererDescriptor descriptor : builtinDescriptors) {
REGISTRY.put(, descriptor);

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@ -132,7 +132,7 @@

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test
import com.github.oowekyala.treeutils.DoublyLinkedTreeLikeAdapter
import com.github.oowekyala.treeutils.TreeLikeAdapter
import com.github.oowekyala.treeutils.matchers.MatchingConfig
import com.github.oowekyala.treeutils.matchers.TreeNodeWrapper
@ -12,10 +13,14 @@ import com.github.oowekyala.treeutils.printers.KotlintestBeanTreePrinter
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node
/** An adapter for [baseShouldMatchSubtree]. */
object NodeTreeLikeAdapter : TreeLikeAdapter<Node> {
object NodeTreeLikeAdapter : DoublyLinkedTreeLikeAdapter<Node> {
override fun getChildren(node: Node): List<Node> = node.findChildrenOfType(
override fun nodeName(type: Class<out Node>): String = type.simpleName.removePrefix("AST")
override fun getParent(node: Node): Node? = node.parent
override fun getChild(node: Node, index: Int): Node? = node.safeGetChild(index)
/** A subtree matcher written in the DSL documented on [TreeNodeWrapper]. */

View File

@ -35,12 +35,18 @@ abstract class BaseParsingHelper<Self : BaseParsingHelper<Self, T>, T : RootNode
val defaultNoProcess = Params(false, null, null, "")
val defaultProcess = Params(true, null, null, "")
internal val resourceLoader: Class<*>
get() = params.resourceLoader ?: javaClass
internal val resourcePrefix: String get() = params.resourcePrefix
* Returns the language version with the given version string.
* If null, this defaults to the default language version for
@ -138,10 +144,10 @@ abstract class BaseParsingHelper<Self : BaseParsingHelper<Self, T>, T : RootNode
parse(readClassSource(clazz), version)
protected fun readResource(resourceName: String): String {
val rloader = params.resourceLoader ?: javaClass
val input = rloader.getResourceAsStream(params.resourcePrefix + resourceName)
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find resource file ${params.resourcePrefix + resourceName} from $rloader")
val input = resourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(params.resourcePrefix + resourceName)
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find resource file ${params.resourcePrefix + resourceName} from $resourceLoader")
return consume(input)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* BSD-style license; for more info see
package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test
import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.treeexport.TreeRenderer
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
* Compare a dump of a file against a saved baseline.
* @param printer The node printer used to dump the trees
* @param extension Extension that the unparsed source file is supposed to have
abstract class BaseTreeDumpTest(
val printer: TreeRenderer,
val extension: String
) {
abstract val parser: BaseParsingHelper<*, *>
* Executes the test. The test files are looked up using the [parser].
* The reference test file must be named [fileBaseName] + [ExpectedExt].
* The source file to parse must be named [fileBaseName] + [extension].
fun doTest(fileBaseName: String) {
val expectedFile = findTestFile(parser.resourceLoader, "${parser.resourcePrefix}/$fileBaseName$ExpectedExt").toFile()
val sourceFile = findTestFile(parser.resourceLoader, "${parser.resourcePrefix}/$fileBaseName$extension").toFile()
assert(sourceFile.isFile) {
"Source file $sourceFile is missing"
val parsed = parser.parse(sourceFile.readText()) // UTF-8
val actual = StringBuilder().also { printer.renderSubtree(parsed, it) }.toString()
if (!expectedFile.exists()) {
throw AssertionError("Reference file doesn't exist, created it at $expectedFile")
val expected = expectedFile.readText()
assertEquals(expected.normalize(), actual.normalize(), "Tree dump comparison failed, see the reference: $expectedFile")
// Outputting a path makes for better error messages
private val srcTestResources = let {
// this is set from maven surefire
?.let { Paths.get(it).toAbsolutePath() }
// that's for when the tests are run inside the IDE
?: Paths.get(javaClass.protectionDomain.codeSource.location.file)
// go up from target/test-classes into the project root
private fun findTestFile(contextClass: Class<*>, resourcePath: String): Path {
val path = contextClass.`package`.name.replace('.', '/')
return srcTestResources.resolve("$path/$resourcePath")
companion object {
const val ExpectedExt = ".txt"
fun String.normalize() = replace(Regex("\\R"), "\n")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* BSD-style license; for more info see
package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath.Attribute
import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.treeexport.TextTreeRenderer
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils
* Prints just the structure, like so:
* LocalVariableDeclaration
* Type
* PrimitiveType
* VariableDeclarator
* VariableDeclaratorId
* VariableInitializer
* 1 child not shown
val SimpleNodePrinter = TextTreeRenderer(true, -1)
open class RelevantAttributePrinter : BaseNodeAttributePrinter() {
private val Ignored = setOf("BeginLine", "EndLine", "BeginColumn", "EndColumn", "FindBoundary", "SingleLine")
override fun ignoreAttribute(node: Node, attribute: Attribute): Boolean =
Ignored.contains( || == "Image" && attribute.value == null
* Base attribute printer, subclass to filter attributes.
open class BaseNodeAttributePrinter : TextTreeRenderer(true, -1) {
protected open fun ignoreAttribute(node: Node, attribute: Attribute): Boolean = true
override fun appendNodeInfoLn(out: Appendable, node: Node) {
// sort to get deterministic results
.sortedBy { }
.filterNot { ignoreAttribute(node, it) }
.joinTo(buffer = out, prefix = "[", postfix = "]") {
"@${} = ${valueToString(it.value)}"
protected open fun valueToString(value: Any?): String? {
return when (value) {
is String -> "\"" + StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(value) + "\""
is Char -> '\''.toString() + value.toString().replace("'".toRegex(), "\\'") + '\''.toString()
is Enum<*> -> value.enumDeclaringClass.simpleName + "." +
is Class<*> -> value.canonicalName?.let { "$it.class" }
is Number, is Boolean, null -> value.toString()
else -> null
private val Enum<*>.enumDeclaringClass: Class<*>
get() = this.javaClass.let {
when {
it.isEnum -> it
else -> it.enclosingClass.takeIf { it.isEnum }
?: throw IllegalStateException()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* BSD-style license; for more info see
package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.scala.ast
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test.BaseParsingHelper
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test.BaseTreeDumpTest
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test.SimpleNodePrinter
import org.junit.Test
class ScalaParserTests : BaseTreeDumpTest(SimpleNodePrinter, ".scala") {
override val parser: BaseParsingHelper<*, *>
get() = ScalaParsingHelper.DEFAULT.withResourceContext(javaClass, "testdata")
fun testSomeScalaFeatures() = doTest("List")
fun testPackageObject() = doTest("package")

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* BSD-style license; for more info see
package scala.collection
package object immutable {
type StringOps = scala.collection.StringOps
val StringOps = scala.collection.StringOps
type StringView = scala.collection.StringView
val StringView = scala.collection.StringView
@deprecated("Use Iterable instead of Traversable", "2.13.0")
type Traversable[+X] = Iterable[X]
@deprecated("Use Iterable instead of Traversable", "2.13.0")
val Traversable = Iterable
@deprecated("Use Map instead of DefaultMap", "2.13.0")
type DefaultMap[K, +V] = scala.collection.immutable.Map[K, V]

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+- Source
+- Pkg
+- TermSelect
| +- TermName
| +- TermName
+- PkgObject
+- TermName
+- Template
+- Self
| +- NameAnonymous
+- DefnType
| +- TypeName
| +- TypeSelect
| +- TermSelect
| | +- TermName
| | +- TermName
| +- TypeName
+- DefnVal
| +- PatVar
| | +- TermName
| +- TermSelect
| +- TermSelect
| | +- TermName
| | +- TermName
| +- TermName
+- DefnType
| +- TypeName
| +- TypeSelect
| +- TermSelect
| | +- TermName
| | +- TermName
| +- TypeName
+- DefnVal
| +- PatVar
| | +- TermName
| +- TermSelect
| +- TermSelect
| | +- TermName
| | +- TermName
| +- TermName
+- DefnType
| +- ModAnnot
| | +- Init
| | +- TypeName
| | +- NameAnonymous
| | +- LitString
| | +- LitString
| +- TypeName
| +- TypeParam
| | +- ModCovariant
| | +- TypeName
| | +- TypeBounds
| +- TypeApply
| +- TypeName
| +- TypeName
+- DefnVal
| +- ModAnnot
| | +- Init
| | +- TypeName
| | +- NameAnonymous
| | +- LitString
| | +- LitString
| +- PatVar
| | +- TermName
| +- TermName
+- DefnType
+- ModAnnot
| +- Init
| +- TypeName
| +- NameAnonymous
| +- LitString
| +- LitString
+- TypeName
+- TypeParam
| +- TypeName
| +- TypeBounds
+- TypeParam
| +- ModCovariant
| +- TypeName
| +- TypeBounds
+- TypeApply
+- TypeSelect
| +- TermSelect
| | +- TermSelect
| | | +- TermName
| | | +- TermName
| | +- TermName
| +- TypeName
+- TypeName
+- TypeName

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@ -256,6 +256,9 @@