Temporarily disable PMD checks on Travis

This commit is contained in:
Juan Martín Sotuyo Dodero
2017-10-30 16:54:38 -03:00
parent 91b8a22b42
commit 91d40710dc

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@ -25,24 +25,27 @@ function push_docs() {
VERSION=$(./mvnw -q -Dexec.executable="echo" -Dexec.args='${project.version}' --non-recursive org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.5.0:exec | tail -1)
echo "Building PMD ${VERSION} on branch ${TRAVIS_BRANCH}"
# TODO : Once we release PMD 6.0.0 and have a compatible PMD plugin, enable PMD once again
MVN_BUILD_FLAGS="-B -V -Dpmd.skip=true"
if travis_isPullRequest; then
echo "This is a pull-request build"
./mvnw verify -B -V
./mvnw verify $MVN_BUILD_FLAGS
elif travis_isPush; then
if [[ "${VERSION}" != *-SNAPSHOT && "${TRAVIS_TAG}" != "" ]]; then
echo "This is a release build for tag ${TRAVIS_TAG}"
./mvnw deploy -Possrh,pmd-release -B -V
./mvnw deploy -Possrh,pmd-release $MVN_BUILD_FLAGS
elif [[ "${VERSION}" == *-SNAPSHOT ]]; then
echo "This is a snapshot build"
./mvnw deploy -Possrh -B -V
./mvnw deploy -Possrh $MVN_BUILD_FLAGS
# other build. Can happen during release: the commit with a non snapshot version is built, but not from the tag.
echo "This is some other build, probably during release: commit with a non-snapshot version on branch master..."
./mvnw verify -Possrh -B -V
./mvnw verify -Possrh $MVN_BUILD_FLAGS
# we stop here - no need to execute further steps
exit 0