Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ mkdir
git add latest
git commit -q -m "Copying pmd-${RELEASE_VERSION} to latest"
./ > sitemap.xml
../.travis/ > sitemap.xml
git add sitemap.xml
git commit -q -m "Generated sitemap.xml"
git push origin master
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ export RELEASE_VERSION
echo "* Update version/release info in **docs/pages/**."
echo " ## $(date -u +%d-%B-%Y) - ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ echo
echo "* Update date info in **docs/_config.yml**."
echo "* Ensure all the new rules are listed in a the proper file:"
echo " pmd-core/src/main/resources/rulesets/releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}.xml file."
echo "* Update **../** to mention the new release"
@ -82,6 +84,12 @@ echo
echo "Press enter to continue..."
echo "Committing current changes (pmd)"
if [[ -e ${RELEASE_RULESET} ]]
git commit -a -m "Prepare pmd release ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
echo "Committing current changes ("
@ -123,13 +131,23 @@ echo " --> move any open issues to the next milestone, close the current milesto
echo " --> Maybe there are some milestones on sourceforge, too: <>."
echo "Prepare Next development version:"
echo "* Move version/release info from **docs/pages/** to **docs/pages/**."
echo "* Update version/date info in **docs/_config.yml**."
echo "* Update version/release info in **docs/pages/**."
cat <<EOF
echo "Press enter to continue..."
# update release_notes_old
OLD_RELEASE_NOTES=$(tail -n +8 docs/pages/
NEW_RELEASE_NOTES=$(tail -n +6 docs/pages/
echo "$(head -n 7 docs/pages/" > docs/pages/
echo "$NEW_RELEASE_NOTES" >> docs/pages/
echo >> docs/pages/
echo "$OLD_RELEASE_NOTES" >> docs/pages/
# reset release notes template
cat > docs/pages/ <<EOF
title: PMD Release Notes
permalink: pmd_release_notes.html
@ -158,11 +176,10 @@ This is a minor release.
### External Contributions
echo "Press enter to continue..."
git commit -a -m "Prepare next development version"
git push origin ${CURRENT_BRANCH}
./mvwn -B release:clean
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
repository: pmd/pmd
version: 6.4.0
date: 2018-05-27
version: 6.5.0
date: ?????
output: web
# this property is useful for conditional filtering of content that is separate from the PDF.
@ -65,7 +65,13 @@ By far the most common problem is the use of ${project.version} in a BOM or pare
**This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:**
(/project/parent/groupId and groupId/text/@Image != /project/parent/groupId/text/@Image)
(/project/groupId and groupId/text/@Image != /project/groupId/text/@Image)
@ -4,131 +4,25 @@ permalink: pmd_release_notes.html
keywords: changelog, release notes
## ????? - 6.4.0-SNAPSHOT
## ????? - 6.5.0-SNAPSHOT
The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.4.0.
The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.5.0.
This is a minor release.
### Table Of Contents
* [New and noteworthy](#new-and-noteworthy)
* [XPath Type Resolution Functions](#xpath-type-resolution-functions)
* [New Rules](#new-rules)
* [Modified Rules](#modified-rules)
* [Fixed Issues](#fixed-issues)
* [API Changes](#api-changes)
* [External Contributions](#external-contributions)
### New and noteworthy
#### XPath Type Resolution Functions
For some time now PMD has supported Type Resolution, and exposed this functionality to XPath rules for the Java language
with the `typeof` function. This function however had a number of shortcomings:
* It would take a first arg with the name to match if types couldn't be resolved. In all cases this was `@Image`
but was still required.
* It required 2 separate arguments for the Fully Qualified Class Name and the simple name of the class against
which to test.
* If only the Fully Qualified Class Name was provided, no simple name check was performed (not documented,
but abused on some rules to "fix" some false positives).
In this release we are deprecating `typeof` in favor of a simpler `typeIs` function, which behaves exactly as the
old `typeof` when given all 3 arguments.
`typeIs` receives a single parameter, which is the fully qualified name of the class to test against.
So, calls such as:
//ClassOrInterfaceType[typeof(@Image, 'junit.framework.TestCase', 'TestCase')]
can now we expressed much more concisely as:
With this change, we also allow to check against array types by just appending `[]` to the fully qualified class name.
These can be repeated for arrays of arrays (e.g. `byte[][]` or `java.lang.String[]`).
Additionally, we introduce the companion function `typeIsExactly`, that receives the same parameters as `typeIs`,
but checks for exact type matches, without considering the type hierarchy. That is, the test
`typeIsExactly('junit.framework.TestCase')` will match only if the context node is an instance of `TestCase`, but
not if it's an instance of a subclass of `TestCase`. Be aware then, that using that method with abstract types will
never match.
#### New Rules
* The new Java rule [`HardCodedCryptoKey`](pmd_rules_java_security.html#hardcodedcryptokey) (`java-security`)
detects hard coded keys used for encryption. It is recommended to store keys outside of the source code.
* The new Java rule [`IdenticalCatchBranches`](pmd_rules_java_codestyle.html#identicalcatchbranches) (`java-codestyle`)
finds catch blocks,
that catch different exception but perform the same exception handling and thus can be collapsed into a
multi-catch try statement.
#### Modified Rules
* The Java rule [JUnit4TestShouldUseTestAnnotation](pmd_rules_java_bestpractices.html#junit4testshouldusetestannotation) (`java-bestpractices`)
has a new parameter "testClassPattern". It is used to distinguish test classes from other classes and
avoid false positives. By default, any class, that has "Test" in its name, is considered a test class.
* The Java rule [CommentDefaultAccessModifier](pmd_rules_java_codestyle.html#commentdefaultaccessmodifier) (`java-codestyle`)
allows now by default the comment "`/* package */` in addition to "`/* default */`. This behavior can
still be adjusted by setting the property `regex`.
### Fixed Issues
* all
* [#1018]( \[java] Performance degradation of 250% between 6.1.0 and 6.2.0
* [#1145]( \[core] JCommander's help text for option -min is wrong
* java
* [#672]( \[java] Support exact type matches for type resolution from XPath
* [#1077]( \[java] Analyzing enum with lambda passed in constructor fails with "The enclosing scope must exist."
* [#1115]( \[java] Simplify xpath typeof syntax
* [#1131]( \[java] java.lang.ClassFormatError: Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract in class file javax/faces/application/FacesMessage$Severity
* java-bestpractices
* [#527]( \[java] False Alarm of JUnit4TestShouldUseTestAnnotation on Predicates
* [#1063]( \[java] MissingOverride is triggered in illegal places
* java-codestyle
* [#720]( \[java] ShortVariable should whitelist lambdas
* [#955]( \[java] Detect identical catch statements
* [#1114]( \[java] Star import overwritten by explicit import is not correctly handled
* [#1064]( \[java] ClassNamingConventions suggests to add Util suffix for simple exception wrappers
* [#1065]( \[java] ClassNamingConventions shouldn't prohibit numbers in class names
* [#1067]( \[java] [6.3.0] PrematureDeclaration false-positive
* [#1096]( \[java] ClassNamingConventions is too ambitious on finding utility classes
* java-design
* [#824]( \[java] UseUtilityClass false positive when extending
* [#1021]( \[java] False positive for `DoNotExtendJavaLangError`
* [#1097]( \[java] False negative in AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes
* java-performance
* [#1051]( \[java] ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse false-negative
* [#1098]( \[java] Simplify LongInstantiation, IntegerInstantiation, ByteInstantiation, and ShortInstantiation using type resolution
* [#1125]( \[java] Improve message of InefficientEmptyStringCheck for String.trim().isEmpty()
* doc
* [#999]( \[doc] Add a header before the XPath expression in rules
* [#1082]( \[doc] Multifile analysis doc is invalid
* vf-security
* [#1100]( \[vf] URLENCODE is ignored as valid escape method
* xml
* [#715]( \[xml] ProjectVersionAsDependencyVersion false positive
### API Changes
* The following classes in package `net.sourceforge.pmd.benchmark` have been deprecated: `Benchmark`, `Benchmarker`,
`BenchmarkReport`, `BenchmarkResult`, `RuleDuration`, `StringBuilderCR` and `TextReport`. Their API is not supported anymore
and is disconnected from the internals of PMD. Use the newer API based around `TimeTracker` instead, which can be found
in the same package.
### External Contributions
* [#966]( \[java] Issue #955: add new rule to detect identical catch statement - [Clément Fournier]( and [BBG](
* [#1046]( \[java] New security rule for finding hard-coded keys used for cryptographic operations - [Sergey Gorbaty](
* [#1101]( \[java] Fixes false positive for `DoNotExtendJavaLangError` - [Akshat Bahety](
* [#1106]( \[vf] URLENCODE is ignored as valid escape method - [Robert Sösemann](
* [#1126]( \[java] Improve implementation hint in InefficientEmptyStringCheck - [krichter722](
* [#1129]( \[java] Adjust InefficientEmptyStringCheck documentation - [krichter722](
* [#1137]( \[ui] Removes the need for RefreshAST - [Akshat Bahety](
@ -6,6 +6,151 @@ permalink: pmd_release_notes_old.html
Previous versions of PMD can be downloaded here:
## 29-May-2018 - 6.4.0
The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.4.0.
This is a minor release.
### Table Of Contents
* [New and noteworthy](#new-and-noteworthy)
* [Java 10 Support](#java-10-support)
* [XPath Type Resolution Functions](#xpath-type-resolution-functions)
* [New Rules](#new-rules)
* [Modified Rules](#modified-rules)
* [Fixed Issues](#fixed-issues)
* [API Changes](#api-changes)
* [External Contributions](#external-contributions)
### New and noteworthy
#### Java 10 Support
PMD is now able to understand local-variable type inference as introduced by Java 10.
Simple type resolution features are available, e.g. the type of the variable `s` is inferred
correctly as `String`:
var s = "Java 10";
#### XPath Type Resolution Functions
For some time now PMD has supported Type Resolution, and exposed this functionality to XPath rules for the Java language
with the `typeof` function. This function however had a number of shortcomings:
* It would take a first arg with the name to match if types couldn't be resolved. In all cases this was `@Image`
but was still required.
* It required 2 separate arguments for the Fully Qualified Class Name and the simple name of the class against
which to test.
* If only the Fully Qualified Class Name was provided, no simple name check was performed (not documented,
but abused on some rules to "fix" some false positives).
In this release we are deprecating `typeof` in favor of a simpler `typeIs` function, which behaves exactly as the
old `typeof` when given all 3 arguments.
`typeIs` receives a single parameter, which is the fully qualified name of the class to test against.
So, calls such as:
//ClassOrInterfaceType[typeof(@Image, 'junit.framework.TestCase', 'TestCase')]
can now we expressed much more concisely as:
With this change, we also allow to check against array types by just appending `[]` to the fully qualified class name.
These can be repeated for arrays of arrays (e.g. `byte[][]` or `java.lang.String[]`).
Additionally, we introduce the companion function `typeIsExactly`, that receives the same parameters as `typeIs`,
but checks for exact type matches, without considering the type hierarchy. That is, the test
`typeIsExactly('junit.framework.TestCase')` will match only if the context node is an instance of `TestCase`, but
not if it's an instance of a subclass of `TestCase`. Be aware then, that using that method with abstract types will
never match.
#### New Rules
* The new Java rule [`HardCodedCryptoKey`](pmd_rules_java_security.html#hardcodedcryptokey) (`java-security`)
detects hard coded keys used for encryption. It is recommended to store keys outside of the source code.
* The new Java rule [`IdenticalCatchBranches`](pmd_rules_java_codestyle.html#identicalcatchbranches) (`java-codestyle`)
finds catch blocks,
that catch different exception but perform the same exception handling and thus can be collapsed into a
multi-catch try statement.
#### Modified Rules
* The Java rule [JUnit4TestShouldUseTestAnnotation](pmd_rules_java_bestpractices.html#junit4testshouldusetestannotation) (`java-bestpractices`)
has a new parameter "testClassPattern". It is used to distinguish test classes from other classes and
avoid false positives. By default, any class, that has "Test" in its name, is considered a test class.
* The Java rule [CommentDefaultAccessModifier](pmd_rules_java_codestyle.html#commentdefaultaccessmodifier) (`java-codestyle`)
allows now by default the comment "`/* package */` in addition to "`/* default */`. This behavior can
still be adjusted by setting the property `regex`.
### Fixed Issues
* all
* [#1018]( \[java] Performance degradation of 250% between 6.1.0 and 6.2.0
* [#1145]( \[core] JCommander's help text for option -min is wrong
* java
* [#672]( \[java] Support exact type matches for type resolution from XPath
* [#743]( \[java] Prepare for Java 10
* [#1077]( \[java] Analyzing enum with lambda passed in constructor fails with "The enclosing scope must exist."
* [#1115]( \[java] Simplify xpath typeof syntax
* [#1131]( \[java] java.lang.ClassFormatError: Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract in class file javax/faces/application/FacesMessage$Severity
* java-bestpractices
* [#527]( \[java] False Alarm of JUnit4TestShouldUseTestAnnotation on Predicates
* [#1063]( \[java] MissingOverride is triggered in illegal places
* java-codestyle
* [#720]( \[java] ShortVariable should whitelist lambdas
* [#955]( \[java] Detect identical catch statements
* [#1114]( \[java] Star import overwritten by explicit import is not correctly handled
* [#1064]( \[java] ClassNamingConventions suggests to add Util suffix for simple exception wrappers
* [#1065]( \[java] ClassNamingConventions shouldn't prohibit numbers in class names
* [#1067]( \[java] \[6.3.0] PrematureDeclaration false-positive
* [#1096]( \[java] ClassNamingConventions is too ambitious on finding utility classes
* java-design
* [#824]( \[java] UseUtilityClass false positive when extending
* [#1021]( \[java] False positive for `DoNotExtendJavaLangError`
* [#1097]( \[java] False negative in AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes
* java-performance
* [#1051]( \[java] ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse false-negative
* [#1098]( \[java] Simplify LongInstantiation, IntegerInstantiation, ByteInstantiation, and ShortInstantiation using type resolution
* [#1125]( \[java] Improve message of InefficientEmptyStringCheck for String.trim().isEmpty()
* doc
* [#999]( \[doc] Add a header before the XPath expression in rules
* [#1082]( \[doc] Multifile analysis doc is invalid
* vf-security
* [#1100]( \[vf] URLENCODE is ignored as valid escape method
### API Changes
* The following classes in package `net.sourceforge.pmd.benchmark` have been deprecated: `Benchmark`, `Benchmarker`,
`BenchmarkReport`, `BenchmarkResult`, `RuleDuration`, `StringBuilderCR` and `TextReport`. Their API is not supported anymore
and is disconnected from the internals of PMD. Use the newer API based around `TimeTracker` instead, which can be found
in the same package.
* The class `` has been deprecated. Use the newer `TypeIsFunction` in the same package.
* The `typeof` methdos in `` have been deprecated.
Use the newer `typeIs` method in the same class instead..
* The methods `isA`, `isEither` and `isNeither` of ``.
Use the new `isExactlyAny` and `isExactlyNone` methods in the same class instead.
### External Contributions
* [#966]( \[java] Issue #955: add new rule to detect identical catch statement - [Clément Fournier]( and [BBG](
* [#1046]( \[java] New security rule for finding hard-coded keys used for cryptographic operations - [Sergey Gorbaty](
* [#1101]( \[java] Fixes false positive for `DoNotExtendJavaLangError` - [Akshat Bahety](
* [#1106]( \[vf] URLENCODE is ignored as valid escape method - [Robert Sösemann](
* [#1126]( \[java] Improve implementation hint in InefficientEmptyStringCheck - [krichter722](
* [#1129]( \[java] Adjust InefficientEmptyStringCheck documentation - [krichter722](
* [#1137]( \[ui] Removes the need for RefreshAST - [Akshat Bahety](
## 29-April-2018 - 6.3.0
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
<rule ref="category/java/bestpractices.xml" />
<rule ref="category/java/codestyle.xml" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="640"
This ruleset contains links to rules that are new in PMD v6.4.0
<rule ref="category/java/security.xml/HardCodedCryptoKey"/>
<rule ref="category/java/codestyle.xml/IdenticalCatchBranches"/>
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ check_lib_dir() {
jre_specific_vm_options() {
# java_ver is eg "18" for java 1.8, "90" for java 9.0
java_ver=$(java -version 2>&1 | sed -n ';s/.* version "\(.*\)\.\(.*\)\..*"/\1\2/p;')
java_ver=$(java -version 2>&1 | sed -n ';s/^.* version "\(.*\)\.\(.*\)\..*".*$/\1\2/p;')
if [ $java_ver -ge 90 ] && [ "${APPNAME}" = "designer" ]
if [ "$java_ver" -ge 90 ] && [ "${APPNAME}" = "designer" ]
then # open internal module of javafx to reflection
options="--add-opens javafx.controls/"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
* Add support for Java 10 Local Variable Type Inference
* See #743. In Java 10 mode, "var" as local variable type is handled special.
* Andreas Dangel 04/2018
* Fixes #888 [java] ParseException occurs with valid '<>' in Java 1.8 mode
* Juan Martin Sotuyo Dodero 01/2018
@ -369,6 +373,11 @@ public class JavaParser {
throwParseException("Cannot use concise try-with-resources when running in JDK inferior to 9 mode!");
private void checkForBadTypeIdentifierUsage(String image) {
if (jdkVersion >= 10 && "var".equals(image)) {
throwParseException("With JDK 10, 'var' is a restricted local variable type and cannot be used for type declarations!");
// This is a semantic LOOKAHEAD to determine if we're dealing with an assert
// Note that this can't be replaced with a syntactic lookahead
@ -1647,7 +1656,7 @@ void ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(int modifiers):
( /* See note about this optional final modifier in BlockStatement */
["final"|"abstract"] "class" | "interface" { jjtThis.setInterface(); inInterface = true; } )
t=<IDENTIFIER> { jjtThis.setImage(t.image); }
t=<IDENTIFIER> { checkForBadTypeIdentifierUsage(t.image); jjtThis.setImage(t.image); }
[ TypeParameters() ]
[ ExtendsList() ]
[ ImplementsList() ]
@ -1679,7 +1688,7 @@ jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers);
if (!t.image.equals("enum")) {
if (!"enum".equals(t.image)) {
throw new ParseException("ERROR: expecting enum");
@ -1687,7 +1696,7 @@ jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers);
throw new ParseException("ERROR: Can't use enum as a keyword in pre-JDK 1.5 target");
t=<IDENTIFIER> {jjtThis.setImage(t.image);}
t=<IDENTIFIER> {checkForBadTypeIdentifierUsage(t.image); jjtThis.setImage(t.image);}
[ ImplementsList() ]
@ -1870,13 +1879,17 @@ void Initializer() :
* Type, name and expression syntax follows.
* Type is the same as "UnannType" in JLS
* See
void Type():
LOOKAHEAD(2) ReferenceType()
Token t;
LOOKAHEAD(2) ReferenceType()
| PrimitiveType()
void ReferenceType():
@ -2327,15 +2340,25 @@ void BlockStatement():
LOOKAHEAD( (Annotation())* ["final"|"abstract"] "class") (Annotation())* ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(0)
* See
void LocalVariableDeclaration() :
( "final" {jjtThis.setFinal(true);} | Annotation() )*
( "," VariableDeclarator() )*
void LocalVariableType() #void :
LOOKAHEAD( { jdkVersion >= 10 && isKeyword("var") } ) <IDENTIFIER>
| Type()
void EmptyStatement() :
@ -2491,7 +2514,7 @@ void Resources() :
void Resource() :
LOOKAHEAD(2) ( ( "final" {jjtThis.setFinal(true);} | Annotation() )* Type() VariableDeclaratorId() "=" Expression() )
LOOKAHEAD(2) ( ( "final" {jjtThis.setFinal(true);} | Annotation() )* LocalVariableType() VariableDeclaratorId() "=" Expression() )
Name() {checkForBadConciseTryWithResourcesUsage();}
@ -2620,7 +2643,13 @@ Token t;
"@" "interface" t=<IDENTIFIER> {checkForBadAnnotationUsage();jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} AnnotationTypeBody()
"@" "interface" t=<IDENTIFIER>
void AnnotationTypeBody():
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ public class JavaLanguageModule extends BaseLanguageModule {
addVersion("1.6", new JavaLanguageHandler(6), false);
addVersion("1.7", new JavaLanguageHandler(7), false);
addVersion("1.8", new JavaLanguageHandler(8), false);
addVersion("9", new JavaLanguageHandler(9), true);
addVersion("9", new JavaLanguageHandler(9), false);
addVersion("10", new JavaLanguageHandler(10), true);
@ -37,32 +37,49 @@ public class ASTLocalVariableDeclaration extends AbstractJavaAccessNode implemen
return false;
* If true, this local variable declaration represents a declaration,
* which makes use of local variable type inference, e.g. java10 "var".
* You can receive the inferred type via {@link ASTVariableDeclarator#getType()}.
* @see ASTVariableDeclaratorId#isTypeInferred()
public boolean isTypeInferred() {
return getTypeNode() == null;
public boolean isArray() {
return checkType() + checkDecl() > 0;
return getArrayDepth() > 0;
public int getArrayDepth() {
return checkType() + checkDecl();
return getArrayDimensionOnType() + getArrayDimensionOnDeclaratorId();
* Gets the type node for this variable declaration statement.
* With Java10 and local variable type inference, there might be
* no type node at all.
* @return The type node or <code>null</code>
* @see #isTypeInferred()
public ASTType getTypeNode() {
for (int i = 0; i < jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
if (jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTType) {
return (ASTType) jjtGetChild(i);
throw new IllegalStateException("ASTType not found");
return getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class);
private int checkType() {
return getTypeNode().getArrayDepth();
private int getArrayDimensionOnType() {
ASTType typeNode = getTypeNode();
if (typeNode != null) {
return typeNode.getArrayDepth();
return 0;
private ASTVariableDeclaratorId getDecl() {
return (ASTVariableDeclaratorId) jjtGetChild(jjtGetNumChildren() - 1).jjtGetChild(0);
private int checkDecl() {
private int getArrayDimensionOnDeclaratorId() {
return getDecl().getArrayDepth();
@ -5,6 +5,15 @@
* Represents a type reference.
* <pre>
* Type ::= ReferenceType | PrimitiveType
* </pre>
* Note: it is not exactly the same the "UnnanType" defined in JLS.
public class ASTType extends AbstractJavaTypeNode {
public ASTType(int id) {
@ -35,12 +44,10 @@ public class ASTType extends AbstractJavaTypeNode {
&& (jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTReferenceType || jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTPrimitiveType)) {
return ((Dimensionable) jjtGetChild(0)).getArrayDepth();
throw new RuntimeException("ASTType.getArrayDepth called, but first child (of " + jjtGetNumChildren()
+ " total children) is neither a primitive nor a reference type.");
return 0; // this is not an array
public boolean isArray() {
return getArrayDepth() > 0;
@ -142,9 +142,24 @@ public class ASTVariableDeclaratorId extends AbstractJavaTypeNode implements Dim
* since the type node is absent.
public boolean isTypeInferred() {
return isLambdaExpression() || isLocalVariableTypeInferred();
private boolean isLambdaExpression() {
return jjtGetParent() instanceof ASTLambdaExpression;
private boolean isLocalVariableTypeInferred() {
if (jjtGetParent() instanceof ASTResource) {
// covers "var" in try-with-resources
return jjtGetParent().getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class) == null;
} else if (getNthParent(2) instanceof ASTLocalVariableDeclaration) {
// covers "var" as local variables and in for statements
return getNthParent(2).getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class) == null;
return false;
* Returns the first child of the node returned by {@link #getTypeNode()}.
@ -48,8 +48,10 @@ public class CheckResultSetRule extends AbstractJavaRule {
public Object visit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration node, Object data) {
ASTClassOrInterfaceType type = node.getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class)
ASTClassOrInterfaceType type = null;
if (!node.isTypeInferred()) {
type = node.getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class).getFirstDescendantOfType(ASTClassOrInterfaceType.class);
if (type != null && (type.getType() != null && "java.sql.ResultSet".equals(type.getType().getName())
|| "ResultSet".equals(type.getImage()))) {
ASTVariableDeclarator declarator = node.getFirstChildOfType(ASTVariableDeclarator.class);
@ -340,8 +340,10 @@ public class ForLoopCanBeForeachRule extends AbstractJavaRule {
Node prefix = suffix.jjtGetParent().jjtGetChild(0);
if (!(prefix instanceof ASTPrimaryPrefix) && prefix.jjtGetNumChildren() != 1
&& !(prefix.jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTName)) {
if (!(prefix instanceof ASTPrimaryPrefix) || prefix.jjtGetNumChildren() != 1
|| !(prefix.jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTName)) {
// it's either not a primary prefix, doesn't have children (can happen with this./super.)
// or first child is not a name
return false;
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public class CloseResourceRule extends AbstractJavaRule {
for (ASTLocalVariableDeclaration var : vars) {
ASTType type = var.getTypeNode();
if (type.jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTReferenceType) {
if (type != null && type.jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTReferenceType) {
ASTReferenceType ref = (ASTReferenceType) type.jjtGetChild(0);
if (ref.jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTClassOrInterfaceType) {
ASTClassOrInterfaceType clazz = (ASTClassOrInterfaceType) ref.jjtGetChild(0);
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class MoreThanOneLoggerRule extends AbstractJavaRule {
if (count > 1) {
return super.visit(node, data);
Node type = node.jjtGetParent().getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class);
ASTType type = node.jjtGetParent().getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class);
if (type != null) {
Node reftypeNode = type.jjtGetChild(0);
if (reftypeNode instanceof ASTReferenceType) {
@ -100,8 +100,10 @@ public class UselessOperationOnImmutableRule extends AbstractJavaRule {
private ASTVariableDeclaratorId getDeclaration(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration node) {
ASTType type = node.getTypeNode();
if (MAP_CLASSES.keySet().contains(type.getTypeImage())) {
return node.getFirstDescendantOfType(ASTVariableDeclaratorId.class);
if (type != null) {
if (MAP_CLASSES.keySet().contains(type.getTypeImage())) {
return node.getFirstDescendantOfType(ASTVariableDeclaratorId.class);
return null;
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user