Allow to write tests in Kotlin
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
* BSD-style license; for more info see
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node;
public class Java11Test {
private static String loadSource(String name) {
try {
return IOUtils.toString(Java10Test.class.getResourceAsStream("jdkversiontests/java11/" + name),
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void testLocalVariableSyntaxForLambdaParametersWithJava10() {
ASTCompilationUnit compilationUnit = ParserTstUtil.parseAndTypeResolveJava("10",
List<ASTLambdaExpression> lambdas = compilationUnit.findDescendantsOfType(ASTLambdaExpression.class);
Assert.assertEquals(4, lambdas.size());
// (var x) -> String.valueOf(x);
List<ASTFormalParameter> formalParameters = lambdas.get(0).findDescendantsOfType(ASTFormalParameter.class);
Assert.assertEquals(1, formalParameters.size());
ASTType type = formalParameters.get(0).getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class);
assertEquals("var", type.getTypeImage());
assertEquals(1, type.jjtGetNumChildren());
ASTReferenceType referenceType = type.getFirstChildOfType(ASTReferenceType.class);
assertEquals(1, referenceType.jjtGetNumChildren());
ASTClassOrInterfaceType classType = referenceType.getFirstChildOfType(ASTClassOrInterfaceType.class);
assertEquals("var", classType.getImage());
// (var x, var y) -> x + y;
formalParameters = lambdas.get(1).findDescendantsOfType(ASTFormalParameter.class);
Assert.assertEquals(2, formalParameters.size());
type = formalParameters.get(0).getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class);
assertEquals("var", type.getTypeImage());
assertEquals(1, type.jjtGetNumChildren());
referenceType = type.getFirstChildOfType(ASTReferenceType.class);
assertEquals(1, referenceType.jjtGetNumChildren());
classType = referenceType.getFirstChildOfType(ASTClassOrInterfaceType.class);
assertEquals("var", classType.getImage());
type = formalParameters.get(1).getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class);
assertEquals("var", type.getTypeImage());
assertEquals(1, type.jjtGetNumChildren());
// (@Nonnull var x) -> String.valueOf(x);
formalParameters = lambdas.get(2).findDescendantsOfType(ASTFormalParameter.class);
Assert.assertEquals(1, formalParameters.size());
Node firstChild = formalParameters.get(0).jjtGetChild(0);
Assert.assertTrue(firstChild instanceof ASTAnnotation);
public void testLocalVariableSyntaxForLambdaParametersWithJava11() {
ASTCompilationUnit compilationUnit = ParserTstUtil.parseAndTypeResolveJava("11",
List<ASTLambdaExpression> lambdas = compilationUnit.findDescendantsOfType(ASTLambdaExpression.class);
Assert.assertEquals(4, lambdas.size());
// (var x) -> String.valueOf(x);
List<ASTFormalParameter> formalParameters = lambdas.get(0).findDescendantsOfType(ASTFormalParameter.class);
Assert.assertEquals(1, formalParameters.size());
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import io.kotlintest.should
import io.kotlintest.shouldBe
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test.matchNode
import org.junit.Test
class Java11Test {
fun testLocalVariableSyntaxForLambdaParametersWithJava10() {
val lambdas = listOf(
"(var x) -> String.valueOf(x)",
"(var x, var y) -> x + y",
"(@Nonnull var x) -> String.valueOf(x)"
).map { parseExpression<ASTLambdaExpression>(it, javaVersion = "10") }
// (var x) -> String.valueOf(x)
lambdas[0] should matchNode<ASTLambdaExpression> {
child<ASTFormalParameters> {
child<ASTFormalParameter> {
child<ASTType> {
it.typeImage shouldBe "var"
child<ASTReferenceType> {
child<ASTClassOrInterfaceType> {
it.image shouldBe "var"
child<ASTVariableDeclaratorId> { }
// (var x, var y) -> x + y
lambdas[1] should matchNode<ASTLambdaExpression> {
child<ASTFormalParameters> {
child<ASTFormalParameter> {
child<ASTType> {
it.typeImage shouldBe "var"
child<ASTReferenceType> {
child<ASTClassOrInterfaceType> {
it.image shouldBe "var"
child<ASTVariableDeclaratorId> { }
child<ASTFormalParameter> {
child<ASTType> {
it.typeImage shouldBe "var"
child<ASTReferenceType> {
child<ASTClassOrInterfaceType> {
it.image shouldBe "var"
child<ASTVariableDeclaratorId> { }
// (@Nonnull var x) -> String.valueOf(x)
lambdas[2] should matchNode<ASTLambdaExpression> {
child<ASTFormalParameters> {
child<ASTFormalParameter> {
child<ASTAnnotation>(ignoreChildren = true) {}
fun testLocalVariableSyntaxForLambdaParametersWithJava11() {
val lambda: ASTLambdaExpression = parseExpression("(var x) -> String.valueOf(x)", javaVersion = "11")
lambda should matchNode<ASTLambdaExpression> {
child<ASTFormalParameters> {
child<ASTFormalParameter> {
it.isTypeInferred shouldBe true
child<ASTVariableDeclaratorId> { }
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node
const val defaultJavaVersion = "11"
inline fun <reified N : Node> parseExpression(expr: String, javaVersion: String = defaultJavaVersion): N =
parseAstExpression(expr, javaVersion).getFirstDescendantOfType(
fun parseAstExpression(expr: String, javaVersion: String = defaultJavaVersion): ASTExpression {
val source = """
class Foo {
Object o = $expr;
val acu = ParserTstUtil.parseAndTypeResolveJava(javaVersion, source)
return acu.getFirstDescendantOfType( as ASTExpression
inline fun <reified N : Node> parseStatement(stmt: String, javaVersion: String = defaultJavaVersion): N =
parseStatement(stmt, javaVersion).getFirstChildOfType(
fun parseStatement(statement: String, javaVersion: String = defaultJavaVersion): ASTBlockStatement {
// place the param in a statement parsing context
val source = """
class Foo {
val root = ParserTstUtil.parseAndTypeResolveJava(javaVersion, source)
return root.getFirstDescendantOfType(
// also need e.g. parseDeclaration
@ -38,5 +38,68 @@
<!-- Use pmd-java for tests -->
<!-- The kotlin plugin has to run before the java plugin-->
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test
import arrow.legacy.disjunctionTry
import io.kotlintest.Matcher
import io.kotlintest.Result
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node
import kotlin.test.assertFalse
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
* Wraps a node, providing easy access to [it]. Additional matching
* methods are provided to match children.
* @property it Wrapped node
* @param <N> Type of the node
class NWrapper<N : Node> private constructor(val it: N, private val childMatchersAreIgnored: Boolean) {
/** Index to which the next child matcher will apply. */
private var nextChildMatcherIdx = 0
private fun shiftChild(num: Int = 1): Node {
val ret = it.jjtGetChild(nextChildMatcherIdx)
nextChildMatcherIdx += num
return ret
private fun checkChildExists(childIdx: Int) =
assertTrue("Node has fewer children than expected, child #$childIdx doesn't exist") {
childIdx < it.numChildren
* Specify that the next [num] children will only be tested for existence,
* but not for type, or anything else.
fun unspecifiedChildren(num: Int) {
// Checks that the last child mentioned exists
checkChildExists(nextChildMatcherIdx - 1)
* Specify that the next child will only be tested for existence,
* but not for type, or anything else.
fun unspecifiedChild() = unspecifiedChildren(1)
* Specify that the next child will be tested against the assertions
* defined by the lambda.
* This method asserts that the child exists, and that it is of the
* required type [M]. The lambda is then executed on it. Subsequent
* calls to this method at the same tree level will test the next
* children.
* @param ignoreChildren If true, calls to [child] in the [nodeSpec] are ignored.
* The number of children of the child is not asserted either.
* @param nodeSpec Sequence of assertions to carry out on the child node
* @param M Expected type of the child
inline fun <reified M : Node> child(ignoreChildren: Boolean = false, noinline nodeSpec: NWrapper<M>.() -> Unit) =
childImpl(ignoreChildren,, nodeSpec)
internal fun <M : Node> childImpl(ignoreChildren: Boolean, childType: Class<M>, nodeSpec: NWrapper<M>.() -> Unit) {
if (!childMatchersAreIgnored) executeWrapper(childType, shiftChild(), ignoreChildren, nodeSpec)
override fun toString(): String {
return "NWrapper<${it.xPathNodeName}>"
companion object {
internal val Node.numChildren: Int
get() = this.jjtGetNumChildren()
private val <M : Node> Class<M>.nodeName
get() =
if (simpleName.startsWith("AST", ignoreCase = false))
else simpleName
* Execute wrapper assertions on a node.
* @param childType Expected type of [toWrap]
* @param toWrap Node on which to execute the assertions
* @param ignoreChildrenMatchers Ignore the children matchers in [spec]
* @param spec Assertions to carry out on [toWrap]
* @throws AssertionError If some assertions fail
internal fun <M : Node> executeWrapper(childType: Class<M>, toWrap: Node, ignoreChildrenMatchers: Boolean, spec: NWrapper<M>.() -> Unit) {
assertTrue("Expected node to have type ${childType.nodeName}, actual ${toWrap.javaClass.nodeName}") {
val wrapper = NWrapper(toWrap as M, ignoreChildrenMatchers)
assertFalse("<${childType.nodeName}>: Wrong number of children, expected ${wrapper.nextChildMatcherIdx}, actual ${}") {
!ignoreChildrenMatchers && wrapper.nextChildMatcherIdx !=
* Matcher for a node, using [NWrapper] to specify a subtree against which
* the tested node will be tested.
* Use it with [io.kotlintest.should], e.g. `nodeshould matchNode<ASTExpression> {}`.
* @param N Expected type of the node
* @param ignoreChildren If true, calls to [NWrapper.child] in the [nodeSpec] are ignored.
* The number of children of the child is not asserted either.
* @param nodeSpec Sequence of assertions to carry out on the node, which can be referred to by [].
* Assertions may onsist of [NWrapper.child] calls, which perform the same type of node
* matching on a child of the tested node.
* @return A matcher for AST nodes, suitable for use by [io.kotlintest.should].
* ### Samples
* node should matchNode<ASTStatement> {
* // nesting matchers allow to specify a whole subtree
* child<ASTForStatement> {
* // This would fail if the first child of the ForStatement wasn't a ForInit
* child<ASTForInit> {
* child<ASTLocalVariableDeclaration> {
* // If the parameter ignoreChildren is set to true, the number of children is not asserted
* // Calls to "child" in the block are completely ignored
* // The only checks carried out here are the type test and the assertions of the block
* child<ASTType>(ignoreChildren = true) {
* // In a "child" block, the tested node can be referred to as "it"
* // Here, its static type is ASTType, so we can inspect properties
* // of the node and make assertions
* it.typeImage shouldBe "int"
* it.type shouldNotBe null
* }
* // We don't care about that node, we only care that there is "some" node
* unspecifiedChild()
* }
* }
* // The subtree is ignored, but we check a ForUpdate is present at this child position
* child<ASTForUpdate>(ignoreChildren = true) {}
* // Here, ignoreChildren is not specified and takes its default value of false.
* // The lambda has no "child" calls and the node will be asserted to have no children
* child<ASTBlock> {}
* }
* }
inline fun <reified N : Node> matchNode(ignoreChildren: Boolean = false, noinline nodeSpec: NWrapper<N>.() -> Unit) = object : Matcher<Node> {
override fun test(value: Node): Result {
val matchRes = disjunctionTry {
NWrapper.executeWrapper(, value, ignoreChildren, nodeSpec)
val didMatch = matchRes.isRight()
// Output when the node should have matched and did not
val failureMessage: String = matchRes.fold({
// Here the node failed
it.message ?: "The node did not match the pattern (no cause specified)"
}, {
// The node matched, which was expected
val negatedMessage = matchRes.fold({
// the node didn't match, which was expected
}, {
"The node should not have matched this pattern"
return Result(didMatch, failureMessage, negatedMessage)
// This one preserves the stack trace
// It's still hard to read because of the inlines, and possibly only IntelliJ knows how to do that
// I'll try to get kotlintest to preserve the original stack trace
//inline fun <reified M : Node> Node.shouldMatchNode(ignoreChildren: Boolean = false, noinline nodeSpec: NWrapper<M>.() -> Unit) {
// NWrapper.executeWrapper(, this, ignoreChildren, nodeSpec)
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test
import io.kotlintest.should
import io.kotlintest.shouldBe
import io.kotlintest.specs.FunSpec
class DslTest : FunSpec({
failureTest("Empty matcher spec should check the number of children",
messageContains = setOf("Wrong", "number", "children", "expected 0", "actual 2")) {
parseStatement("int i = 0;") should matchNode<ASTLocalVariableDeclaration> {}
test("Matcher with ignoreChildren should not check the number of children") {
parseStatement("int i = 0;") should matchNode<ASTLocalVariableDeclaration>(ignoreChildren = true) {}
failureTest("Incorrect node type should cause failure",
messageContains = setOf("Expression", "actual LocalVariableDeclaration")) {
parseStatement("int i = 0;") should matchNode<ASTExpression>(ignoreChildren = true) {}
failureTest("Specifying any child in a pattern should cause the number of children to be checked",
messageContains = setOf("number", "children", "expected 1", "actual 2")) {
parseStatement("int i = 0;") should matchNode<ASTLocalVariableDeclaration> {
child<ASTType>(ignoreChildren = true) {}
// There's a VarDeclarator
test("Unspecified children should shift the next child matchers") {
parseStatement("int i = 0;") should matchNode<ASTLocalVariableDeclaration> {
child<ASTVariableDeclarator>(ignoreChildren = true) {}
test("Unspecified children should count in total number of children") {
parseStatement("int i = 0;") should matchNode<ASTLocalVariableDeclaration> {
failureTest("Unspecified children should be counted in the number of expected children",
messageContains = setOf("#2 doesn't exist")) {
parseStatement("int i = 0;") should matchNode<ASTLocalVariableDeclaration> {
failureTest("Assertions are always executed in order",
messageContains = setOf("PrimitiveType")) {
parseStatement("int[] i = 0;") should matchNode<ASTLocalVariableDeclaration> {
child<ASTType> {
// Here we check that the child type check fails before the assertion
child<ASTPrimitiveType> {}
it.typeImage shouldBe "bratwurst"
failureTest("Assertions are always executed in order #2",
messageContains = setOf("bratwurst")) {
parseStatement("int[] i = 0;") should matchNode<ASTLocalVariableDeclaration> {
child<ASTType> {
it.typeImage shouldBe "bratwurst"
child<ASTPrimitiveType> {}
failureTest("Leaf nodes should assert that they have no children",
messageContains = setOf("number", "children", "expected 0")) {
parseStatement("int[] i = 0;") should matchNode<ASTLocalVariableDeclaration> {
child<ASTType> {} // This should fail
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.LanguageRegistry
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node
// These could be used directly by the pmd-java test module
fun parseStatement(statement: String): Node {
// place the param in a statement parsing context
val source = """
class Foo {
val root = parseCompilationUnit(source)
return root.getFirstDescendantOfType(
fun parseCompilationUnit(sourceCode: String): ASTCompilationUnit {
val languageVersionHandler = LanguageRegistry.getLanguage(JavaLanguageModule.NAME).defaultVersion.languageVersionHandler
val rootNode = languageVersionHandler.getParser(languageVersionHandler.defaultParserOptions).parse(":test:", StringReader(sourceCode))
return rootNode as ASTCompilationUnit
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.test
import io.kotlintest.matchers.string.shouldContainIgnoringCase
import io.kotlintest.shouldThrow
import io.kotlintest.specs.AbstractFunSpec
// Improve on the KotlinTest DSL for our specific needs
// a testing DSL testing a testing DSL!
fun AbstractFunSpec.failureTest(testName: String,
messageContains: Set<String> = emptySet(),
param: io.kotlintest.TestContext.() -> kotlin.Unit) {
this.expectFailure<AssertionError>(testName, messageContains, param)
inline fun <reified T : Throwable> AbstractFunSpec.expectFailure(testName: String,
messageContains: Set<String> = emptySet(),
noinline param: io.kotlintest.TestContext.() -> kotlin.Unit) {
test(testName) {
val exception = shouldThrow<T> {
this.param() // this is the test context here
for (substr in messageContains) exception.message.shouldContainIgnoringCase(substr)
@ -260,6 +260,14 @@ Additionally it includes CPD, the copy-paste-detector. CPD finds duplicated code
@ -275,6 +283,7 @@ Additionally it includes CPD, the copy-paste-detector. CPD finds duplicated code
<argLine>-Xmx512m -Dfile.encoding=${}</argLine>
@ -329,6 +338,30 @@ Additionally it includes CPD, the copy-paste-detector. CPD finds duplicated code
<!-- Kotlin compiler for test-compile -->
<!-- The kotlin plugin has to run before the java plugin-->
@ -336,6 +369,36 @@ Additionally it includes CPD, the copy-paste-detector. CPD finds duplicated code
<!-- Replacing default-compile as it is treated specially by maven -->
<!-- Replacing default-testCompile as it is treated specially by maven -->
@ -369,7 +432,27 @@ Additionally it includes CPD, the copy-paste-detector. CPD finds duplicated code
<!-- Junit 5 = Platform + Jupiter (5) + Vintage (3 & 4)-->
<!-- Junit platform -->
<!-- Needed to use kotlintest -->
<!-- Junit 3 & 4 engine -->
@ -853,6 +936,39 @@ Additionally it includes CPD, the copy-paste-detector. CPD finds duplicated code
<!-- Kotlin -->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user