2018-12-09 10:33:50 +01:00

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title: PMD 7.0.0 development
permalink: pmd_next_major_development.html
keywords: changelog, release notes, deprecation, api changes
We're excited to bring you the next major version of PMD! Here are the major features and changes we're working on.
To give us feedback or to suggest a new feature, drop us a line on [Gitter](!
## New Features
## Java grammar changes
{% include note.html content="Current plans are listed [here]( and in particular [here](" %}
## New API support guidelines
### What's new
Until now, all released public members and types were implicitly considered part
of PMD's public API, including inheritance-specific members (protected members, abstract methods).
We have maintained those APIs with the goal to preserve full binary compatibility between minor releases,
only breaking those APIs infrequently, for major releases.
In order to allow PMD to move forward at a faster pace, this implicit contract will
be invalidated with PMD 7.0.0. We now introduce more fine-grained distinctions between
the type of compatibility support we guarantee for our libraries, and ways to make
them explicit to clients of PMD.
#### `.internal` packages and `@InternalApi` annotation
*Internal API* is meant for use *only* by the main PMD codebase. Internal types and methods
may be modified in any way, or even removed, at any time.
Any API in a package that contains an `.internal` segment is considered internal.
The `@InternalApi` annotation will be used for APIs that have to live outside of
these packages, e.g. methods of a public type that shouldn't be used outside of PMD (again,
these can be removed anytime).
#### `@ReservedSubclassing`
Types marked with the `@ReservedSubclassing` annotation are only meant to be subclassed
by classes within PMD. As such, we may add new abstract methods, or remove protected methods,
at any time. All published public members remain supported. The annotation is *not* inherited, which
means a reserved interface doesn't prevent its implementors to be subclassed.
#### `@Experimental`
APIs marked with the `@Experimental` annotation at the class or method level are subject to change.
They can be modified in any way, or even removed, at any time. You should not use or rely
on them in any production code. They are purely to allow broad testing and feedback.
#### `@Deprecated`
APIs marked with the `@Deprecated` annotation at the class or method level will remain supported
until the next major release but it is recommended to stop using them.
### The transition
*All currently supported APIs will remain so until 7.0.0*. All APIs that are to be moved to
`.internal` packages or hidden will be tagged `@InternalApi` before that major release, and
the breaking API changes will be performed in 7.0.0.
## Planned API removals
### List of currently deprecated APIs
{% include warning.html content="This list is not exhaustive. The ultimate reference is whether
an API is tagged as `@Deprecated` or not in the latest minor release. During the development of 7.0.0,
we may decide to remove some APIs that were not tagged as deprecated, though we'll try to avoid it." %}
#### 6.9.0
##### Properties framework
{% jdoc_nspace :props core::properties %}
{% jdoc_nspace :PDr props::PropertyDescriptor %}
{% jdoc_nspace :PF props::PropertyFactory %}
The properties framework is about to get a lifting, and for that reason, we need to deprecate a lot of APIs
to remove them in 7.0.0. The proposed changes to the API are described [on the wiki](
###### Changes to how you define properties
* Construction of property descriptors has been possible through builders since 6.0.0. The 7.0.0 API will only allow
construction through builders. The builder hierarchy, currently found in the package {% jdoc_package props::builders %},
is being replaced by the simpler {% jdoc props::PropertyBuilder %}. Their APIs enjoy a high degree of source compatibility.
* Concrete property classes like {% jdoc props::IntegerProperty %} and {% jdoc props::StringMultiProperty %} will gradually
all be deprecated until 7.0.0. Their usages should be replaced by direct usage of the {% jdoc props::PropertyDescriptor %}
interface, e.g. `PropertyDescriptor<Integer>` or `PropertyDescriptor<List<String>>`.
* Instead of spreading properties across countless classes, the utility class {% jdoc :PF %} will become
from 7.0.0 on the only provider for property descriptor builders. Each current property type will be replaced
by a corresponding method on `PropertyFactory`:
* {% jdoc props::IntegerProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#intProperty(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc props::IntegerMultiProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#intListProperty(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc props::FloatProperty %} and {% jdoc props::DoubleProperty %} are both replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#doubleProperty(java.lang.String) %}.
Having a separate property for floats wasn't that useful.
* Similarly, {% jdoc props::FloatMultiProperty %} and {% jdoc props::DoubleMultiProperty %} are replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#doubleListProperty(java.lang.String) %}.
* {% jdoc props::StringProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#stringProperty(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc props::StringMultiProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#stringListProperty(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc props::RegexProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#regexProperty(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc props::EnumeratedProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#enumProperty(java.lang.String,java.util.Map) %}
* {% jdoc props::EnumeratedProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#enumListProperty(java.lang.String,java.util.Map) %}
* {% jdoc props::BooleanProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#booleanProperty(java.lang.String) %}
* Its multi-valued counterpart, {% jdoc props::BooleanMultiProperty %}, is not replaced, because it doesn't have a use case.
* {% jdoc props::CharacterProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#charProperty(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc props::CharacterMultiProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#charListProperty(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc props::LongProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#longIntProperty(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc props::LongMultiProperty %} is replaced by {% jdoc !c!:PF#longIntListProperty(java.lang.String) %}
* {% jdoc props::MethodProperty %}, {% jdoc props::FileProperty %}, {% jdoc props::TypeProperty %} and their multi-valued counterparts
are discontinued for lack of a use-case, and have no planned replacement in 7.0.0 for now.
<!-- TODO complete that as we proceed. -->
Here's an example:
// Before 7.0.0, these are equivalent:
IntegerProperty myProperty = new IntegerProperty("score", "Top score value", 1, 100, 40, 3.0f);
IntegerProperty myProperty = IntegerProperty.named("score").desc("Top score value").range(1, 100).defaultValue(40).uiOrder(3.0f);
// They both map to the following in 7.0.0
PropertyDescriptor<Integer> myProperty = PropertyFactory.intProperty("score").desc("Top score value").require(inRange(1, 100)).defaultValue(40);
You're highly encouraged to migrate to using this new API as soon as possible, to ease your migration to 7.0.0.
###### Architectural simplifications
* {% jdoc props::EnumeratedPropertyDescriptor %}, {% jdoc props::NumericPropertyDescriptor %}, {% jdoc props::PackagedPropertyDescriptor %},
and the related builders (in {% jdoc_package props::builders %}) will be removed.
These specialized interfaces allowed additional constraints to be enforced on the
value of a property, but made the property class hierarchy very large and impractical
to maintain. Their functionality will be mapped uniformly to {% jdoc props::constraints.PropertyConstraint %}s,
which will allow virtually any constraint to be defined, and improve documentation and error reporting. The
related methods {% jdoc !c!props::PropertyTypeId#isPropertyNumeric() %} and
{% jdoc !c!props::PropertyTypeId#isPropertyPackaged() %} are also deprecated.
* {% jdoc props::MultiValuePropertyDescriptor %} and {% jdoc props::SingleValuePropertyDescriptor %}
are deprecated. 7.0.0 will introduce a new XML syntax which will remove the need for such a divide
between single- and multi-valued properties. The method {% jdoc !c!:PDr#isMultiValue() %} will be removed
###### Changes to the PropertyDescriptor interface
* {% jdoc :PDr#preferredRowCount() %} is deprecated with no intended replacement. It was never implemented, and does not belong
in this interface. The methods {% jdoc :PDr#uiOrder() %} and `compareTo(PropertyDescriptor)` are deprecated for the
same reason. These methods mix presentation logic with business logic and are not necessary for PropertyDescriptors to work.
`PropertyDescriptor` will not extend `Comparable<PropertyDescriptor>` anymore come 7.0.0.
* The method {% jdoc :PDr#propertyErrorFor(core::Rule) %} is deprecated and will be removed with no intended
replacement. It's really just a shortcut for `prop.errorFor(rule.getProperty(prop))`.
* `T `{% jdoc !a!:PDr#valueFrom(java.lang.String) %} and `String `{% jdoc :PDr#asDelimitedString(java.lang.Object) %}`(T)` are deprecated and will be removed. These were
used to serialize and deserialize properties to/from a string, but 7.0.0 will introduce a more flexible
XML syntax which will make them obsolete.
* {% jdoc :PDr#isMultiValue() %} and {% jdoc :PDr#type() %} are deprecated and won't be replaced. The new XML syntax will remove the need
for a divide between multi- and single-value properties, and will allow arbitrary types to be represented.
Since arbitrary types may be represented, `type` will become obsolete as it can't represent generic types,
which will nevertheless be representable with the XML syntax. It was only used for documentation, but a
new way to document these properties exhaustively will be added with 7.0.0.
* {% jdoc :PDr#errorFor(java.lang.Object) %} is deprecated as its return type will be changed to `Optional<String>` with the shift to Java 8.
##### Deprecated APIs
{% jdoc_nspace :xpath core::lang.ast.xpath %}
{% jdoc_nspace :jast %}
{% jdoc_nspace :rule core::Rule %}
{% jdoc_nspace :lvh core::lang.LanguageVersionHandler %}
{% jdoc_nspace :rset core::RuleSet %}
{% jdoc_nspace :rsets core::RuleSets %}
###### For internalization
* The implementation of the adapters for the XPath engines Saxon and Jaxen (package {% jdoc_package :xpath %})
are now deprecated. They'll be moved to an internal package come 7.0.0. Only {% jdoc xpath::Attribute %} remains public API.
* The classes {% jdoc props::PropertyDescriptorField %}, {% jdoc props::builders.PropertyDescriptorBuilderConversionWrapper %}, and the methods
{% jdoc !c!:PDr#attributeValuesById %}, {% jdoc !c!:PDr#isDefinedExternally() %} and {% jdoc !c!props::PropertyTypeId#getFactory() %}.
These were used to read and write properties to and from XML, but were not intended as public API.
* The class {% jdoc props::ValueParserConstants %} and the interface {% jdoc props::ValueParser %}.
* All classes from {% jdoc_package %} are now considered internal API. They're deprecated
and will be moved into an internal package with 7.0.0. To implement your own metrics visitors,
{% jdoc jast::JavaParserVisitorAdapter %} should be directly subclassed.
* {% jdoc !ac!:lvh#getDataFlowHandler() %}, {% jdoc !ac!:lvh#getDFAGraphRule() %}
* {% jdoc core::lang.VisitorStarter %}
###### For removal
* All classes from {% jdoc_package props::modules %} will be removed.
* The interface {% jdoc jast::Dimensionable %} has been deprecated.
It gets in the way of a grammar change for 7.0.0 and won't be needed anymore (see [#997](
* Several methods from {% jdoc jast::ASTLocalVariableDeclaration %} and {% jdoc jast::ASTFieldDeclaration %} have
also been deprecated:
* {% jdoc jast::ASTFieldDeclaration %} won't be a {% jdoc jast::TypeNode %} come 7.0.0, so
{% jdoc jast::ASTFieldDeclaration#getType() %} and
{% jdoc jast::ASTFieldDeclaration#getTypeDefinition() %} are deprecated.
* The method `getVariableName` on those two nodes will be removed, too.
All these are deprecated because those nodes may declare several variables at once, possibly
with different types (and obviously with different names). They both implement `Iterator<`{% jdoc jast::ASTVariableDeclaratorId %}`>`
though, so you should iterate on each declared variable. See [#910](
* Visitor decorators are now deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0. They were originally a way to write
composable visitors, used in the metrics framework, but they didn't prove cost-effective.
* In {% jdoc_package :jast %}: {% jdoc jast::JavaParserDecoratedVisitor %}, {% jdoc jast::JavaParserControllessVisitor %},
{% jdoc jast::JavaParserControllessVisitorAdapter %}, and {% jdoc jast::JavaParserVisitorDecorator %} are deprecated with no intended replacement.
* The LanguageModules of several languages, that only support CPD execution, have been deprecated. These languages
are not fully supported by PMD, so having a language module does not make sense. The functionality of CPD is
not affected by this change. The following classes have been deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0:
* {% jdoc cpp::lang.cpp.CppHandler %}
* {% jdoc cpp::lang.cpp.CppLanguageModule %}
* {% jdoc cpp::lang.cpp.CppParser %}
* {% jdoc cs::lang.cs.CsLanguageModule %}
* {% jdoc fortran::lang.fortran.FortranLanguageModule %}
* {% jdoc groovy::lang.groovy.GroovyLanguageModule %}
* {% jdoc matlab::lang.matlab.MatlabHandler %}
* {% jdoc matlab::lang.matlab.MatlabLanguageModule %}
* {% jdoc matlab::lang.matlab.MatlabParser %}
* {% jdoc objectivec::lang.objectivec.ObjectiveCHandler %}
* {% jdoc objectivec::lang.objectivec.ObjectiveCLanguageModule %}
* {% jdoc objectivec::lang.objectivec.ObjectiveCParser %}
* {% jdoc php::lang.php.PhpLanguageModule %}
* {% jdoc python::lang.python.PythonHandler %}
* {% jdoc python::lang.python.PythonLanguageModule %}
* {% jdoc python::lang.python.PythonParser %}
* {% jdoc ruby::lang.ruby.RubyLanguageModule %}
* {% jdoc scala::lang.scala.ScalaLanguageModule %}
* {% jdoc swift::lang.swift.SwiftLanguageModule %}
* Optional AST processing stages like symbol table, type resolution or data-flow analysis will be reified
in 7.0.0 to factorise common logic and make them extensible. Further explanations about this change can be
found on [#1426]( Consequently, the following APIs are deprecated for
* In {% jdoc :rule %}: {% jdoc !a!:rule#isDfa() %}, {% jdoc !a!:rule#isTypeResolution() %}, {% jdoc !a!:rule#isMultifile() %} and their
respective setters.
* In {% jdoc :rset %}: {% jdoc !a!:rset#usesDFA(core::lang.Language) %}, {% jdoc !a!:rset#usesTypeResolution(core::lang.Language) %}, {% jdoc !a!:rset#usesMultifile(core::lang.Language) %}
* In {% jdoc :rsets %}: {% jdoc !a!:rsets#usesDFA(core::lang.Language) %}, {% jdoc !a!:rsets#usesTypeResolution(core::lang.Language) %}, {% jdoc !a!:rsets#usesMultifile(core::lang.Language) %}
* In {% jdoc :lvh %}: {% jdoc !a!:lvh#getDataFlowFacade() %}, {% jdoc !a!:lvh#getSymbolFacade() %}, {% jdoc !a!:lvh#getSymbolFacade(java.lang.ClassLoader) %},
{% jdoc !a!:lvh#getTypeResolutionFacade(java.lang.ClassLoader) %}, {% jdoc !a!:lvh#getQualifiedNameResolutionFacade(java.lang.ClassLoader) %}
#### 6.8.0
* A couple of methods and fields in `` have been
deprecated, as they are replaced by already existing functionality or expose internal implementation
details: `propertyDescriptors`, `propertyValuesByDescriptor`,
`copyPropertyDescriptors()`, `copyPropertyValues()`, `ignoredProperties()`, `usesDefaultValues()`,
* Some methods in `` have been deprecated as well:
`usesDefaultValues()`, `useDefaultValueFor()`, `ignoredProperties()`.
* The class `net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractDelegateRule` has been deprecated and will
be removed with PMD 7.0.0. It is internally only in use by RuleReference.
* The default constructor of `net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.RuleReference` has been deprecated
and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. RuleReferences should only be created by providing a Rule and
a RuleSetReference. Furthermore the following methods are deprecated: `setRuleReference()`,
`hasOverriddenProperty()`, `usesDefaultValues()`, `useDefaultValueFor()`.
#### 6.7.0
* All classes in the package `` have been deprecated and will be removed
with PMD 7.0.0. This includes the class ``. The reason is,
that this class is very specific to Java and not suitable for other languages. It has only been used for
`YAHTMLRenderer`, which has been rewritten to work without these classes.
* The nodes RUNSIGNEDSHIFT and RSIGNEDSHIFT are deprecated and will be removed from the AST with PMD 7.0.0.
These represented the operator of ShiftExpression in two cases out of three, but they're not needed and
make ShiftExpression inconsistent. The operator of a ShiftExpression is now accessible through
#### 6.5.0
* The utility class `` has been deprecated and will be removed
with PMD 7.0.0. Its methods have been intended to parse javadoc tags. A more useful solution will be added
around the AST node `FormalComment`, which contains as children `JavadocElement` nodes, which in
turn provide access to the `JavadocTag`.
All comment AST nodes (`FormalComment`, `MultiLineComment`, `SingleLineComment`) have a new method
`getFilteredComment()` which provide access to the comment text without the leading `/*` markers.
* The method `AbstractCommentRule.tagsIndicesIn()` has been deprecated and will be removed with
PMD 7.0.0. It is not very useful, since it doesn't extract the information
in a useful way. You would still need check, which tags have been found, and with which
data they might be accompanied.
#### 6.4.0
* The following classes in package `net.sourceforge.pmd.benchmark` have been deprecated: `Benchmark`, `Benchmarker`,
`BenchmarkReport`, `BenchmarkResult`, `RuleDuration`, `StringBuilderCR` and `TextReport`. Their API is not supported anymore
and is disconnected from the internals of PMD. Use the newer API based around `TimeTracker` instead, which can be found
in the same package.
* The class `` has been deprecated. Use the newer `TypeIsFunction` in the same package.
* The `typeof` methods in `` have been deprecated.
Use the newer `typeIs` method in the same class instead..
* The methods `isA`, `isEither` and `isNeither` of ``.
Use the new `isExactlyAny` and `isExactlyNone` methods in the same class instead.
#### 6.2.0
* The static method `PMDParameters.transformParametersIntoConfiguration(PMDParameters)` is now deprecated,
for removal in 7.0.0. The new instance method `PMDParameters.toConfiguration()` replaces it.
* The method `ASTConstructorDeclaration.getParameters()` has been deprecated in favor of the new method
`getFormalParameters()`. This method is available for both `ASTConstructorDeclaration` and
#### 6.1.0
* The method `getXPathNodeName` is added to the `Node` interface, which removes the
use of the `toString` of a node to get its XPath element name (see [#569](
* The default implementation provided in `AbstractNode`, will
be removed with 7.0.0
* With 7.0.0, the `Node.toString` method will not necessarily provide its XPath node
name anymore.
* The interface `net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.Renderer` has been deprecated. A new interface
`net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.renderer.CPDRenderer` has been introduced to replace it. The main
difference is that the new interface is meant to render directly to a ``
rather than to a String. This allows to greatly reduce the memory footprint of CPD, as on
large projects, with many duplications, it was causing `OutOfMemoryError`s (see [#795](
`net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.FileReporter` has also been deprecated as part of this change, as it's no longer needed.
#### 6.0.1
* The constant `net.sourceforge.pmd.PMD.VERSION` has been deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0.
Please use `net.sourceforge.pmd.PMDVersion.VERSION` instead.
### List of currently deprecated rules
* The Java rules {% rule java/codestyle/VariableNamingConventions %}, {% rule java/codestyle/MIsLeadingVariableName %},
{% rule java/codestyle/SuspiciousConstantFieldName %}, and {% rule java/codestyle/AvoidPrefixingMethodParameters %} are
now deprecated, and will be removed with version 7.0.0. They are replaced by the more general
{% rule java/codestyle/FieldNamingConventions %}, {% rule java/codestyle/FormalParameterNamingConventions %}, and
{% rule java/codestyle/LocalVariableNamingConventions %}.
* The Java rule {% rule java/codestyle/AbstractNaming %} is deprecated
in favour of {% rule java/codestyle/ClassNamingConventions %}.
* The Java rules {% rule java/codestyle/WhileLoopsMustUseBraces %}, {% rule java/codestyle/ForLoopMustUseBraces %}, {% rule java/codestyle/IfStmtMustUseBraces %}, and {% rule java/codestyle/IfElseStmtMustUseBraces %}
are deprecated. They will be replaced by the new rule {% rule java/codestyle/ControlStatementBraces %}
* The Java rules {% rule java/codestyle/NcssConstructorCount %}, {% rule java/codestyle/NcssMethodCount %}, and {% rule java/codestyle/NcssTypeCount %} have been
deprecated. They will be replaced by the new rule {% rule java/design/NcssCount %} in the category `design`.
* The Java rule `LooseCoupling` in ruleset `java-typeresolution` is deprecated. Use the rule with the same name from category `bestpractices` instead.
* The Java rule `CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable` in ruleset `java-typeresolution` is deprecated. Use the rule with the same name from category `errorprone` instead.
* The Java rule `UnusedImports` in ruleset `java-typeresolution` is deprecated. Use the rule with
the same name from category `bestpractices` instead.
* The Java rule `SignatureDeclareThrowsException` in ruleset `java-typeresolution` is deprecated. Use the rule with the same name from category `design` instead.
* The Java rule `EmptyStaticInitializer` in ruleset `java-empty` is deprecated. Use the rule {% rule java/errorprone/EmptyInitializer %}, which covers both static and non-static empty initializers.`
* The Java rules `GuardDebugLogging` (ruleset `java-logging-jakarta-commons`) and `GuardLogStatementJavaUtil`
(ruleset `java-logging-java`) have been deprecated. Use the rule {% rule java/bestpractices/GuardLogStatement %}, which covers all cases regardless of the logging framework.