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title | permalink | keywords |
PMD Release Notes | pmd_release_notes.html | changelog, release notes |
{{ site.pmd.date }} - {{ site.pmd.version }}
The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD {{ site.pmd.version }}.
This is a {{ site.pmd.release_type }} release.
{% tocmaker is_release_notes_processor %}
New and noteworthy
Scala cross compilation
Up until now the PMD Scala module has been compiled against scala 2.13 only by default. However, this makes it impossible to use pmd as a library in scala projects, that use scala 2.12, e.g. in sbt plugins. Therefore PMD now provides cross compiled pmd-scala modules for both versions: scala 2.12 and scala 2.13.
The new modules have new maven artifactIds. The old artifactId net.sourceforge.pmd:pmd-scala:{{ site.pmd.version }}
is still available, but is deprecated from now on. It has been demoted to be just a delegation to the new
module and will be removed eventually.
The coordinates for the new modules are:
<version>{{ site.pmd.version }}</version>
<version>{{ site.pmd.version }}</version>
The command line version of PMD continues to use scala 2.13.
New Rules
- The new Java Rule {% rule "java/codestyle/UnnecessaryCast" %} (
) finds casts that are unnecessary while accessing collection elements.
Fixed Issues
- c#
- #2551: [c#] CPD suppression with comments doesn't work
- java-design
- #2563: [java] UselessOverridingMethod false negative with already public methods
- scala
- #2547: [scala] Add cross compilation for scala 2.12 and 2.13
API Changes
- The maven module
is deprecated. Usenet.sourceforge.pmd:pmd-scala_2.13
Deprecated APIs
- {%jdoc apex::lang.apex.ast.ASTAnnotation#suppresses(core::Rule) %}
External Contributions
- #2349: [java] Optimize UnusedPrivateMethodRule - shilko2013
- #2547: [scala] Add cross compilation for scala 2.12 and 2.13 - João Ferreira
- #2567: [c#] Fix CPD suppression with comments doesn't work - Lixon Lookose
{% endtocmaker %}