Commit Graph

52 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Thomas Dinges
e6f9d3d541 Windows Icons:
* Removed old not used icons.
* Player is using the same icon file as the blender.exe now.
2010-09-05 07:08:21 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
e3ca8765be VideoTexture: forgot to commit MSVC project file, strange that nobody noticed... 2008-11-07 20:13:07 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
04fa0fd869 Update MSVC project files for blenderplayer 2008-09-25 16:13:17 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
9a94620df0 Adapt MSVC project files for latest lib/windows configuration (update lib/windows first). 2008-09-13 08:10:50 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
601979fc15 Fix Windows compile error. Update MSVC project files 2008-09-06 16:53:44 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
19d5a5da45 Update MSVC project files after GSoC merge 2008-09-03 12:54:46 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
becd467be8 BGE patch: KX_GameObject::rayCast() improvements to have X-Ray option, return true face normal and hit polygon information.

The face paremeter determines the orientation of the normal: 
  0 or omitted => hit normal is always oriented towards the ray origin (as if you casted the ray from outside)
  1 => hit normal is the real face normal (only for mesh object, otherwise face has no effect)
The ray has X-Ray capability if xray parameter is 1, otherwise the first object hit (other than self object) stops the ray.
The prop and xray parameters interact as follow:
    prop off, xray off: return closest hit or no hit if there is no object on the full extend of the ray.
    prop off, xray on : idem.
    prop on,  xray off: return closest hit if it matches prop, no hit otherwise.
    prop on,  xray on : return closest hit matching prop or no hit if there is no object matching prop on the full extend of the ray.
if poly is 0 or omitted, returns a 3-tuple with object reference, hit point and hit normal or (None,None,None) if no hit.
if poly is 1, returns a 4-tuple with in addition a KX_PolyProxy as 4th element.

The KX_PolyProxy object holds information on the polygon hit by the ray: the index of the vertex forming the poylgon, material, etc.

Attributes (read-only):
 matname: The name of polygon material, empty if no material.
 material: The material of the polygon
 texture: The texture name of the polygon.
 matid: The material index of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy
 v1: vertex index of the first vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy
 v2: vertex index of the second vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy
 v3: vertex index of the third vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy
 v4: vertex index of the fourth vertex of the polygon, 0 if polygon has only 3 vertex
     use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy
 visible: visible state of the polygon: 1=visible, 0=invisible
 collide: collide state of the polygon: 1=receives collision, 0=collision free.
 getMaterialName(): Returns the polygon material name with MA prefix
 getMaterial(): Returns the polygon material
 getTextureName(): Returns the polygon texture name
 getMaterialIndex(): Returns the material bucket index of the polygon. 
 getNumVertex(): Returns the number of vertex of the polygon.
 isVisible(): Returns whether the polygon is visible or not
 isCollider(): Returns whether the polygon is receives collision or not
 getVertexIndex(vertex): Returns the mesh vertex index of a polygon vertex
 getMesh(): Returns a mesh proxy

New methods of KX_MeshProxy have been implemented to retrieve KX_PolyProxy objects:
 getNumPolygons(): Returns the number of polygon in the mesh.
 getPolygon(index): Gets the specified polygon from the mesh.

More details in PyDoc.
2008-08-27 19:34:19 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
ca1182ff56 fix warning in previous revision, update MSVC project files, scons files in source/gameengine/Physics/Bullet must be updated by adding these directories in the include list: intern/string/include, source/gameengine/Rasterizer, source/kernel/gen_system. I leave it up to more expert than me. 2008-08-21 19:00:24 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
e912ca9331 BGE bug #17491 fixed: BGE, Dupli instance with different scale, massive slowdown.
The root cause of this bug is the fact that Bullet shapes 
are shared between duplicated game objects. As the physics
object scale is stored in the shape, all duplicas must 
have the same scale otherwise the physics representation
is incorrect.
This fix introduces a mechanism to duplicate shapes at
runtime so that Bullet shapes are not shared anymore.
The drawback is an increased memory consuption. 
A reference count mechanism will be introduced in a 
later revision to keep Bullet shape shared between
duplicas that have the same scale.
2008-08-21 15:19:54 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
fda00bc034 BGE patch: New Delay sensor (derived from patch #17472)
Introduction of a new Delay sensor that can be used to 
generate positive and negative triggers at precise time,
expressed in number of frames. 
The delay parameter defines the length of the initial 
OFF period. A positive trigger is generated at the end
of this period. The duration parameter defines the 
length of the ON period following the OFF period.
A negative trigger is generated at the end of the ON period. 
If duration is 0, the sensor stays ON and there is no 
negative trigger. 
The sensor runs the OFF-ON cycle once unless the repeat 
option is set: the OFF-ON cycle repeats indefinately 
(or the OFF cycle if duration is 0).

The new generic SCA_ISensor::reset() Python function
can be used at any time to restart the sensor: the
current cycle is interrupted and no trigger is generated.
2008-08-16 20:45:37 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
553da831e6 Update MSVC project files for Mathutils support in the blenderplayer 2008-08-05 22:23:38 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
bf168dc3c5 Small update to get the BlenderPlayer compiling (also needed for 2.47) 2008-08-02 22:11:22 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
d05363627b Update MSVC project since recent commit 2008-07-30 17:22:57 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
6c444c205a Update MSVC project files 2008-07-12 11:57:21 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
70d239ef7d BGE logic update: new servo control motion actuator, new distance constraint actuator, new orientation constraint actuator, new actuator sensor.
- Removal of Damp option in motion actuator (replaced by
  Servo control motion).
- No PyDoc at present, will be added soon.

Generalization of the Lvl option
A sensor with the Lvl option selected will always produce an 
event at the start of the game or when entering a state or at 
object creation. The event will be positive or negative 
depending of the sensor condition. A negative pulse makes
sense when used with a NAND controller: it will be converted
into an actuator activation.

Servo control motion
A new variant of the motion actuator allows to control speed 
with force. The control if of type "PID" (Propotional, Integral, 
Derivate): the force is automatically adapted to achieve the 
target speed. All the parameters of the servo controller are
configurable. The result is a great variety of motion style: 
anysotropic friction, flying, sliding, pseudo Dloc...
This actuator should be used in preference to Dloc and LinV
as it produces more fluid movements and avoids the collision 
problem with Dloc.
LinV : target speed as (X,Y,Z) vector in local or world 
       coordinates (mostly useful in local coordinates).
Limit: the force can be limited along each axis (in the same
       coordinates of LinV). No limitation means that the force
       will grow as large as necessary to achieve the target 
       speed along that axis. Set a max value to limit the 
       accelaration along an axis (slow start) and set a min
       value (negative) to limit the brake force.
P:     Proportional coefficient of servo controller, don't set
       directly unless you know what you're doing.
I:     Integral coefficient of servo controller. Use low value
       (<0.1) for slow reaction (sliding), high values (>0.5)
       for hard control. The P coefficient will be automatically
       set to 60 times the I coefficient (a reasonable value).
D:     Derivate coefficient. Leave to 0 unless you know what
       you're doing. High values create instability. 

Notes: - This actuator works perfectly in zero friction 
         environment: the PID controller will simulate friction
         by applying force as needed.
       - This actuator is compatible with simple Drot motion
         actuator but not with LinV and Dloc motion.
       - (0,0,0) is a valid target speed.
       - All parameters are accessible through Python.

Distance constraint actuator
A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to set the
distance and orientation relative to a surface. The controller
uses a ray to detect the surface (or any object) and adapt the
distance and orientation parallel to the surface.
Damp:  Time constant (in nb of frames) of distance and 
       orientation control.
Dist:  Select to enable distance control and set target 
       distance. The object will be position at the given
       distance of surface along the ray direction.
Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction.
Range: length of ray. Objecgt within this distance will be 
N    : Select to enable orientation control. The actuator will
       change the orientation and the location of the object 
       so that it is parallel to the surface at the vertical
       of the point of contact of the ray.  
M/P  : Select to enable material detection. Default is property
Property/Material: name of property/material that the target of
       ray must have to be detected. If not set, property/
       material filter is disabled and any collisioning object
       within range will be detected.
PER  : Select to enable persistent operation. Normally the 
       actuator disables itself automatically if the ray does
       not reach a valid target. 
time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 
       0 : unlimited.
       >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation.  
rotDamp: Time constant (in nb of frame) of orientation control.
       0 : use Damp parameter.
       >0: use a different time constant for orientation.

Notes: - If neither N nor Dist options are set, the actuator
         does not change the position and orientation of the
         object; it works as a ray sensor.
       - The ray has no "X-ray" capability: if the first object
         hit does not have the required property/material, it
         returns no hit and the actuator disables itself unless
         PER option is enabled.
       - This actuator changes the position and orientation but
         not the speed of the object. This has an important 
         implication in a gravity environment: the gravity will
         cause the speed to increase although the object seems
         to stay still (it is repositioned at each frame).
         The gravity must be compensated in one way or another.
         the new servo control motion actuator is the simplest 
         way: set the target speed along the ray axis to 0
         and the servo control will automatically compensate 
         the gravity.
       - This actuator changes the orientation of the object 
         and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is 
         placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of 
         actuator is important)
       - All parameters are accessible through Python.

Orientation constraint 
A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to align an
object axis along a global direction.
Damp : Time constant (in nb of frames) of orientation control.
X,Y,Z: Global coordinates of reference direction. 
time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 
       0 : unlimited.
       >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation.  

Notes: - (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0) is not a valid direction
       - This actuator changes the orientation of the object
         and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed
         BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of 
         actuator is important).
       - This actuator doesn't change the location and speed. 
         It is compatible with gravity.
       - All parameters are accessible through Python.

Actuator sensor 
This sensor detects the activation and deactivation of actuators 
of the same object. The sensor generates a positive pulse when 
the corresponding sensor is activated and a negative pulse when 
it is deactivated (the contrary if the Inv option is selected). 
This is mostly useful to chain actions and to detect the loss of 
contact of the distance motion actuator.

Notes: - Actuators are disabled at the start of the game; if you
         want to detect the On-Off transition of an actuator 
         after it has been activated at least once, unselect the
         Lvl and Inv options and use a NAND controller.
       - Some actuators deactivates themselves immediately after 
         being activated. The sensor detects this situation as 
         an On-Off transition.
       - The actuator name can be set through Python.
2008-07-04 08:14:50 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
c353af4d3a BGE patch 15044 approved: Edit Object Dynamics Actuator.
Add enable/disable dynamics actuator under the "Edit Object" category.
The Enable/disable rigid body option is also availale but not implemented.
2008-06-25 14:09:15 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
02132de7aa BGE patch: Add NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR controllers.
NAND controller is an inverted AND controller: the output is 
     1 if any of the input is 0.
NOR  controller is an inverted OR controller: the output is 0
     if any of the input is 1.
XOR  controller is an exclusive OR: the output is 1 if and only
     if one input is 1 and all the other inputs are 0.
XNOR controller is an inverted XOR: the output is 0 if and only
     if one input is 0 and all the other inputs are 0.
The NAND, NORT and XNOR controllers are very usefull to create
complementary outputs to start and stop actuators synchronously.
MSCV project files updated.
2008-06-23 20:41:18 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
5372def2b0 BGE patch: add state engine support in the logic bricks.
This patch introduces a simple state engine system with the logic bricks. This system features full
backward compatibility, multiple active states, multiple state transitions, automatic disabling of 
sensor and actuators, full GUI support and selective display of sensors and actuators. 
Note: Python API is available but not documented yet. It will be added asap.

State internals
The state system is object based. The current state mask is stored in the object as a 32 bit value; 
each bit set in the mask is an active state. The controllers have a state mask too but only one bit
can be set: a controller belongs to a single state. The game engine will only execute controllers 
that belong to active states. Sensors and actuators don't have a state mask but are effectively 
attached to states via their links to the controllers. Sensors and actuators can be connected to more
than one state. When a controller becomes inactive because of a state change, its links to sensors 
and actuators are temporarily broken (until the state becomes active again). If an actuator gets isolated, 
i.e all the links to controllers are broken, it is automatically disabled. If a sensor gets isolated, 
the game engine will stop calling it to save CPU. It will also reset the sensor internal state so that
it can react as if the game just started when it gets reconnected to an active controller. For example,
an Always sensor in no pulse mode that is connected to a single state (i.e connected to one or more 
controllers of a single state) will generate a pulse each time the state becomes active. This feature is 
not available on all sensors, see the notes below.

This system system is fully configurable through the GUI: the object state mask is visible under the
object bar in the controller's colum as an array of buttons just like the 3D view layer mask.
Click on a state bit to only display the controllers of that state. You can select more than one state
with SHIFT-click. The All button sets all the bits so that you can see all the controllers of the object. 
The Ini button sets the state mask back to the object default state. You can change the default state 
of object by first selecting the desired state mask and storing using the menu under the State button. 
If you define a default state mask, it will be loaded into the object state make when you load the blend
file or when you run the game under the blenderplayer. However, when you run the game under Blender, 
the current selected state mask will be used as the startup state for the object. This allows you to test
specific state during the game design.

The controller display the state they belong to with a new button in the controller header. When you add
a new controller, it is added by default in the lowest enabled state. You can change the controller state 
by clicking on the button and selecting another state. If more than one state is enabled in the object
state mask, controllers are grouped by state for more readibility. 

The new Sta button in the sensor and actuator column header allows you to display only the sensors and 
actuators that are linked to visible controllers.

A new state actuator is available to modify the state during the game. It defines a bit mask and 
the operation to apply on the current object state mask:

Cpy: the bit mask is copied to the object state mask.
Add: the bits that set in the bit mask will be turned on in the object state mask.
Sub: the bits that set in the bit mask will be turned off in the object state mask.
Inv: the bits that set in the bit mask will be inverted in the objecyy state mask.

- Although states have no name, a simply convention consists in using the name of the first controller 
  of the state as the state name. The GUI will support that convention by displaying as a hint the name
  of the first controller of the state when you move the mouse over a state bit of the object state mask
  or of the state actuator bit mask.
- Each object has a state mask and each object can have a state engine but if several objects are 
  part of a logical group, it is recommended to put the state engine only in the main object and to
  link the controllers of that object to the sensors and actuators of the different objects.
- When loading an old blend file, the state mask of all objects and controllers are initialized to 1 
  so that all the controllers belong to this single state. This ensures backward compatibility with 
  existing game.
- When the state actuator is activated at the same time as other actuators, these actuators are 
  guaranteed to execute before being eventually disabled due to the state change. This is useful for
  example to send a message or update a property at the time of changing the state.
- Sensors that depend on underlying resource won't reset fully when they are isolated. By the time they
  are acticated again, they will behave as follow:
  * keyboard sensor: keys already pressed won't be detected. The keyboard sensor is only sensitive 
    to new key press.
  * collision sensor: objects already colliding won't be detected. Only new collisions are 
  * near and radar sensor: same as collision sensor.
2008-06-22 14:23:57 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
2bece8dcb5 BGE Patch: Add Shape Action support and update MSCV_7 project file for glew.
Shape Action are now supported in the BGE. A new type of actuator "Shape Action" is available on mesh objects. It can be combined with Action actuator on parent armature. Only relative keys are supported. All the usual action options are available: type, blending, priority, Python API. Only actions with shape channels should be specified of course, otherwise the actuator has no effect. Shape action will still work after a mesh replacement provided that the new mesh has compatible shape keys.
2008-06-18 06:46:49 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
1989e757b0 Add support for GLEXT in MSVC project files - continued: also support BlenderPlayer and release config 2008-05-05 21:33:06 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
da3b15be00 BGE patch: add support for GLEXT in MSVC project files. User must update glext.h in SDK directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\gl\glxext.h. Get the latest glext.h from 2008-05-04 21:20:22 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
2740bbc89c Update MSVC project files to support ffmpeg. Make sure you do svn update in lib/windows to link with latest ffmpeg libraries 2008-04-27 15:02:37 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
e7384c9dd2 Commit patch #8799: Realtime SetParent function in the BGE
This patch consists in new KX_GameObject::SetParent() and KX_GameObject::RemoveParent() functions to create and destroy parent relation during game. These functions are accessible through python and through a new actuator KX_ParentActuator. Function documentation in PyDoc.
The object keeps its orientation, position and scale when it is parented but will further rotate, move and scale with its parent from that point on. When the parent relation is broken, the object keeps the orientation, position and scale it had at that time.
The function has no effect if any of the X/Y/Z scale of the object or its new parent are below Epsilon.
2008-04-06 18:30:52 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
eaec396e0f BlenderPlayer Win project was -again- damaged by the inclusion of libblenkey.lib, now removed 2008-03-09 21:05:05 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
13aa413361 patch 8235 8218 8211 added: various gameengine improvements, fixed windows project files 2008-02-15 23:12:03 +00:00
Andrea Weikert
234a5bd969 == MSVC 7.1 projectfiles ==
- added missing files rev. 13556 (game engine 2D filters) commit.
2008-02-04 19:59:31 +00:00
Andrea Weikert
52d283d1ab == MSVC 7.1 projectfiles ==
blenkernel needed opennl include (softbodies)
blenderplayer needed linking opennl too now.
replaces powf with pow in multires - MSVC isn't C99 compatible
2008-01-13 15:10:09 +00:00
Andrea Weikert
d1b17f8c30 ==== MSVC 7.1 project files ====
- fix for 3DPlugin compile
- cleanup of bullet path
- removed PHY_ODE project from 3D plugin too, not used anymore

Now all configurations should build again, let me know of any problems!

Not been able to test if the 3DPlugin is actually working,is job for another day ;)
Also the 3DPlugin is compiled without OpenExr, this needs to be looked into once too.
2007-03-03 11:28:15 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
ccefcc8a79 updating vc7 projectfiles to link to python2.5 2007-03-01 20:49:44 +00:00
Andrea Weikert
f60da54058 ==== MSVC Projectfiles ====
- finally update to bullet2
2006-12-03 18:56:43 +00:00
Andrea Weikert
e00b6e52b2 ==== MSVC 7 project files ====
- aded missing verse.lib for linking blenderplayer
- added missing files from sculptmode commit
2006-11-07 21:40:49 +00:00
Andrea Weikert
857f7a66fa ==== MSVC 7 project files ===
maintenance work:
- added missing files in blenkernel
- updated Bullet in extern
- Python: SurfNurb.c
- removed compile and dependency of PHY_Ode
- made blenderplayer compile again (had to add pthreads lib)
2006-09-17 17:55:57 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
f54a113cde Update to the VC7 projectfiles.
This should bring the projectfiles upto date for msvc7.

Moving these to version 7.1 so that the version 8 people don't have such a hard time importing into 2005.

Build intern.sln, extern.sln and then blender.sln. Enjoy. :p
2006-04-17 20:05:39 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
b6ecdb8c35 Project file update for elbeem
Warning clean up of python project
2005-09-26 14:46:14 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
cb83b8de1b _.NET projectfiles update_
- links to python 2.4
(please update /lib/windows)
2005-08-02 17:02:40 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
292c03ab8e _.NET projectfiles update_
* converted files to .NET 2002
* removed unneeded projectfiles from bullet
* PHY_Bullet outputs to correct directories
* Bullet linked to activex and blenderplayer
* misc updates
2005-08-02 13:44:49 +00:00
Erwin Coumans
49499c49be updated vc7 projectfiles so they work with bullet 2005-07-31 14:40:51 +00:00
Erwin Coumans
0b729465a8 added PHY_Bullet vc7 projectfiles
this one should be used, instead of extern\bullet\make\msvc_7_0\Physics_Interface1\CcdPhysics_vc7.vcproj and bullet\make\msvc_7_0\Physics_Interface1\PhysicsInterfaceCommon_vc7.vcproj
2005-07-30 14:24:28 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
08127dd5ec _.NET projectfile updates_
This fixes a number of build issues with msvc7 projectfiles
 * fixes the zlib problem
 * fully builds bullet + solid + blender
 * updates project files
2005-07-28 18:31:16 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
c015d52d76 Removed ika files from projectfiles for armature update 2005-07-10 20:40:20 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
82be11b36b - updates to MSVC7 projectfiles for recent (and past) changes 2005-05-16 14:35:42 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
f49224137f - update to msvc7 projectfiles to accomodate recent file additions
- fixed bad path in extern project file
2005-03-30 05:19:33 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
f61c5b1eec - adds /GR to compiler options for generating run time type info for c++ classes in the debug release
- add support for new transform files
2005-03-18 16:12:17 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
f45ef42736 MSVC7 project files link to lib/windows/freetype once again 2005-02-25 23:09:11 +00:00
Joseph Gilbert
61767b4f48 MSVC7 update and freetype2 source
- Added correct .libs to be linked to GP_Ghost
- Fixed incorrect library extensions for the linker (*.lib and not unix *.a)
- Projects have been set to be multi-threaded - projects were being linked to different versions of the CRT
- All projects are now linking to python 2.3 (this fixes an error regarding struct sizes in python)
- Removed invalid source paths from inclusion for the compiler
- Fix dependency issues with the GP_Ghost module
- Proper .dll's are now being copied to their respective locations for debug and release version of blender/blenderplayer
- Warnings have been set to level 2
- Import paths have been updated and organized for the compiler
- Duplicate import paths for the compiler have been removed
- Removed silly silly silly silly unix path-separators from window paths
- Post-Build scripts have been updated where neccessary (XCOPY is retatined)
- Fixed the output of various .lib files (PHY_Sumo and Yafray)
- PHY_Sumo now uses a .pch
- Removed #undef _DEBUG from debug builds :p
- FTF_Font is now contains a debug build and is being set to it's correct output path
- Blender/Blenderplayer/3DPlugin all linkto Debug libs where appropriate (instead of static release libs to avoid conflicts with the CRT)
- Python23_d.dll is now loaded into a true debug output of both blenderplayer and blender debug builds
- msvcrtd.dll is now loaded into a true debug output of both blenderplayer and blender debug builds
- Post-builds now clean up their mess
- ActiveX controller now builds
- BlenderPlayer now builds
- Internal libs now using .pch
- Moved the build directory from /blender/obj to ../build/msvc_7/  to follow precedence with scons builds
- Builds are now organized to follow precedence with scons builds with a /libs and a /intern /extern /source obj folders
- Set the proper build path for opennl
- Forcing BLO_loader source files to follow project defaults
- Added an 'extern' project that mimics the /make build of the 'intern' project
- Extern build includes solid and it's associated builds, ftgl, and freetype
- Added .vcproj files to /extern directory
- Added new extern.sln file to /extern directory
- All project now link to the built solid.lib from the extern project instead of lib/windows
- Removed uneeded XCOPYs commands from post-builds
- Added conditional Directory building to post-builds
- Freetype2 source commit (this is need for the building of a correct MFC linked version of the activeX controller as well as a correct release and debug build of the blender project)
- Ftgl is built and linked by the 'extern' project
- Intern/Extern project are now exporting their proper header files
- PHY_Physics is now linking to the correct set of header files (in build path not source)
- Makesdna builds object files into build directory now
- Projects are now ignoring the CORRECT versions of the CRT's  :)
- Renderconverter is now outputting it's obj file to it's own directory instead of /render
- Gen_system is now being built to ../kernel
- BL_src_cre is now being built to /creator
- *.exp and *.ilk are now being cleaned up from linkers
- Libpng.dll and zlib.dll are now being copied to the /bin
- MTDLL build are now available for the correct projects
- ActiveX 3D Plugin now links correctly to solid and freetype2
- Corrected the Preprocessor #define that was labeled incorrectly in FTF_Font and Blender that was causing the FTGL libs to export dll calling conventions.
- Changed the solution configurations to 3D Plugin Release, Debug and Blender Release, Debug for internal and external librarys
- Changed the solution configurations to 3D Plugin Release, Debug and Blender Release, Debug for blender and added 2 new solutions configurations BlenderPlayer Release, Debug
2005-02-20 21:33:11 +00:00
Nathan Letwory
b9d82d3b47 Update project files to compile and link with newest changes (editmesh refactoring) 2004-09-19 13:46:43 +00:00
Nathan Letwory
c0ead4a6d9 * UNWRAPPER define in blenkernel for
* updates to have blender link with opennl
2004-07-13 18:27:40 +00:00
Nathan Letwory
5b57d007a4 * missing include paths added for debug configuration 2004-06-24 07:29:15 +00:00
Nathan Letwory
9686d18311 Forgot to add PyMath.cpp and .h 2004-05-18 09:56:19 +00:00
Nathan Letwory
885d7879fa Modified .vcproj files to include files for scenegraph, and remove a redundant file from render 2004-05-18 09:34:06 +00:00