Commit Graph

195 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Benoit Bolsee
9ed079bf5c BGE patch: Relink actuators with target within group when duplicating group; generalize protection against object deletion for all actuators that point to objects.
Certain actuators hold a pointer to an objects: Property,
SceneCamera, AddObject, Camera, Parent, TractTo. When a
group is duplicated, the actuators that point to objects
within the group will be relinked to point to the
replicated objects and not to the original objects.
This helps to setup self-contained group with a camera
following a character for example.
This feature also works when adding a single object
(and all its children) with the AddObject actuator.

The second part of the patch extends the protection
against object deletion to all the actuators of the above
list (previously, only the TrackTo, AddObject and
Property actuators were protected). In case the target
object of these actuators is deleted, the BGE won't
2008-07-19 07:45:19 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
dbfc5f6b71 BGE patch: fix mesh deformation errors with duplicated objects sharing the same mesh in case of 1) armature+multiple material 2) shape drivers 2008-07-16 21:24:54 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
7afacb6ea8 BGE patch: DUPLIGROUP option supported in BGE.
Blender duplicates groups in the 3D view at the location of objects having the DUPLIGROUP option set. This feature is now supported in the BGE: the groups will be instantiated as in the 3D view when the scene is converted. This is useful to populate a scene with multiple enemies without having to actually duplicate the objects in the blend file.

Notes: * The BGE applies the same criteria to instantiate the group as Blender to display them: if you see the group in the 3D view, it will be instantiated in the BGE.
       * Groups are instantiated as if the object having the DUPLIGROUP option (usually an empty) executed an AddObject actuator on the top objects of the group (objects without parent).
       * As a result, only intra-group parent relationship is supported: the BGE will not instantiate objects that have parents outside the group.
       * Intra-group logic bricks connections are preserved between the duplicated objects, even between the top objects of the group.
       * For best result, the state engine of the objects in the group should be self-contained: logic bricks should only have intra-group connections. Use messages to communicate with state engines outside the group.
       * Nested groups are supported: if one or more objects in the group have the DUPLIGROUP option set, the corresponding groups will be instantiated at the corresponding position and orientation. 
       * Nested groups are instantiated as separate groups, not as one big group.
       * Linked groups are supported as well as groups containing objects from the active layers.
       * There is a difference in the way Blender displays the groups in the 3D view and how BGE instantiates them: Blender does not take into account the parent relationship in the group and displays the objects as if they were all children of the object having the DUPLIGROUP option. That's correct for the top objects of the group but not for the children. Hence the orientation of the children objects may be different in the BGE.
       * An AddGroup actuator will be added in a future release.
2008-07-15 20:05:23 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
572f1d88d2 BGE bug fix (good for 2.47): automatic detection that target object of AddObject actuator is being deleted to avoid crash (bad game design anyway) 2008-07-12 12:10:27 +00:00
Hamed Zaghaghi
a49c9c458a improvement of 2d-filter custom shader,
some bugfixes,
now you can use depth buffer and luminance buffer without any settings,
also you can use object's properties in a shader
2008-07-12 10:21:37 +00:00
Campbell Barton
310a37c29c Adding an option for action actuator - "Continue" this means animations always play from where they left off. Continue was the 2.46 operation too, so new functionality is the option to disable.
When using states, an action like kick or throw can often switch out before finishing playing the action, and there was no way to play from the start frame the second time round. (even setting the actions current frame through python doesn't work work)
2008-07-10 14:23:19 +00:00
Brecht Van Lommel
99fdf27af9 Sync with Apricot Game Engine

* Clean up and optimizations in skinned/deformed mesh code.
* Compatibility fixes and clean up in the rasterizer.
* Changes related to GLSL shadow buffers which should have no
  effect, to keep the code in sync with apricot.
2008-07-10 12:47:20 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
d1fd99b070 BGE logic patch: new "Add" mode for Ipo actuator, several corrections in state system.
New Add mode for Ipo actuator
A new Add button, mutually exclusive with Force button, is available in
the Ipo actuator. When selected, it activates the Add mode that consists
in adding the Ipo curve to the current object situation in world
coordinates, or parent coordinates if the object has a parent. Scale Ipo
curves are multiplied instead of added to the object current scale.
If the local flag is selected, the Ipo curve is added (multiplied) in 
the object's local coordinates. 
Delta Ipo curves are handled identically to normal Ipo curve and there 
is no need to work with Delta Ipo curves provided that you make sure 
that the Ipo curve starts from origin. Origin means location 0 for 
Location Ipo curve, rotation 0 for Rotation Ipo curve and scale 1 for 
Scale Ipo curve.

The "current object situation" means the object's location, rotation 
and scale at the start of the Ipo curve. For Loop Stop and Loop End Ipo 
actuators, this means at the start of each loop. This initial state is
used as a base during the execution of the Ipo Curve but when the Ipo 
curve is restarted (later or immediately in case of Loop mode), the  
object current situation at that time is used as the new base.

For reference, here is the exact operation of the Add mode for each
type of Ipo curve (oLoc, oRot, oScale, oMat: object's loc/rot/scale
and orientation matrix at the start of the curve; iLoc, iRot, iScale,
iMat: Ipo curve loc/rot/scale and orientation matrix resulting from
the rotation).

  Local=false: newLoc = oLoc+iLoc
  Local=true : newLoc = oLoc+oScale*(oMat*iLoc)
  Local=false: newMat = iMat*oMat
  Local=true : newMat = oMat*iMat
  Local=false: newScale = oScale*iScale
  Local=true : newScale = oScale*iScale

Add+Local mode is very useful to have dynamic object executing complex
movement relative to their current location/orientation. Of cource, 
dynamics should be disabled during the execution of the curve.

Several corrections in state system
- Object initial state is taken into account when adding object
- Fix bug with link count when adding object dynamically
- Fix false on-off detection for Actuator sensor when actuator is
  trigged on negative event.
- Fix Parent actuator false activation on negative event
- Loop Ipo curve not restarting at correct frame when start frame is
  different from one.
2008-07-08 12:18:43 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
70d239ef7d BGE logic update: new servo control motion actuator, new distance constraint actuator, new orientation constraint actuator, new actuator sensor.
- Removal of Damp option in motion actuator (replaced by
  Servo control motion).
- No PyDoc at present, will be added soon.

Generalization of the Lvl option
A sensor with the Lvl option selected will always produce an 
event at the start of the game or when entering a state or at 
object creation. The event will be positive or negative 
depending of the sensor condition. A negative pulse makes
sense when used with a NAND controller: it will be converted
into an actuator activation.

Servo control motion
A new variant of the motion actuator allows to control speed 
with force. The control if of type "PID" (Propotional, Integral, 
Derivate): the force is automatically adapted to achieve the 
target speed. All the parameters of the servo controller are
configurable. The result is a great variety of motion style: 
anysotropic friction, flying, sliding, pseudo Dloc...
This actuator should be used in preference to Dloc and LinV
as it produces more fluid movements and avoids the collision 
problem with Dloc.
LinV : target speed as (X,Y,Z) vector in local or world 
       coordinates (mostly useful in local coordinates).
Limit: the force can be limited along each axis (in the same
       coordinates of LinV). No limitation means that the force
       will grow as large as necessary to achieve the target 
       speed along that axis. Set a max value to limit the 
       accelaration along an axis (slow start) and set a min
       value (negative) to limit the brake force.
P:     Proportional coefficient of servo controller, don't set
       directly unless you know what you're doing.
I:     Integral coefficient of servo controller. Use low value
       (<0.1) for slow reaction (sliding), high values (>0.5)
       for hard control. The P coefficient will be automatically
       set to 60 times the I coefficient (a reasonable value).
D:     Derivate coefficient. Leave to 0 unless you know what
       you're doing. High values create instability. 

Notes: - This actuator works perfectly in zero friction 
         environment: the PID controller will simulate friction
         by applying force as needed.
       - This actuator is compatible with simple Drot motion
         actuator but not with LinV and Dloc motion.
       - (0,0,0) is a valid target speed.
       - All parameters are accessible through Python.

Distance constraint actuator
A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to set the
distance and orientation relative to a surface. The controller
uses a ray to detect the surface (or any object) and adapt the
distance and orientation parallel to the surface.
Damp:  Time constant (in nb of frames) of distance and 
       orientation control.
Dist:  Select to enable distance control and set target 
       distance. The object will be position at the given
       distance of surface along the ray direction.
Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction.
Range: length of ray. Objecgt within this distance will be 
N    : Select to enable orientation control. The actuator will
       change the orientation and the location of the object 
       so that it is parallel to the surface at the vertical
       of the point of contact of the ray.  
M/P  : Select to enable material detection. Default is property
Property/Material: name of property/material that the target of
       ray must have to be detected. If not set, property/
       material filter is disabled and any collisioning object
       within range will be detected.
PER  : Select to enable persistent operation. Normally the 
       actuator disables itself automatically if the ray does
       not reach a valid target. 
time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 
       0 : unlimited.
       >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation.  
rotDamp: Time constant (in nb of frame) of orientation control.
       0 : use Damp parameter.
       >0: use a different time constant for orientation.

Notes: - If neither N nor Dist options are set, the actuator
         does not change the position and orientation of the
         object; it works as a ray sensor.
       - The ray has no "X-ray" capability: if the first object
         hit does not have the required property/material, it
         returns no hit and the actuator disables itself unless
         PER option is enabled.
       - This actuator changes the position and orientation but
         not the speed of the object. This has an important 
         implication in a gravity environment: the gravity will
         cause the speed to increase although the object seems
         to stay still (it is repositioned at each frame).
         The gravity must be compensated in one way or another.
         the new servo control motion actuator is the simplest 
         way: set the target speed along the ray axis to 0
         and the servo control will automatically compensate 
         the gravity.
       - This actuator changes the orientation of the object 
         and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is 
         placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of 
         actuator is important)
       - All parameters are accessible through Python.

Orientation constraint 
A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to align an
object axis along a global direction.
Damp : Time constant (in nb of frames) of orientation control.
X,Y,Z: Global coordinates of reference direction. 
time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 
       0 : unlimited.
       >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation.  

Notes: - (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0) is not a valid direction
       - This actuator changes the orientation of the object
         and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed
         BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of 
         actuator is important).
       - This actuator doesn't change the location and speed. 
         It is compatible with gravity.
       - All parameters are accessible through Python.

Actuator sensor 
This sensor detects the activation and deactivation of actuators 
of the same object. The sensor generates a positive pulse when 
the corresponding sensor is activated and a negative pulse when 
it is deactivated (the contrary if the Inv option is selected). 
This is mostly useful to chain actions and to detect the loss of 
contact of the distance motion actuator.

Notes: - Actuators are disabled at the start of the game; if you
         want to detect the On-Off transition of an actuator 
         after it has been activated at least once, unselect the
         Lvl and Inv options and use a NAND controller.
       - Some actuators deactivates themselves immediately after 
         being activated. The sensor detects this situation as 
         an On-Off transition.
       - The actuator name can be set through Python.
2008-07-04 08:14:50 +00:00
Campbell Barton
b0958b6646 Checked all cases where PyArg_ParseTuple is used in blenders game engine and made sure all will raise errors when called with invalid args. 2008-07-01 16:43:46 +00:00
Campbell Barton
bc8364fef0 bugfix, ActionActuator was missing many checks for PyArg_ParseTuple failing.
This meant an error in a script could be reported in a different line or script file which makes it quite hard to trace the problem. There were also places where invalid pointers could be used because of this.
The whole game engine pyapi probably needs to have these checks added.
2008-07-01 13:21:37 +00:00
Hamed Zaghaghi
1231a2171a BGE 2d-filter, custom shaders now can have depth texture and luminance texture 2008-06-28 03:18:11 +00:00
Campbell Barton
11cdc2a002 Python API/Game engine fixes, dosn't affect 2.47
* Action FrameProp was checking if the string was true, not that it contained any text.
* Added GameObject.getVisible() since there is already a getVisible
* Added GameObject.getPropertyNames() Needed in apricot so Franky can collect and throw items in the level without having the names defined elsewhere or modifying his game logic which is stored in a separate blend file.
2008-06-26 12:39:06 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
c353af4d3a BGE patch 15044 approved: Edit Object Dynamics Actuator.
Add enable/disable dynamics actuator under the "Edit Object" category.
The Enable/disable rigid body option is also availale but not implemented.
2008-06-25 14:09:15 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
820c2df12c BGE patch: Add automatic support for armature driven shape keys.
To take advantage of this feature, you must have a mesh with 
relative shape keys and shape Ipo curves with drivers referring
to bones of the mesh's parent armature. 
The BGE will automatically detect the dependency between the 
shape keys and the armature and execute the Ipo drivers during
the rendering of the armature actions.
This technique is used to make the armature action more natural: 
the shape keys compensate in places where the armature deformation 
is uggly and the drivers make sure that the shape correction
is synchronized with the bone position.

Note: This is not compatible with shape actions; BLender does 
not allow to have Shape Ipo Curves and Shape actions at the same
2008-06-24 22:19:00 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
4d478cbe86 BGE patch: remove Shape key driver code from previous commit 2008-06-24 21:39:45 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
15c105c157 BGE patch: Add damping and clamping option to motion actuator.
This patch introduces two options for the motion actuator:

damping: number of frames to reach the target velocity. It takes
into account the startup velocityin the target velocity direction
and add 1/damping fraction of target velocity until the full 
velocity is reached. Works only with linear and angular velocity.
It will be extended to delta and force motion method in a future

clamping: apply the force and torque as long as the target velocity
is not reached. If this option is set, the velocity specified 
in linV or angV are not applied to the object but used as target
velocity. You should also specify a force in force or torque field: 
the force will be applied as long as the velocity along the axis of
the vector set in linV or angV is not reached. Works best in low
friction environment.
2008-06-24 19:37:43 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
02132de7aa BGE patch: Add NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR controllers.
NAND controller is an inverted AND controller: the output is 
     1 if any of the input is 0.
NOR  controller is an inverted OR controller: the output is 0
     if any of the input is 1.
XOR  controller is an exclusive OR: the output is 1 if and only
     if one input is 1 and all the other inputs are 0.
XNOR controller is an inverted XOR: the output is 0 if and only
     if one input is 0 and all the other inputs are 0.
The NAND, NORT and XNOR controllers are very usefull to create
complementary outputs to start and stop actuators synchronously.
MSCV project files updated.
2008-06-23 20:41:18 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
67c0b32375 BGE patch: Add level option on sensor and fix sensor reset.
Level option is now available on all sensors but is only implemented on 
mouse and keyboard sensors. The purpose of that option is to make
the sensor react on level rather than edge by default. It's only
applicable to state engine system when there is a state transition:
the sensor will generate a pulse if the condition is met from the
start of the state. Normally, the keyboard sensor generate a pulse
only when the key is pressed and not when the key is already pressed.
This patch allows to select this behavior.
The second part of the patch corrects the reset method for sensors
with inverted output.
2008-06-23 20:26:48 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
75e22a1917 BGE patch #14386: Action Actuator Current Frame Prop. This patch is very usefull for action feedback logic: a sensor on the property can be used to detect a certain moment in the action and trigger more stuff. The property must be on float type for best results 2008-06-23 15:32:44 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
5372def2b0 BGE patch: add state engine support in the logic bricks.
This patch introduces a simple state engine system with the logic bricks. This system features full
backward compatibility, multiple active states, multiple state transitions, automatic disabling of 
sensor and actuators, full GUI support and selective display of sensors and actuators. 
Note: Python API is available but not documented yet. It will be added asap.

State internals
The state system is object based. The current state mask is stored in the object as a 32 bit value; 
each bit set in the mask is an active state. The controllers have a state mask too but only one bit
can be set: a controller belongs to a single state. The game engine will only execute controllers 
that belong to active states. Sensors and actuators don't have a state mask but are effectively 
attached to states via their links to the controllers. Sensors and actuators can be connected to more
than one state. When a controller becomes inactive because of a state change, its links to sensors 
and actuators are temporarily broken (until the state becomes active again). If an actuator gets isolated, 
i.e all the links to controllers are broken, it is automatically disabled. If a sensor gets isolated, 
the game engine will stop calling it to save CPU. It will also reset the sensor internal state so that
it can react as if the game just started when it gets reconnected to an active controller. For example,
an Always sensor in no pulse mode that is connected to a single state (i.e connected to one or more 
controllers of a single state) will generate a pulse each time the state becomes active. This feature is 
not available on all sensors, see the notes below.

This system system is fully configurable through the GUI: the object state mask is visible under the
object bar in the controller's colum as an array of buttons just like the 3D view layer mask.
Click on a state bit to only display the controllers of that state. You can select more than one state
with SHIFT-click. The All button sets all the bits so that you can see all the controllers of the object. 
The Ini button sets the state mask back to the object default state. You can change the default state 
of object by first selecting the desired state mask and storing using the menu under the State button. 
If you define a default state mask, it will be loaded into the object state make when you load the blend
file or when you run the game under the blenderplayer. However, when you run the game under Blender, 
the current selected state mask will be used as the startup state for the object. This allows you to test
specific state during the game design.

The controller display the state they belong to with a new button in the controller header. When you add
a new controller, it is added by default in the lowest enabled state. You can change the controller state 
by clicking on the button and selecting another state. If more than one state is enabled in the object
state mask, controllers are grouped by state for more readibility. 

The new Sta button in the sensor and actuator column header allows you to display only the sensors and 
actuators that are linked to visible controllers.

A new state actuator is available to modify the state during the game. It defines a bit mask and 
the operation to apply on the current object state mask:

Cpy: the bit mask is copied to the object state mask.
Add: the bits that set in the bit mask will be turned on in the object state mask.
Sub: the bits that set in the bit mask will be turned off in the object state mask.
Inv: the bits that set in the bit mask will be inverted in the objecyy state mask.

- Although states have no name, a simply convention consists in using the name of the first controller 
  of the state as the state name. The GUI will support that convention by displaying as a hint the name
  of the first controller of the state when you move the mouse over a state bit of the object state mask
  or of the state actuator bit mask.
- Each object has a state mask and each object can have a state engine but if several objects are 
  part of a logical group, it is recommended to put the state engine only in the main object and to
  link the controllers of that object to the sensors and actuators of the different objects.
- When loading an old blend file, the state mask of all objects and controllers are initialized to 1 
  so that all the controllers belong to this single state. This ensures backward compatibility with 
  existing game.
- When the state actuator is activated at the same time as other actuators, these actuators are 
  guaranteed to execute before being eventually disabled due to the state change. This is useful for
  example to send a message or update a property at the time of changing the state.
- Sensors that depend on underlying resource won't reset fully when they are isolated. By the time they
  are acticated again, they will behave as follow:
  * keyboard sensor: keys already pressed won't be detected. The keyboard sensor is only sensitive 
    to new key press.
  * collision sensor: objects already colliding won't be detected. Only new collisions are 
  * near and radar sensor: same as collision sensor.
2008-06-22 14:23:57 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
de7619991c BGE bug fix for new shape action: mesh with multiple materials did not deform properly 2008-06-19 14:40:46 +00:00
Jiri Hnidek
5cd4b6ac90 Small fix to be able to compile Blender. 2008-06-18 09:52:31 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
48c7c9d957 Forgot to set Id property on new shape action files 2008-06-18 07:03:47 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
2bece8dcb5 BGE Patch: Add Shape Action support and update MSCV_7 project file for glew.
Shape Action are now supported in the BGE. A new type of actuator "Shape Action" is available on mesh objects. It can be combined with Action actuator on parent armature. Only relative keys are supported. All the usual action options are available: type, blending, priority, Python API. Only actions with shape channels should be specified of course, otherwise the actuator has no effect. Shape action will still work after a mesh replacement provided that the new mesh has compatible shape keys.
2008-06-18 06:46:49 +00:00
Brecht Van Lommel
272a91f754 Merge of apricot branch game engine changes into trunk, excluding GLSL.

Added the GLEW opengl extension library into extern/, always compiled
into Blender now. This is much nicer than doing this kind of extension
management manually, and will be used in the game engine, for GLSL, and
other opengl extensions.

* According to the GLEW website it works on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X,
  FreeBSD, Irix, and Solaris. There might still be platform specific
  issues due to this commit, so let me know and I'll look into it.
* This means also that all extensions will now always be compiled in,
  regardless of the glext.h on the platform where compilation happens.

Game Engine

Refactoring of the use of opengl extensions and other drawing code
in the game engine, and cleaning up some hacks related to GLSL
integration. These changes will be merged into trunk too after this.

The game engine graphics demos & apricot level survived my tests,
but this could use some good testing of course.

For users: please test with the options "Generate Display Lists" and
"Vertex Arrays" enabled, these should be the fastest and are supposed
to be "unreliable", but if that's the case that's probably due to bugs
that can be fixed.

* The game engine now also uses GLEW for extensions, replacing the
  custom opengl extensions code that was there. Removes a lot of
  #ifdef's, but the runtime checks stay of course.
* Removed the WITHOUT_GLEXT environment variable. This was added to
  work around a specific bug and only disabled multitexturing anyway.
  It might also have caused a slowdown since it was retrieving the
  environment variable for every vertex in immediate mode (bug #13680).

* Refactored the code to allow drawing skinned meshes with vertex
  arrays too, removing some specific immediate mode drawing functions
  for this that only did extra normal calculation. Now it always splits
  vertices of flat faces instead.
* Refactored normal recalculation with some minor optimizations,
  required for the above change.
* Removed some outdated code behind the __NLA_OLDDEFORM #ifdef.
* Fixed various bugs in setting of multitexture coordinates and vertex
  attributes for vertex arrays. These were not being enabled/disabled
  correct according to the opengl spec, leading to crashes. Also tangent
  attributes used an immediate mode call for vertex arrays, which can't
* Fixed use of uninitialized variable in RAS_TexVert.
* Exporting skinned meshes was doing O(n^2) lookups for vertices and
  deform weights, now uses same trick as regular meshes.
2008-06-17 10:27:34 +00:00
Campbell Barton
c9d1924ea5 Use the scenes framerate for ipo and action framerate in the game engine, was hard coded to 25. 2008-06-17 10:06:38 +00:00
Campbell Barton
f63b70635c bugfix, clip alpha wasn't working in the GE, not happy with these functions, they probably need bigger changes not to assume all alpha requires face sorting with a disabled depth buffer, 2008-06-15 09:43:24 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
89c1875bc9 BGE patch: support Set Scene in BGE. Linked Set Scene should have no name conflict in Object, Object data and Action of the main scene to avoid confusion in Python scripting. Nested Set Scene are supported. You will need Python scripting to create cross references between objects in the main scene and the Set (e.g TrackTo actuator) 2008-06-14 20:42:15 +00:00
Campbell Barton
8bd82d4e36 Some pose action ipo corruptions when using BGE, added some debug printf's when copying to/from the same pose since it should never happen. 2008-06-13 02:20:09 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
772d241582 Fix BGE bug #13605: GameEngine corrupts Pose data 2008-06-03 22:54:24 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
7f10f5f66f fix BGE bug #8646: unusable anaglyph settings
The best rules for stereo rendering are now applied to Blender. Here is the new situation:
1) The focal distance is now settable through the GUI: select the camera (each camera can have a different setting) and go to the camera data (F9): the "Dof Dist" and "Dof Ob" can be used to set the focal distance for that camera. The "Dof Ob" is interesting because it sets the focal distance so that the center this object will appear at the surface of the screen when running the game.
2) The eye separation is automatically set to focal_distance/30, which is considered to be a reasonable value. If you need a different value, you can always use Python scripting. 

- If you switch camera during the game, the focal distance will also change unless you have set the focal distance by scripting, in which case it overwrites the focal distance setting of all cameras.
- If you don't set the focal distance in the camera data or by scripting, the default value will be used. The default value corresponds more of less to the near clipping plane which means that all the objects will be very far with little 3D effect.
- If you don't set the eye separation by scripting, it is automatically computed as focal_distance/30, regardless on how the focal distance was set.
2008-05-24 08:34:04 +00:00
Kent Mein
b36fe51c7d Fixed some indentation, I stumbled across (spaces vs tabs)
and also removed return 0 from a void stub.

2008-05-05 17:29:11 +00:00
Ken Hughes
7aa6833499 More compiler fixes for BLI_convertstringcode calls 2008-05-04 14:14:09 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
3a430c33d2 fix BGE bug #8869: Added objects are not lit correctly
The current layer information is now stored in KX_GameObject and inherited from the parent object when dynamically added. This information is used during the rendering the select the lamps. As the selected lamps are always coming from active layers, their position and orientation are correct.
2008-04-30 19:58:44 +00:00
Chris Want
5d0a207ecb Patch from GSR that a) fixes a whole bunch of GPL/BL license
blocks that were previously missed; and b) greatly increase my
ohloh stats!
2008-04-16 22:40:48 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
566053319a fix BGE bug #8309: After Parent Object added to the visual layer, Child Camera won't follow.
This bug fix is made of two parts:
1) It's now possible to dynamically add a camera.
2) Empty camera name on a SetCamera actuator now points to the actuator's parent object if this object is a camera. 
This trick is useful to make current a dynamically created camera: just add a SetCamera actuator on the camera itself and leave the name empty. Later, when the camera is added in the scene with an AddObject actuator, either directly or via a parent object, you just need to activate the actuator to make the newly created camera current. If you set a name on a SetCamera actuator, it will always point to the original camera, even after replication.
2008-04-14 20:54:20 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
e7384c9dd2 Commit patch #8799: Realtime SetParent function in the BGE
This patch consists in new KX_GameObject::SetParent() and KX_GameObject::RemoveParent() functions to create and destroy parent relation during game. These functions are accessible through python and through a new actuator KX_ParentActuator. Function documentation in PyDoc.
The object keeps its orientation, position and scale when it is parented but will further rotate, move and scale with its parent from that point on. When the parent relation is broken, the object keeps the orientation, position and scale it had at that time.
The function has no effect if any of the X/Y/Z scale of the object or its new parent are below Epsilon.
2008-04-06 18:30:52 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
cc33fcfe7b Commit patch #2439: Mesh replacement in BGE will react properly to armature deform
Changing the mesh of an object that has a deform controller (armature) is now properly handled. The new mesh must have vertex groups matching the armature bones. In simple terms, the new mesh must deform correctly when you assign it to the object in Blender and you test the action. It will deform the same when you replace the object mesh during the game.
2008-04-05 13:33:08 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
b20f6e27ff Commit patch #8724:
This patch modifies the BL_ConvertMesh method from the data conversion module in order to reduce the number of polygon
material objects that are created.

Normally, there should be only one material object for each material bucket(the group of meshes that are rendered together
with a single material). However, the number of materials that are created right now in the converter is much higher
and eats a lot of memory in scenes with large polygon counts. This patch deletes those material objects(KX_BlenderMaterial)
that are used only temporarily in the converter(and are now deleted only when the converter is destroyed, at the end
of the game).

For a cube that's subdivided 7 times(90+ k polygons) I get 200 MB usage in the game engine in 2.45 and 44 MB with a
svn build with this patch applied if the "Use Blender Materials" option is activated in the Game menu.
2008-03-23 23:12:40 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
7e031b7a39 Correction on BGE fixes:
- check that an object has been created before setting the physics environment
- check that there is an active camera before using it
- when a camera is deleted, remove it from m_cameras list
2008-03-21 22:44:12 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
435a49dfe7 New rayCastTo() python method for KX_GameObject:

Look towards another point/KX_GameObject and return first object hit within dist with a property that match prop, None if no object found or if it does not match prop.

  other = 3-tuple (xyz coordinates) or object reference (target=center of object)
          (type = list [x,y,z] or object reference)
  dist = max distance of detection (can be negative => look behind)
         If 0 or omitted => detect up to other
  prop = property name that object must have
         If empty or omitted => detect any object
2008-03-15 17:08:58 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
3444d6612a Delta Loc/Rot/Scale Ipo curve are now supporting in the BGE with the following limitations:
1. All Ipo channels are now independent. 
In Blender 2.45, all 3 Loc Ipo channels were automatically set
together. For example, having just a LocX Ipo channel was sufficient
to fix the X, Y and Z coordinates, with the Y and Z value taken
from the object original Y and Z location in Blender. The same
was true for the 3 Rot and the 3 Scale Ipo channels: the missing
channels were assumed to have constant value taken from the object
original orientation/scale in Blender.
With this patch, all Ipo channels are now independent. 
define the 3 channels of a same type together in your Blend file:
the undefined Loc, Rot, Scale coordinates of the object will
be influenced by the parent/spawner Loc/Rot/Scale in case the
object is a child or dynamically created.

2. Delta Loc, Rot, Scale are now supported with the following
- The delta Loc/Rot Ipo modify the object global (NOT local)
- The delta Scale change the object local scale
- The delta Ipo curves are relative to the object starting
Loc/Rot/Scale when the Ipo was first activated; after that, the
delta Ipo becomes global. This means that the object will return
to this initial Loc/Rot/Scale when you later restart the Ipo
curve, even if you had changed the object Loc/Rot/Scale in the
meantime. Of course this applies only to the specific Loc/Rot/Scale
coordinate that are defined in the Ipo channels as the channels
are now independent.

3. When the objects are converted from Blender to the BGE, the
delta Loc/Rot/Scale that might result from initial non-zero values
in delta Ipo Curves will be ignored. However, as soon as the
delta Ipo curve is activated, the non-zero values will be taken
into account and the object will jump to the same Loc/Rot/Scale
situation as in Blender. Note that delta Ipo curves with initial
non-zero values is bad practice; logically, a delta Ipo curver
should always start from 0.

4. If you define both a global and delta channel of the same
type (LocX and DLocX), the result will be a global channel equivalent
to the sum of the two channels (LocX+DLocX).
2008-03-12 21:33:24 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
822e51bd2d BGE memleak fixed: mesh/material not deleted when switching scene 2008-03-09 21:42:03 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
0db0f5734d Various mem leaks related to CValue reference count fixed 2008-03-01 19:46:50 +00:00
Benoit Bolsee
13aa413361 patch 8235 8218 8211 added: various gameengine improvements, fixed windows project files 2008-02-15 23:12:03 +00:00
Hamed Zaghaghi
47b53510a5 merging game_engine branch changes into trunk, 2d-filters and opengl speedup 2008-02-04 02:33:27 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal
86f3b640ec Blender interface code in Game Engine, who would that have thought!
(this fixes compile error in GE)
2007-11-28 13:33:59 +00:00
Brecht Van Lommel
6d5396fc65 Fix for multimodifier commit breaking game engine compile. 2007-11-17 21:12:25 +00:00
Hamed Zaghaghi
af169b41fd 2d Filters updated, now you can use custom filter and write your own GLSL shader program to filter rendering result. 2007-11-06 12:16:12 +00:00