added raycast support for bullet (no triangle-mesh support, soon)
added python methods for 'getHitObject', getRayDirection, getHitPosition and getHitNormal for mouse over sensor,
which makes it easy for a shootout.blend demo :)
I got rid of a few warnings about blah shadows a previous declaration.
In the gameengine files I fix the following:
removed some unused vars
removed dos style line breaks
added newlines to last line in a couple of files to remove warnings.
The camera -> world transform wasn't being calculated properly for 'ortho' cameras: getOrigin()[2] should be scaled by 100 (like the render transform in KX_KetsjiEngine)
Reenabled the setScript/getScript methods for python controller bricks.
Set the ray source point to MouseFocusSensor.getRaySource works.
Added: Python -> MT_Quaternion
MT_Matrix4x4, MT_Matrix3x3, MT_Vector3, MT_Point3 -> Python
Correct transform of frustum bound sphere centre point to world coordinates
[SCons] Build with Solid as default when enabling the gameengine in the build process
[SCons] Build solid and qhull from the extern directory and link statically against them
That was about it.
There are a few things that needs double checking:
* Makefiles
* Projectfiles
* All the other systems than Linux and Windows on which the build (with scons) has been successfully tested.