Ton Roosendaal da376e0237 Cycles render engine, initial commit. This is the engine itself, blender modifications and build instructions will follow later.
Cycles uses code from some great open source projects, many thanks them:

* BVH building and traversal code from NVidia's "Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs":
* Open Shading Language for a large part of the shading system:
* Blender for procedural textures and a few other nodes.
* Approximate Catmull Clark subdivision from NVidia Mesh tools:
* Sobol direction vectors from:
* Film response functions from:
2011-04-27 11:58:34 +00:00

414 lines
12 KiB

* Adapted from code Copyright 2009-2010 NVIDIA Corporation
* Modifications Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* "Persistent while-while kernel" used in:
* "Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs",
* Timo Aila and Samuli Laine,
* Proc. High-Performance Graphics 2009
/* bottom-most stack entry, indicating the end of traversal */
#define ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL 0x76543210
/* 64 object BVH + 64 mesh BVH + 64 object node splitting */
#define QBVH_STACK_SIZE 192
#define QBVH_NODE_SIZE 8
#define TRI_NODE_SIZE 3
__device_inline float3 qbvh_inverse_direction(float3 dir)
// Avoid divide by zero (ooeps = exp2f(-80.0f))
float ooeps = 0.00000000000000000000000082718061255302767487140869206996285356581211090087890625f;
float3 idir;
idir.x = 1.0f/((fabsf(dir.x) > ooeps)? dir.x: copysignf(ooeps, dir.x));
idir.y = 1.0f/((fabsf(dir.y) > ooeps)? dir.y: copysignf(ooeps, dir.y));
idir.z = 1.0f/((fabsf(dir.z) > ooeps)? dir.z: copysignf(ooeps, dir.z));
return idir;
__device_inline void qbvh_instance_push(KernelGlobals *kg, int object, const Ray *ray, float3 *P, float3 *idir, float *t, const float tmax)
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, object, OBJECT_INVERSE_TRANSFORM);
*P = transform(&tfm, ray->P);
float3 dir = transform_direction(&tfm, ray->D);
float len;
dir = normalize_len(dir, &len);
*idir = qbvh_inverse_direction(dir);
if(*t != FLT_MAX)
*t *= len;
__device_inline void qbvh_instance_pop(KernelGlobals *kg, int object, const Ray *ray, float3 *P, float3 *idir, float *t, const float tmax)
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, object, OBJECT_TRANSFORM);
if(*t != FLT_MAX)
*t *= len(transform_direction(&tfm, 1.0f/(*idir)));
*P = ray->P;
*idir = qbvh_inverse_direction(ray->D);
#ifdef __KERNEL_CPU__
__device_inline void qbvh_node_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, int *traverseChild,
int nodeAddrChild[4], float3 P, float3 idir, float t, int nodeAddr)
/* X axis */
const __m128 bminx = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+0);
const __m128 t0x = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bminx, _mm_set_ps1(P.x)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.x));
const __m128 bmaxx = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+1);
const __m128 t1x = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bmaxx, _mm_set_ps1(P.x)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.x));
__m128 tmin = _mm_max_ps(_mm_min_ps(t0x, t1x), _mm_setzero_ps());
__m128 tmax = _mm_min_ps(_mm_max_ps(t0x, t1x), _mm_set_ps1(t));
/* Y axis */
const __m128 bminy = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+2);
const __m128 t0y = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bminy, _mm_set_ps1(P.y)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.y));
const __m128 bmaxy = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+3);
const __m128 t1y = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bmaxy, _mm_set_ps1(P.y)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.y));
tmin = _mm_max_ps(_mm_min_ps(t0y, t1y), tmin);
tmax = _mm_min_ps(_mm_max_ps(t0y, t1y), tmax);
/* Z axis */
const __m128 bminz = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+4);
const __m128 t0z = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bminz, _mm_set_ps1(P.z)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.z));
const __m128 bmaxz = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+5);
const __m128 t1z = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bmaxz, _mm_set_ps1(P.z)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.z));
tmin = _mm_max_ps(_mm_min_ps(t0z, t1z), tmin);
tmax = _mm_min_ps(_mm_max_ps(t0z, t1z), tmax);
/* compare and get mask */
*traverseChild = _mm_movemask_ps(_mm_cmple_ps(tmin, tmax));
/* get node addresses */
float4 cnodes = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+6);
nodeAddrChild[0] = __float_as_int(cnodes.x);
nodeAddrChild[1] = __float_as_int(cnodes.y);
nodeAddrChild[2] = __float_as_int(cnodes.z);
nodeAddrChild[3] = __float_as_int(cnodes.w);
__device_inline bool qbvh_bb_intersect(float3 bmin, float3 bmax, float3 P, float3 idir, float t)
float t0x = (bmin.x - P.x)*idir.x;
float t1x = (bmax.x - P.x)*idir.x;
float t0y = (bmin.y - P.y)*idir.y;
float t1y = (bmax.y - P.y)*idir.y;
float t0z = (bmin.z - P.z)*idir.z;
float t1z = (bmax.z - P.z)*idir.z;
float minx = min(t0x, t1x);
float maxx = max(t0x, t1x);
float miny = min(t0y, t1y);
float maxy = max(t0y, t1y);
float minz = min(t0z, t1z);
float maxz = max(t0z, t1z);
float tmin = max4(0.0f, minx, miny, minz);
float tmax = min4(t, maxx, maxy, maxz);
return (tmin <= tmax);
/* intersect four bounding boxes */
__device_inline void qbvh_node_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, int *traverseChild,
int nodeAddrChild[4], float3 P, float3 idir, float t, int nodeAddr)
/* fetch node data */
float4 minx = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+0);
float4 miny = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+2);
float4 minz = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+4);
float4 maxx = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+1);
float4 maxy = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+3);
float4 maxz = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+5);
/* intersect bounding boxes */
bool traverseChild0 = qbvh_bb_intersect(make_float3(minx.x, miny.x, minz.x), make_float3(maxx.x, maxy.x, maxz.x), P, idir, t);
bool traverseChild1 = qbvh_bb_intersect(make_float3(minx.y, miny.y, minz.y), make_float3(maxx.y, maxy.y, maxz.y), P, idir, t);
bool traverseChild2 = qbvh_bb_intersect(make_float3(minx.z, miny.z, minz.z), make_float3(maxx.z, maxy.z, maxz.z), P, idir, t);
bool traverseChild3 = qbvh_bb_intersect(make_float3(minx.w, miny.w, minz.w), make_float3(maxx.w, maxy.w, maxz.w), P, idir, t);
*traverseChild = 0;
if(traverseChild0) *traverseChild |= 1;
if(traverseChild1) *traverseChild |= 2;
if(traverseChild2) *traverseChild |= 4;
if(traverseChild3) *traverseChild |= 8;
/* get node addresses */
float4 cnodes = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+6);
nodeAddrChild[0] = __float_as_int(cnodes.x);
nodeAddrChild[1] = __float_as_int(cnodes.y);
nodeAddrChild[2] = __float_as_int(cnodes.z);
nodeAddrChild[3] = __float_as_int(cnodes.w);
/* Sven Woop's algorithm */
__device_inline void qbvh_triangle_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, Intersection *isect, float3 P, float3 idir, int object, int triAddr)
/* compute and check intersection t-value */
float4 v00 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*TRI_NODE_SIZE+0);
float4 v11 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*TRI_NODE_SIZE+1);
float3 dir = 1.0f/idir;
float Oz = v00.w - P.x*v00.x - P.y*v00.y - P.z*v00.z;
float invDz = 1.0f/(dir.x*v00.x + dir.y*v00.y + dir.z*v00.z);
float t = Oz * invDz;
if(t > 0.0f && t < isect->t) {
/* compute and check barycentric u */
float Ox = v11.w + P.x*v11.x + P.y*v11.y + P.z*v11.z;
float Dx = dir.x*v11.x + dir.y*v11.y + dir.z*v11.z;
float u = Ox + t*Dx;
if(u >= 0.0f) {
/* compute and check barycentric v */
float4 v22 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*TRI_NODE_SIZE+2);
float Oy = v22.w + P.x*v22.x + P.y*v22.y + P.z*v22.z;
float Dy = dir.x*v22.x + dir.y*v22.y + dir.z*v22.z;
float v = Oy + t*Dy;
if(v >= 0.0f && u + v <= 1.0f) {
/* record intersection */
isect->prim = triAddr;
isect->object = object;
isect->u = u;
isect->v = v;
isect->t = t;
__device_inline bool scene_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, const Ray *ray, const bool isshadowray, Intersection *isect)
/* traversal stack in CUDA thread-local memory */
int traversalStack[QBVH_STACK_SIZE];
traversalStack[0] = ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL;
/* traversal variables in registers */
int stackPtr = 0;
int nodeAddr = kernel_data.bvh.root;
/* ray parameters in registers */
const float tmax = ray->t;
float3 P = ray->P;
float3 idir = qbvh_inverse_direction(ray->D);
int object = ~0;
isect->t = tmax;
isect->object = ~0;
isect->prim = ~0;
isect->u = 0.0f;
isect->v = 0.0f;
/* traversal loop */
do {
/* traverse internal nodes */
while(nodeAddr >= 0 && nodeAddr != ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL)
int traverseChild, nodeAddrChild[4];
qbvh_node_intersect(kg, &traverseChild, nodeAddrChild,
P, idir, isect->t, nodeAddr);
if(traverseChild & 1) {
traversalStack[stackPtr] = nodeAddrChild[0];
if(traverseChild & 2) {
traversalStack[stackPtr] = nodeAddrChild[1];
if(traverseChild & 4) {
traversalStack[stackPtr] = nodeAddrChild[2];
if(traverseChild & 8) {
traversalStack[stackPtr] = nodeAddrChild[3];
nodeAddr = traversalStack[stackPtr];
/* if node is leaf, fetch triangle list */
if(nodeAddr < 0) {
float4 leaf = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, (-nodeAddr-1)*QBVH_NODE_SIZE+(QBVH_NODE_SIZE-2));
int primAddr = __float_as_int(leaf.x);
#ifdef __INSTANCING__
if(primAddr >= 0) {
int primAddr2 = __float_as_int(leaf.y);
/* pop */
nodeAddr = traversalStack[stackPtr];
/* triangle intersection */
while(primAddr < primAddr2) {
/* intersect ray against triangle */
qbvh_triangle_intersect(kg, isect, P, idir, object, primAddr);
/* shadow ray early termination */
if(isshadowray && isect->prim != ~0)
return true;
#ifdef __INSTANCING__
else {
/* instance push */
object = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_object, -primAddr-1);
qbvh_instance_push(kg, object, ray, &P, &idir, &isect->t, tmax);
traversalStack[stackPtr] = ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL;
nodeAddr = kernel_tex_fetch(__object_node, object);
} while(nodeAddr != ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL);
#ifdef __INSTANCING__
if(stackPtr >= 0) {
kernel_assert(object != ~0);
/* instance pop */
qbvh_instance_pop(kg, object, ray, &P, &idir, &isect->t, tmax);
object = ~0;
nodeAddr = traversalStack[stackPtr];
} while(nodeAddr != ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL);
return (isect->prim != ~0);
__device_inline float3 ray_offset(float3 P, float3 Ng)
const float epsilon_f = 1e-5f;
const int epsilon_i = 32;
float3 res;
/* x component */
if(fabsf(P.x) < epsilon_f) {
res.x = P.x + Ng.x*epsilon_f;
else {
uint ix = __float_as_uint(P.x);
ix += ((ix ^ __float_as_uint(Ng.x)) >> 31)? -epsilon_i: epsilon_i;
res.x = __uint_as_float(ix);
/* y component */
if(fabsf(P.y) < epsilon_f) {
res.y = P.y + Ng.y*epsilon_f;
else {
uint iy = __float_as_uint(P.y);
iy += ((iy ^ __float_as_uint(Ng.y)) >> 31)? -epsilon_i: epsilon_i;
res.y = __uint_as_float(iy);
/* z component */
if(fabsf(P.z) < epsilon_f) {
res.z = P.z + Ng.z*epsilon_f;
else {
uint iz = __float_as_uint(P.z);
iz += ((iz ^ __float_as_uint(Ng.z)) >> 31)? -epsilon_i: epsilon_i;
res.z = __uint_as_float(iz);
return res;
const float epsilon_f = 1e-4f;
return P + epsilon_f*Ng;
__device_inline float3 bvh_triangle_refine(KernelGlobals *kg, const Intersection *isect, const Ray *ray)
float3 P = ray->P;
float3 D = ray->D;
float t = isect->t;
if(isect->object != ~0) {
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_INVERSE_TRANSFORM);
P = transform(&tfm, P);
D = transform_direction(&tfm, D*t);
D = normalize_len(D, &t);
P = P + D*t;
float4 v00 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, isect->prim*TRI_NODE_SIZE+0);
float Oz = v00.w - P.x*v00.x - P.y*v00.y - P.z*v00.z;
float invDz = 1.0f/(D.x*v00.x + D.y*v00.y + D.z*v00.z);
float rt = Oz * invDz;
P = P + D*rt;
if(isect->object != ~0) {
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, isect->object, OBJECT_TRANSFORM);
P = transform(&tfm, P);
return P;
return P + D*t;