2018-12-02 11:56:52 +01:00

2.7 KiB


Fast npm dependency updating tool

updates is a CLI tool which checks for npm dependency updates of the current project and optionally updates package.json. It is typically able to complete in less than a second.


$ npm i -g updates


usage: updates [options]

    -u, --update                  Update versions and write package.json
    -p, --prerelease [<pkg,...>]  Consider prerelease versions
    -g, --greatest [<pkg,...>]    Prefer greatest over latest version
    -i, --include <pkg,...>       Include only given packages
    -e, --exclude <pkg,...>       Exclude given packages
    -t, --types <type,...>        Check only given dependency types
    -s, --semver patch|minor      Consider only up to given semver level
    -E, --error-on-outdated       Exit with error code 2 on outdated packages
    -r, --registry <url>          Use given registry URL
    -f, --file <path>             Use given package.json file or module directory
    -j, --json                    Output a JSON object
    -c, --color                   Force-enable color output
    -n, --no-color                Disable color output
    -v, --version                 Print the version
    -h, --help                    Print this help

    $ updates
    $ updates -u
    $ updates -u -e chalk
    $ updates -u -s minor
    $ updates -u -t devDependencies


Check for updates

$ updates
NAME        OLD       NEW
chalk       1.3.0     2.3.0
got         ^7.0.1    ^8.0.1
minimist    ^1.0.0    ^1.2.0

Update package.json

$ updates -u
NAME        OLD       NEW
chalk       1.3.0     2.3.0
got         ^7.0.1    ^8.0.1
minimist    ^1.0.0    ^1.2.0
│  package.json updated  │

JSON Output

The JSON output is an object with possible properties results, message and error:

$ updates -j | jq
  "results": {
    "chalk": {
      "old": "1.3.0",
      "new": "2.3.0"
    "got": {
      "old": "^7.0.1",
      "new": "^8.0.1"
    "minimist": {
      "old": "^1.0.0",
      "new": "^1.2.0"

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