* python api render() would clamp the endframe to a short.
* python api's render() and renderAnim() would not render compositing because the name they gave to RE_NewRender was NOT G.scene->id.name, added comments to
Patch from Jean-Michel Soler (with slight modifs)
Small BPy feature to help script writers deal with armatures and vertex groups (calls the bone heat method to create and assign groups)
Instead of making it an exception compared to other objects which
don't draw z-buffered either, it now draws without lighting in the
wire color like it did before.
Force proportional editing flag off in object mode.
While it didn't have any effect on objects themselves, it could display the falloff mode (Smooth) in the header. The bug was purely cosmetic.
* when check_valid_nurb_u/v fails, no curve is allocated or drawn.
* knotsu/v could be NULL but some functions didn't check for this, make sure this is checked for everywhere.
* The interface didnt change check the order when the bezier u/v flag was set, added functions clamp_nurb_order_u/v that takes into accound the number of points and the bezier u/v flag.
When a bone in a mirrored chain wasn't named properly, it would leave the head or tail in an invalid state.
Now it applies the mirror to connected joints that are mirrored.
fixing [#11362] Blender.Draw.Image() method does not clip properly
also return silently on zero zoomlevel rather then raising an error, only raise an error on negative values.
[#12106] Memory leak in sequencer (>10MB/frame)
in parts: inner contents of meta strips are freed up after calculation
making more room for the cache.
Actually have to think of a mechanism, that remembers, which output
frames are asked for and caches only those.
The best rules for stereo rendering are now applied to Blender. Here is the new situation:
1) The focal distance is now settable through the GUI: select the camera (each camera can have a different setting) and go to the camera data (F9): the "Dof Dist" and "Dof Ob" can be used to set the focal distance for that camera. The "Dof Ob" is interesting because it sets the focal distance so that the center this object will appear at the surface of the screen when running the game.
2) The eye separation is automatically set to focal_distance/30, which is considered to be a reasonable value. If you need a different value, you can always use Python scripting.
- If you switch camera during the game, the focal distance will also change unless you have set the focal distance by scripting, in which case it overwrites the focal distance setting of all cameras.
- If you don't set the focal distance in the camera data or by scripting, the default value will be used. The default value corresponds more of less to the near clipping plane which means that all the objects will be very far with little 3D effect.
- If you don't set the eye separation by scripting, it is automatically computed as focal_distance/30, regardless on how the focal distance was set.