
430 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
2010-02-12 13:34:04 +00:00
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
import bpy
from bpy.types import Header, Menu, Panel
class NODE_HT_header(Header):
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
scene = context.scene
snode = context.space_data
snode_id =
id_from = snode.id_from
toolsettings = context.tool_settings
row = layout.row(align=True)
if context.area.show_menus:"NODE_MT_view")"NODE_MT_select")"NODE_MT_add")"NODE_MT_node")
layout.prop(snode, "tree_type", text="", expand=True)
Merge of the PyNodes branch (aka "custom nodes") into trunk. PyNodes opens up the node system in Blender to scripters and adds a number of UI-level improvements. === Dynamic node type registration === Node types can now be added at runtime, using the RNA registration mechanism from python. This enables addons such as render engines to create a complete user interface with nodes. Examples of how such nodes can be defined can be found in my personal wiki docs atm [1] and as a script template in release/scripts/templates_py/ [2]. === Node group improvements === Each node editor now has a tree history of edited node groups, which allows opening and editing nested node groups. The node editor also supports pinning now, so that different spaces can be used to edit different node groups simultaneously. For more ramblings and rationale see (really old) blog post on [3]. The interface of node groups has been overhauled. Sockets of a node group are no longer displayed in columns on either side, but instead special input/output nodes are used to mirror group sockets inside a node tree. This solves the problem of long node lines in groups and allows more adaptable node layout. Internal sockets can be exposed from a group by either connecting to the extension sockets in input/output nodes (shown as empty circle) or by adding sockets from the node property bar in the "Interface" panel. Further details such as the socket name can also be changed there. [1] [2] [3]
2013-03-18 16:34:57 +00:00
if snode.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree':
if scene.render.use_shading_nodes:
layout.prop(snode, "shader_type", text="", expand=True)
ob = context.object
if (not scene.render.use_shading_nodes or snode.shader_type == 'OBJECT') and ob:
row = layout.row()
# disable material slot buttons when pinned, cannot find correct slot within id_from (#36589)
row.enabled = not
# Show when no active ID/slot exists
if not id_from and ob.type in {'MESH', 'CURVE', 'SURFACE', 'FONT', 'METABALL'}:
row.template_ID(ob, "active_material", new="")
# Material ID, but not for Lamps
if id_from and ob.type != 'LAMP':
row.template_ID(id_from, "active_material", new="")
# Don't show "Use Nodes" Button when Engine is BI for Lamps
if snode_id and not (scene.render.use_shading_nodes == 0 and ob.type == 'LAMP'):
layout.prop(snode_id, "use_nodes")
2012-02-04 11:10:41 +00:00
if snode.shader_type == 'WORLD':
row = layout.row()
row.enabled = not
row.template_ID(scene, "world", new="")
if snode_id:
row.prop(snode_id, "use_nodes")
Merge of the PyNodes branch (aka "custom nodes") into trunk. PyNodes opens up the node system in Blender to scripters and adds a number of UI-level improvements. === Dynamic node type registration === Node types can now be added at runtime, using the RNA registration mechanism from python. This enables addons such as render engines to create a complete user interface with nodes. Examples of how such nodes can be defined can be found in my personal wiki docs atm [1] and as a script template in release/scripts/templates_py/ [2]. === Node group improvements === Each node editor now has a tree history of edited node groups, which allows opening and editing nested node groups. The node editor also supports pinning now, so that different spaces can be used to edit different node groups simultaneously. For more ramblings and rationale see (really old) blog post on [3]. The interface of node groups has been overhauled. Sockets of a node group are no longer displayed in columns on either side, but instead special input/output nodes are used to mirror group sockets inside a node tree. This solves the problem of long node lines in groups and allows more adaptable node layout. Internal sockets can be exposed from a group by either connecting to the extension sockets in input/output nodes (shown as empty circle) or by adding sockets from the node property bar in the "Interface" panel. Further details such as the socket name can also be changed there. [1] [2] [3]
2013-03-18 16:34:57 +00:00
elif snode.tree_type == 'TextureNodeTree':
layout.prop(snode, "texture_type", text="", expand=True)
if id_from:
if snode.texture_type == 'BRUSH':
layout.template_ID(id_from, "texture", new="")
layout.template_ID(id_from, "active_texture", new="")
if snode_id:
layout.prop(snode_id, "use_nodes")
Merge of the PyNodes branch (aka "custom nodes") into trunk. PyNodes opens up the node system in Blender to scripters and adds a number of UI-level improvements. === Dynamic node type registration === Node types can now be added at runtime, using the RNA registration mechanism from python. This enables addons such as render engines to create a complete user interface with nodes. Examples of how such nodes can be defined can be found in my personal wiki docs atm [1] and as a script template in release/scripts/templates_py/ [2]. === Node group improvements === Each node editor now has a tree history of edited node groups, which allows opening and editing nested node groups. The node editor also supports pinning now, so that different spaces can be used to edit different node groups simultaneously. For more ramblings and rationale see (really old) blog post on [3]. The interface of node groups has been overhauled. Sockets of a node group are no longer displayed in columns on either side, but instead special input/output nodes are used to mirror group sockets inside a node tree. This solves the problem of long node lines in groups and allows more adaptable node layout. Internal sockets can be exposed from a group by either connecting to the extension sockets in input/output nodes (shown as empty circle) or by adding sockets from the node property bar in the "Interface" panel. Further details such as the socket name can also be changed there. [1] [2] [3]
2013-03-18 16:34:57 +00:00
elif snode.tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree':
if snode_id:
layout.prop(snode_id, "use_nodes")
layout.prop(snode_id.render, "use_free_unused_nodes", text="Free Unused")
layout.prop(snode, "show_backdrop")
if snode.show_backdrop:
row = layout.row(align=True)
row.prop(snode, "backdrop_channels", text="", expand=True)
layout.prop(snode, "use_auto_render")
Merge of the PyNodes branch (aka "custom nodes") into trunk. PyNodes opens up the node system in Blender to scripters and adds a number of UI-level improvements. === Dynamic node type registration === Node types can now be added at runtime, using the RNA registration mechanism from python. This enables addons such as render engines to create a complete user interface with nodes. Examples of how such nodes can be defined can be found in my personal wiki docs atm [1] and as a script template in release/scripts/templates_py/ [2]. === Node group improvements === Each node editor now has a tree history of edited node groups, which allows opening and editing nested node groups. The node editor also supports pinning now, so that different spaces can be used to edit different node groups simultaneously. For more ramblings and rationale see (really old) blog post on [3]. The interface of node groups has been overhauled. Sockets of a node group are no longer displayed in columns on either side, but instead special input/output nodes are used to mirror group sockets inside a node tree. This solves the problem of long node lines in groups and allows more adaptable node layout. Internal sockets can be exposed from a group by either connecting to the extension sockets in input/output nodes (shown as empty circle) or by adding sockets from the node property bar in the "Interface" panel. Further details such as the socket name can also be changed there. [1] [2] [3]
2013-03-18 16:34:57 +00:00
# Custom node tree is edited as independent ID block
layout.template_ID(snode, "node_tree", new="node.new_node_tree")
layout.prop(snode, "pin", text="")
layout.operator("node.tree_path_parent", text="", icon='FILE_PARENT')
# Snap
row = layout.row(align=True)
row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap", text="")
row.prop(toolsettings, "snap_node_element", text="", icon_only=True)
if toolsettings.snap_node_element != 'INCREMENT':
row.prop(toolsettings, "snap_target", text="")
row = layout.row(align=True)
row.operator("node.clipboard_copy", text="", icon='COPYDOWN')
row.operator("node.clipboard_paste", text="", icon='PASTEDOWN')
class NODE_MT_add(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_label = "Add"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_DEFAULT'
props = layout.operator("node.add_search", text="Search ...")
props.use_transform = True
# actual node submenus are added by draw functions from node categories
class NODE_MT_view(Menu):
bl_label = "View"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator("", icon='MENU_PANEL')
layout.operator("node.toolbar", icon='MENU_PANEL')
2013-06-27 03:05:19 +00:00
2012-08-07 16:30:34 +00:00
if context.space_data.show_backdrop:
2010-09-07 15:17:42 +00:00
layout.operator("node.backimage_move", text="Backdrop move")
layout.operator("node.backimage_zoom", text="Backdrop zoom in").factor = 1.2
layout.operator("node.backimage_zoom", text="Backdrop zoom out").factor = 0.833
layout.operator("node.backimage_fit", text="Fit backdrop to available space")
2010-09-07 15:17:42 +00:00
class NODE_MT_select(Menu):
bl_label = "Select"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator("node.select_all").action = 'TOGGLE'
layout.operator("node.select_all", text="Inverse").action = 'INVERT'
layout.operator("node.select_same_type_step").prev = True
layout.operator("node.select_same_type_step").prev = False
class NODE_MT_node(Menu):
bl_label = "Node"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator("node.join", text="Join in new Frame")
layout.operator("node.detach", text="Remove from Frame")
layout.operator("node.link_make", text="Make and Replace Links").replace = True
Merge of the PyNodes branch (aka "custom nodes") into trunk. PyNodes opens up the node system in Blender to scripters and adds a number of UI-level improvements. === Dynamic node type registration === Node types can now be added at runtime, using the RNA registration mechanism from python. This enables addons such as render engines to create a complete user interface with nodes. Examples of how such nodes can be defined can be found in my personal wiki docs atm [1] and as a script template in release/scripts/templates_py/ [2]. === Node group improvements === Each node editor now has a tree history of edited node groups, which allows opening and editing nested node groups. The node editor also supports pinning now, so that different spaces can be used to edit different node groups simultaneously. For more ramblings and rationale see (really old) blog post on [3]. The interface of node groups has been overhauled. Sockets of a node group are no longer displayed in columns on either side, but instead special input/output nodes are used to mirror group sockets inside a node tree. This solves the problem of long node lines in groups and allows more adaptable node layout. Internal sockets can be exposed from a group by either connecting to the extension sockets in input/output nodes (shown as empty circle) or by adding sockets from the node property bar in the "Interface" panel. Further details such as the socket name can also be changed there. [1] [2] [3]
2013-03-18 16:34:57 +00:00
2011-02-04 09:27:25 +00:00
class NODE_MT_node_color_presets(Menu):
"""Predefined node color"""
bl_label = "Color Presets"
preset_subdir = "node_color"
preset_operator = "script.execute_preset"
draw = Menu.draw_preset
class NODE_MT_node_color_specials(Menu):
bl_label = "Node Color Specials"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator("node.node_copy_color", icon='COPY_ID')
class NODE_PT_active_node_generic(Panel):
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_label = "Node"
# bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'}
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
return context.active_node is not None
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
node = context.active_node
layout.prop(node, "name", icon='NODE')
layout.prop(node, "label", icon='NODE')
class NODE_PT_active_node_color(Panel):
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_label = "Color"
bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
return context.active_node is not None
def draw_header(self, context):
node = context.active_node
self.layout.prop(node, "use_custom_color", text="")
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
node = context.active_node
layout.enabled = node.use_custom_color
row = layout.row()
col = row.column()"NODE_MT_node_color_presets")
col.prop(node, "color", text="")
col = row.column(align=True)
col.operator("node.node_color_preset_add", text="", icon='ZOOMIN').remove_active = False
col.operator("node.node_color_preset_add", text="", icon='ZOOMOUT').remove_active = True"NODE_MT_node_color_specials", text="", icon='DOWNARROW_HLT')
class NODE_PT_active_node_properties(Panel):
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_label = "Properties"
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
return context.active_node is not None
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
node = context.active_node
# set "node" context pointer for the panel layout
layout.context_pointer_set("node", node)
if hasattr(node, "draw_buttons_ext"):
node.draw_buttons_ext(context, layout)
elif hasattr(node, "draw_buttons"):
node.draw_buttons(context, layout)
# XXX this could be filtered further to exclude socket types which don't have meaningful input values (e.g. cycles shader)
value_inputs = [socket for socket in node.inputs if socket.enabled and not socket.is_linked]
if value_inputs:
for socket in value_inputs:
row = layout.row()
socket.draw(context, row, node,
# Node Backdrop options
class NODE_PT_backdrop(Panel):
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_label = "Backdrop"
def poll(cls, context):
snode = context.space_data
Merge of the PyNodes branch (aka "custom nodes") into trunk. PyNodes opens up the node system in Blender to scripters and adds a number of UI-level improvements. === Dynamic node type registration === Node types can now be added at runtime, using the RNA registration mechanism from python. This enables addons such as render engines to create a complete user interface with nodes. Examples of how such nodes can be defined can be found in my personal wiki docs atm [1] and as a script template in release/scripts/templates_py/ [2]. === Node group improvements === Each node editor now has a tree history of edited node groups, which allows opening and editing nested node groups. The node editor also supports pinning now, so that different spaces can be used to edit different node groups simultaneously. For more ramblings and rationale see (really old) blog post on [3]. The interface of node groups has been overhauled. Sockets of a node group are no longer displayed in columns on either side, but instead special input/output nodes are used to mirror group sockets inside a node tree. This solves the problem of long node lines in groups and allows more adaptable node layout. Internal sockets can be exposed from a group by either connecting to the extension sockets in input/output nodes (shown as empty circle) or by adding sockets from the node property bar in the "Interface" panel. Further details such as the socket name can also be changed there. [1] [2] [3]
2013-03-18 16:34:57 +00:00
return snode.tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree'
2011-02-04 09:27:25 +00:00
def draw_header(self, context):
snode = context.space_data
self.layout.prop(snode, "show_backdrop", text="")
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
snode = context.space_data = snode.show_backdrop
layout.prop(snode, "backdrop_channels", text="")
layout.prop(snode, "backdrop_zoom", text="Zoom")
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.prop(snode, "backdrop_x", text="X")
col.prop(snode, "backdrop_y", text="Y")
col.operator("node.backimage_move", text="Move")
layout.operator("node.backimage_fit", text="Fit")
2012-06-19 22:17:19 +00:00
____ `````|````` | | | ..'''' | | | |______ .'' | | | | ..' | | |_______ |___________ ....'' merge to TRUNK! * The old compositor is still available (Debug Menu: 200) This commit was brought to you by: Developers: * Monique Dewanchand * Jeroen Bakker * Dalai Felinto * Lukas Tönne Review: * Brecht van Lommel Testers: * Nate Wiebe * Wolfgang Faehnle * Carlo Andreacchio * Daniel Salazar * Artur Mag * Christian Krupa * Francesco Siddi * Dan McGrath * Bassam Kurdali But mostly by the community: Gold: Joshua Faulkner Michael Tiemann Francesco Paglia Blender Guru Blender Developers Fund Silver: Pablo Vazquez Joel Heethaar Amrein Olivier Ilias Karasavvidis Thomas Kumlehn Sebastian Koenig Hannu Hoffrén Benjamin Dansie Fred M'ule Michel Vilain Bradley Cathey Gianmichele Mariani Gottfried Hofmann Bjørnar Frøyse Valentijn Bruning Paul Holmes Clemens Rudolph Juris Graphix David Strebel Ronan Zeegers François Tarlier Felipe Andres Esquivel Reed Olaf Beckman Jesus Alberto Olmos Linares Kajimba Maria Figueiredo Alexandr Galperin Francesco Siddi Julio Iglesias Lopez Kjartan Tysdal Thomas Torfs Film Works Teruyuki Nakamura Roger Luethi Benoit Bolsee Stefan Abrahamsen Andreas Mattijat Xavier Bouchoux Blender 3D Graphics and Animation Henk Vostermans Daniel Blanco Delgado BlenderDay/2011 Bradley Cathey Matthieu Dupont de Dinechin Gianmichele Mariani Jérôme Scaillet Bronze (Ivo Grigull, Dylan Urquidi, Philippe Derungs, Phil Beauchamp, Bruce Parrott, Mathieu Quiblier, Daniel Martinez, Leandro Inocencio, Lluc Romaní Brasó, Jonathan Williamson, Michael Ehlen, Karlis Stigis, Dreamsteep, Martin Lindelöf, Filippo Saracino, Douwe van der Veen, Olli Äkräs, Bruno D'Arcangeli, Francisco Sedrez Warmling,, peter lener, Matteo Novellino, Martin Kirsch, Austars Schnore, KC Elliott, Massimiliano Puliero, Karl Stein, Wood Design Studios, Omer Khan, Jyrki Kanto, Michał Krupa, Lars Brubaker, Neil Richmond, Adam Kalisz, Robert Garlington, Ian Wilson, Carlo Andreacchio, Jeremias Boos, Robert Holcomb, Gabriel Zöller, Robert Cude, Natibel de Leon, Nathan Turnage, Nicolas Vergnes, Philipp Kleinhenz, Norman Hartig, Louis Kreusel, Christopher Taylor, Giovanni Remondini, Daniel Rentzsch, Nico Partipilo, Thomas Ventresco, Johannes Schwarz, Александр Коротеев, Brendon Harvey, Marcelo G. Malheiros, Marius Giurgi, Richard Burns, Perttu Iso-Metsälä, Steve Bazin, Radoslav Borisov, Yoshiyuki Shida, Julien Guigner, Andrew Hunter, Philipp Oeser, Daniel Thul, Thobias Johansson, Mauro Bonecchi, Georg Piorczynski, Sebastian Michailidis, L M Weedy, Gen X, Stefan Hinze, Nicolò Zubbini, Erik Pusch, Rob Scott, Florian Koch, Charles Razack, Adrian Baker, Oliver Villar Diz, David Revoy, Julio Iglesias Lopez, Coen Spoor, Carlos Folch, Joseph Christie, Victor Hernández García, David Mcsween, James Finnerty, Cory Kruckenberg, Giacomo Graziosi, Olivier Saraja, Lars Brubaker, Eric Hudson, Johannes Schwarz, David Elguea, Marcus Schulderinsky, Karel De Bruijn, Lucas van Wijngaarden, Stefano Ciarrocchi, Mehmet Eribol, Thomas Berglund, Zuofei Song, Dylan Urquidi )
2012-05-17 12:49:33 +00:00
class NODE_PT_quality(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_label = "Performance"
____ `````|````` | | | ..'''' | | | |______ .'' | | | | ..' | | |_______ |___________ ....'' merge to TRUNK! * The old compositor is still available (Debug Menu: 200) This commit was brought to you by: Developers: * Monique Dewanchand * Jeroen Bakker * Dalai Felinto * Lukas Tönne Review: * Brecht van Lommel Testers: * Nate Wiebe * Wolfgang Faehnle * Carlo Andreacchio * Daniel Salazar * Artur Mag * Christian Krupa * Francesco Siddi * Dan McGrath * Bassam Kurdali But mostly by the community: Gold: Joshua Faulkner Michael Tiemann Francesco Paglia Blender Guru Blender Developers Fund Silver: Pablo Vazquez Joel Heethaar Amrein Olivier Ilias Karasavvidis Thomas Kumlehn Sebastian Koenig Hannu Hoffrén Benjamin Dansie Fred M'ule Michel Vilain Bradley Cathey Gianmichele Mariani Gottfried Hofmann Bjørnar Frøyse Valentijn Bruning Paul Holmes Clemens Rudolph Juris Graphix David Strebel Ronan Zeegers François Tarlier Felipe Andres Esquivel Reed Olaf Beckman Jesus Alberto Olmos Linares Kajimba Maria Figueiredo Alexandr Galperin Francesco Siddi Julio Iglesias Lopez Kjartan Tysdal Thomas Torfs Film Works Teruyuki Nakamura Roger Luethi Benoit Bolsee Stefan Abrahamsen Andreas Mattijat Xavier Bouchoux Blender 3D Graphics and Animation Henk Vostermans Daniel Blanco Delgado BlenderDay/2011 Bradley Cathey Matthieu Dupont de Dinechin Gianmichele Mariani Jérôme Scaillet Bronze (Ivo Grigull, Dylan Urquidi, Philippe Derungs, Phil Beauchamp, Bruce Parrott, Mathieu Quiblier, Daniel Martinez, Leandro Inocencio, Lluc Romaní Brasó, Jonathan Williamson, Michael Ehlen, Karlis Stigis, Dreamsteep, Martin Lindelöf, Filippo Saracino, Douwe van der Veen, Olli Äkräs, Bruno D'Arcangeli, Francisco Sedrez Warmling,, peter lener, Matteo Novellino, Martin Kirsch, Austars Schnore, KC Elliott, Massimiliano Puliero, Karl Stein, Wood Design Studios, Omer Khan, Jyrki Kanto, Michał Krupa, Lars Brubaker, Neil Richmond, Adam Kalisz, Robert Garlington, Ian Wilson, Carlo Andreacchio, Jeremias Boos, Robert Holcomb, Gabriel Zöller, Robert Cude, Natibel de Leon, Nathan Turnage, Nicolas Vergnes, Philipp Kleinhenz, Norman Hartig, Louis Kreusel, Christopher Taylor, Giovanni Remondini, Daniel Rentzsch, Nico Partipilo, Thomas Ventresco, Johannes Schwarz, Александр Коротеев, Brendon Harvey, Marcelo G. Malheiros, Marius Giurgi, Richard Burns, Perttu Iso-Metsälä, Steve Bazin, Radoslav Borisov, Yoshiyuki Shida, Julien Guigner, Andrew Hunter, Philipp Oeser, Daniel Thul, Thobias Johansson, Mauro Bonecchi, Georg Piorczynski, Sebastian Michailidis, L M Weedy, Gen X, Stefan Hinze, Nicolò Zubbini, Erik Pusch, Rob Scott, Florian Koch, Charles Razack, Adrian Baker, Oliver Villar Diz, David Revoy, Julio Iglesias Lopez, Coen Spoor, Carlos Folch, Joseph Christie, Victor Hernández García, David Mcsween, James Finnerty, Cory Kruckenberg, Giacomo Graziosi, Olivier Saraja, Lars Brubaker, Eric Hudson, Johannes Schwarz, David Elguea, Marcus Schulderinsky, Karel De Bruijn, Lucas van Wijngaarden, Stefano Ciarrocchi, Mehmet Eribol, Thomas Berglund, Zuofei Song, Dylan Urquidi )
2012-05-17 12:49:33 +00:00
def poll(cls, context):
snode = context.space_data
Merge of the PyNodes branch (aka "custom nodes") into trunk. PyNodes opens up the node system in Blender to scripters and adds a number of UI-level improvements. === Dynamic node type registration === Node types can now be added at runtime, using the RNA registration mechanism from python. This enables addons such as render engines to create a complete user interface with nodes. Examples of how such nodes can be defined can be found in my personal wiki docs atm [1] and as a script template in release/scripts/templates_py/ [2]. === Node group improvements === Each node editor now has a tree history of edited node groups, which allows opening and editing nested node groups. The node editor also supports pinning now, so that different spaces can be used to edit different node groups simultaneously. For more ramblings and rationale see (really old) blog post on [3]. The interface of node groups has been overhauled. Sockets of a node group are no longer displayed in columns on either side, but instead special input/output nodes are used to mirror group sockets inside a node tree. This solves the problem of long node lines in groups and allows more adaptable node layout. Internal sockets can be exposed from a group by either connecting to the extension sockets in input/output nodes (shown as empty circle) or by adding sockets from the node property bar in the "Interface" panel. Further details such as the socket name can also be changed there. [1] [2] [3]
2013-03-18 16:34:57 +00:00
return snode.tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree' and snode.node_tree is not None
____ `````|````` | | | ..'''' | | | |______ .'' | | | | ..' | | |_______ |___________ ....'' merge to TRUNK! * The old compositor is still available (Debug Menu: 200) This commit was brought to you by: Developers: * Monique Dewanchand * Jeroen Bakker * Dalai Felinto * Lukas Tönne Review: * Brecht van Lommel Testers: * Nate Wiebe * Wolfgang Faehnle * Carlo Andreacchio * Daniel Salazar * Artur Mag * Christian Krupa * Francesco Siddi * Dan McGrath * Bassam Kurdali But mostly by the community: Gold: Joshua Faulkner Michael Tiemann Francesco Paglia Blender Guru Blender Developers Fund Silver: Pablo Vazquez Joel Heethaar Amrein Olivier Ilias Karasavvidis Thomas Kumlehn Sebastian Koenig Hannu Hoffrén Benjamin Dansie Fred M'ule Michel Vilain Bradley Cathey Gianmichele Mariani Gottfried Hofmann Bjørnar Frøyse Valentijn Bruning Paul Holmes Clemens Rudolph Juris Graphix David Strebel Ronan Zeegers François Tarlier Felipe Andres Esquivel Reed Olaf Beckman Jesus Alberto Olmos Linares Kajimba Maria Figueiredo Alexandr Galperin Francesco Siddi Julio Iglesias Lopez Kjartan Tysdal Thomas Torfs Film Works Teruyuki Nakamura Roger Luethi Benoit Bolsee Stefan Abrahamsen Andreas Mattijat Xavier Bouchoux Blender 3D Graphics and Animation Henk Vostermans Daniel Blanco Delgado BlenderDay/2011 Bradley Cathey Matthieu Dupont de Dinechin Gianmichele Mariani Jérôme Scaillet Bronze (Ivo Grigull, Dylan Urquidi, Philippe Derungs, Phil Beauchamp, Bruce Parrott, Mathieu Quiblier, Daniel Martinez, Leandro Inocencio, Lluc Romaní Brasó, Jonathan Williamson, Michael Ehlen, Karlis Stigis, Dreamsteep, Martin Lindelöf, Filippo Saracino, Douwe van der Veen, Olli Äkräs, Bruno D'Arcangeli, Francisco Sedrez Warmling,, peter lener, Matteo Novellino, Martin Kirsch, Austars Schnore, KC Elliott, Massimiliano Puliero, Karl Stein, Wood Design Studios, Omer Khan, Jyrki Kanto, Michał Krupa, Lars Brubaker, Neil Richmond, Adam Kalisz, Robert Garlington, Ian Wilson, Carlo Andreacchio, Jeremias Boos, Robert Holcomb, Gabriel Zöller, Robert Cude, Natibel de Leon, Nathan Turnage, Nicolas Vergnes, Philipp Kleinhenz, Norman Hartig, Louis Kreusel, Christopher Taylor, Giovanni Remondini, Daniel Rentzsch, Nico Partipilo, Thomas Ventresco, Johannes Schwarz, Александр Коротеев, Brendon Harvey, Marcelo G. Malheiros, Marius Giurgi, Richard Burns, Perttu Iso-Metsälä, Steve Bazin, Radoslav Borisov, Yoshiyuki Shida, Julien Guigner, Andrew Hunter, Philipp Oeser, Daniel Thul, Thobias Johansson, Mauro Bonecchi, Georg Piorczynski, Sebastian Michailidis, L M Weedy, Gen X, Stefan Hinze, Nicolò Zubbini, Erik Pusch, Rob Scott, Florian Koch, Charles Razack, Adrian Baker, Oliver Villar Diz, David Revoy, Julio Iglesias Lopez, Coen Spoor, Carlos Folch, Joseph Christie, Victor Hernández García, David Mcsween, James Finnerty, Cory Kruckenberg, Giacomo Graziosi, Olivier Saraja, Lars Brubaker, Eric Hudson, Johannes Schwarz, David Elguea, Marcus Schulderinsky, Karel De Bruijn, Lucas van Wijngaarden, Stefano Ciarrocchi, Mehmet Eribol, Thomas Berglund, Zuofei Song, Dylan Urquidi )
2012-05-17 12:49:33 +00:00
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
2012-07-29 12:07:06 +00:00
____ `````|````` | | | ..'''' | | | |______ .'' | | | | ..' | | |_______ |___________ ....'' merge to TRUNK! * The old compositor is still available (Debug Menu: 200) This commit was brought to you by: Developers: * Monique Dewanchand * Jeroen Bakker * Dalai Felinto * Lukas Tönne Review: * Brecht van Lommel Testers: * Nate Wiebe * Wolfgang Faehnle * Carlo Andreacchio * Daniel Salazar * Artur Mag * Christian Krupa * Francesco Siddi * Dan McGrath * Bassam Kurdali But mostly by the community: Gold: Joshua Faulkner Michael Tiemann Francesco Paglia Blender Guru Blender Developers Fund Silver: Pablo Vazquez Joel Heethaar Amrein Olivier Ilias Karasavvidis Thomas Kumlehn Sebastian Koenig Hannu Hoffrén Benjamin Dansie Fred M'ule Michel Vilain Bradley Cathey Gianmichele Mariani Gottfried Hofmann Bjørnar Frøyse Valentijn Bruning Paul Holmes Clemens Rudolph Juris Graphix David Strebel Ronan Zeegers François Tarlier Felipe Andres Esquivel Reed Olaf Beckman Jesus Alberto Olmos Linares Kajimba Maria Figueiredo Alexandr Galperin Francesco Siddi Julio Iglesias Lopez Kjartan Tysdal Thomas Torfs Film Works Teruyuki Nakamura Roger Luethi Benoit Bolsee Stefan Abrahamsen Andreas Mattijat Xavier Bouchoux Blender 3D Graphics and Animation Henk Vostermans Daniel Blanco Delgado BlenderDay/2011 Bradley Cathey Matthieu Dupont de Dinechin Gianmichele Mariani Jérôme Scaillet Bronze (Ivo Grigull, Dylan Urquidi, Philippe Derungs, Phil Beauchamp, Bruce Parrott, Mathieu Quiblier, Daniel Martinez, Leandro Inocencio, Lluc Romaní Brasó, Jonathan Williamson, Michael Ehlen, Karlis Stigis, Dreamsteep, Martin Lindelöf, Filippo Saracino, Douwe van der Veen, Olli Äkräs, Bruno D'Arcangeli, Francisco Sedrez Warmling,, peter lener, Matteo Novellino, Martin Kirsch, Austars Schnore, KC Elliott, Massimiliano Puliero, Karl Stein, Wood Design Studios, Omer Khan, Jyrki Kanto, Michał Krupa, Lars Brubaker, Neil Richmond, Adam Kalisz, Robert Garlington, Ian Wilson, Carlo Andreacchio, Jeremias Boos, Robert Holcomb, Gabriel Zöller, Robert Cude, Natibel de Leon, Nathan Turnage, Nicolas Vergnes, Philipp Kleinhenz, Norman Hartig, Louis Kreusel, Christopher Taylor, Giovanni Remondini, Daniel Rentzsch, Nico Partipilo, Thomas Ventresco, Johannes Schwarz, Александр Коротеев, Brendon Harvey, Marcelo G. Malheiros, Marius Giurgi, Richard Burns, Perttu Iso-Metsälä, Steve Bazin, Radoslav Borisov, Yoshiyuki Shida, Julien Guigner, Andrew Hunter, Philipp Oeser, Daniel Thul, Thobias Johansson, Mauro Bonecchi, Georg Piorczynski, Sebastian Michailidis, L M Weedy, Gen X, Stefan Hinze, Nicolò Zubbini, Erik Pusch, Rob Scott, Florian Koch, Charles Razack, Adrian Baker, Oliver Villar Diz, David Revoy, Julio Iglesias Lopez, Coen Spoor, Carlos Folch, Joseph Christie, Victor Hernández García, David Mcsween, James Finnerty, Cory Kruckenberg, Giacomo Graziosi, Olivier Saraja, Lars Brubaker, Eric Hudson, Johannes Schwarz, David Elguea, Marcus Schulderinsky, Karel De Bruijn, Lucas van Wijngaarden, Stefano Ciarrocchi, Mehmet Eribol, Thomas Berglund, Zuofei Song, Dylan Urquidi )
2012-05-17 12:49:33 +00:00
snode = context.space_data
tree = snode.node_tree
2012-07-30 17:12:01 +00:00
col = layout.column()
col.prop(tree, "render_quality", text="Render")
col.prop(tree, "edit_quality", text="Edit")
col.prop(tree, "chunk_size")
col = layout.column()
col.prop(tree, "use_opencl")
col.prop(tree, "use_groupnode_buffer")
col.prop(tree, "use_two_pass")
col.prop(tree, "use_viewer_border")
2012-07-30 17:12:01 +00:00
col.prop(snode, "show_highlight")
col.prop(snode, "use_hidden_preview")
2012-06-19 22:17:19 +00:00
Merge of the PyNodes branch (aka "custom nodes") into trunk. PyNodes opens up the node system in Blender to scripters and adds a number of UI-level improvements. === Dynamic node type registration === Node types can now be added at runtime, using the RNA registration mechanism from python. This enables addons such as render engines to create a complete user interface with nodes. Examples of how such nodes can be defined can be found in my personal wiki docs atm [1] and as a script template in release/scripts/templates_py/ [2]. === Node group improvements === Each node editor now has a tree history of edited node groups, which allows opening and editing nested node groups. The node editor also supports pinning now, so that different spaces can be used to edit different node groups simultaneously. For more ramblings and rationale see (really old) blog post on [3]. The interface of node groups has been overhauled. Sockets of a node group are no longer displayed in columns on either side, but instead special input/output nodes are used to mirror group sockets inside a node tree. This solves the problem of long node lines in groups and allows more adaptable node layout. Internal sockets can be exposed from a group by either connecting to the extension sockets in input/output nodes (shown as empty circle) or by adding sockets from the node property bar in the "Interface" panel. Further details such as the socket name can also be changed there. [1] [2] [3]
2013-03-18 16:34:57 +00:00
class NODE_UL_interface_sockets(bpy.types.UIList):
def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname, index):
socket = item
color = socket.draw_color(context)
if self.layout_type in {'DEFAULT', 'COMPACT'}:
row = layout.row(align=True)
# inputs get icon on the left
Merge of the PyNodes branch (aka "custom nodes") into trunk. PyNodes opens up the node system in Blender to scripters and adds a number of UI-level improvements. === Dynamic node type registration === Node types can now be added at runtime, using the RNA registration mechanism from python. This enables addons such as render engines to create a complete user interface with nodes. Examples of how such nodes can be defined can be found in my personal wiki docs atm [1] and as a script template in release/scripts/templates_py/ [2]. === Node group improvements === Each node editor now has a tree history of edited node groups, which allows opening and editing nested node groups. The node editor also supports pinning now, so that different spaces can be used to edit different node groups simultaneously. For more ramblings and rationale see (really old) blog post on [3]. The interface of node groups has been overhauled. Sockets of a node group are no longer displayed in columns on either side, but instead special input/output nodes are used to mirror group sockets inside a node tree. This solves the problem of long node lines in groups and allows more adaptable node layout. Internal sockets can be exposed from a group by either connecting to the extension sockets in input/output nodes (shown as empty circle) or by adding sockets from the node property bar in the "Interface" panel. Further details such as the socket name can also be changed there. [1] [2] [3]
2013-03-18 16:34:57 +00:00
if socket.in_out == 'IN':
row.label(, icon_value=icon)
# outputs get icon on the right
if socket.in_out == 'OUT':
elif self.layout_type in {'GRID'}:
layout.alignment = 'CENTER'
def node_draw_tree_view(layout, context):
if __name__ == "__main__": # only for live edit.