* Adding hue instead of removing it.
fmod doesn't work as % when it comes to negative numbers:
fmod( 1.3, 1) == 1.3 % 1 == 0.3
fmod(-0.3, 1) != -0.3 % 1
Node specially useful for Texture correction.
This is also a nice example of a simple node made from scratch in case someone wants to create their custom nodes.
Review by Brecht.
reviewed by Brecht, with help from Lukas.
Note: dot is reversed compared to Blender.
In Blender Normals point outside, while in Cycles they point inside.
If you use your own custom vector with the Normal Node you will see a difference.
If you feed it with object normals it should work just as good.
as with the HSV node the OSL code is relying on the (yet to be implemented) autorename.
Also the svm code could use mix (svm_lerp) instead:
32 . float3 color_inv = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) - color;
35 . . stack_store_float3(stack, out_color, svm_lerp(color_inv, color, factor));
I have a feeling that each node 'program' should have the least program as possible. I'll see with Brecht later.
But overall I don't know if that's any fast. And apart from that I think we will need this kind of function to move to a library if multiple functions linked in are not a problem.
reviewed and approved by Brecht
Important note:
the camera Z is reverted compared to Blender render.
Now it goes from zero (camera) to positive (in front of the camera)
note, the OSL code has a problem.
In the original node the input and output nodes have the same name (Color).
So this will be fixed here once Brecht come up with a nice autorenaming (or we do a doversion patch) for that.
Array indexing doesn't work there.
I'm yet to setup my CUDA computer, in the meantime this proved to work (tested by Daniel Salazar).
If I found other ways of doing it I get back to that.
* Fix#29257: nan-pixels with zero roughness for glass/glossy.
* Fix#29239: crash with border rendering, this is not working yet, but should
no longer crash now.
* Show object name in 3d view rendered draw type.
* Attempt to improve Sample as Light option description.
* Fix excessive fireflies in Velvet BSDF (patch by David).
* Disable some unused SSE code
* Remove RTTI disabling flags for now, this is giving some compile issues and
was only needed of OSL which we're not using yet.
* Disable precompiled cuda binaries, always do at run time
* Change preview samples default to 10
* Hide volume panels since they don't do anything yet
using them, but rather do it now that I have the chance still. Highlights:
* Wood and Marble merged into a single Wave texture
* Clouds + Distorted Noise merged into new Noise node
* Blend renamed to Gradient
* Stucci removed, was mostly useful for old bump
* Noise removed, will come back later, didn't actually work yet
* Depth setting is now Detail socket, which accepts float values
* Scale socket instead of Size socket
* Sun, area and point lights with size now supported
* Cast shadow option to disable shadow casting for lamps
* Emission strength of materials tweaked such that setting strength to 1.0
basically makes the material "shadeless" in that the value of the color
input will be the resulting color in the image.
decided it's better to render objects as either surface or volume.
This may break the volume rendering patch, but shaders with volume closures still
get tagged as having volume closures, so it should be fixable without too many
* Passes renamed to samples
* Camera lens radius renamed to aperature size/blades/rotation
* Glass and fresnel nodes input is now index of refraction
* Glossy and velvet fresnel socket removed
* Mix/add closure node renamed to mix/add shader node
* Blend weight node added for shader mixing weights
There is some version patching code for reading existing files, but it's not
perfect, so shaders may work a bit different.
* Fix missing update when editing objects with emission materials.
* Fix preview pass rendering set to 1 not showing full resolution.
* Fix CUDA runtime compiling failing due to missing cache directory.
* Use settings from first render layer for visibility and material override.
And a bunch of incomplete and still disabled code mostly related to closure
* Compute MD5 hash to deal with nvidia opencl compiler cache not recognizing
changes in #included files, makes it possible to do kernel compile only
once and remember it for the next time blender is started.
* Kernel tweak to compile with ATI/linux. Enabling any more functionality than
simple clay render still chokes the compiler though, without a specific error
message ..
* Add max diffuse/glossy/transmission bounces
* Add separate min/max for transparent depth
* Updated/added some presets that use these options
* Add ray visibility options for objects, to hide them from
camera/diffuse/glossy/transmission/shadow rays
* Is singular ray output for light path node
Details here:
* Add alpha pass output, to use set Transparent option in Film panel.
* Add Holdout closure (OSL terminology), this is like the Sky option in the
internal renderer, objects with this closure show the background / zero
* Add option to use Gaussian instead of Box pixel filter in the UI.
* Remove camera response curves for now, they don't really belong here in
the pipeline, should be moved to compositor.
* Output full float values for rendering now, previously was only byte precision.
* Add a patch from Thomas to get a preview passes option, but still disabled
because it isn't quite working right yet.
* CUDA: don't compile shader graph evaluation inline.
* Convert tabs to spaces in python files.
be automated but need to think about how to do this, not so simply in a node
system. But guideline for now is, for color textures set to sRGB, for things like
bump or roughness map, set to Linear.