Benoit Bolsee 3ea1c1b4b6 BGE: new sensor object to generalize Near and Radar sensor, static-static collision capbility.
A new type of "Sensor" physics object is available in the GE for advanced
collision management. It's called Sensor for its similarities with the
physics objects that underlie the Near and Radar sensors.
Like the Near and Radar object it is:
- static and ghost
- invisible by default
- always active to ensure correct collision detection
- capable of detecting both static and dynamic objects
- ignoring collision with their parent
- capable of broadphase filtering based on:
  * Actor option: the collisioning object must have the Actor flag set to be detected
  * property/material: as specified in the collision sensors attached to it
  Broadphase filtering is important for performance reason: the collision points
  will be computed only for the objects that pass the broahphase filter.
- automatically removed from the simulation when no collision sensor is active on it

Unlike the Near and Radar object it can:
- take any shape, including triangle mesh
- be made visible for debugging (just use the Visible actuator)
- have multiple collision sensors using it

Other than that, the sensor objects are ordinary objects. You can move them
freely or parent them. When parented to a dynamic object, they can provide
advanced collision control to this object.

The type of collision capability depends on the shape:
- box, sphere, cylinder, cone, convex hull provide volume detection.
- triangle mesh provides surface detection but you can give some volume
  to the suface by increasing the margin in the Advanced Settings panel.
  The margin applies on both sides of the surface.

Performance tip:
- Sensor objects perform better than Near and Radar: they do less synchronizations
  because of the Scenegraph optimizations and they can have multiple collision sensors
  on them (with different property filtering for example).
- Always prefer simple shape (box, sphere) to complex shape whenever possible.
- Always use broadphase filtering (avoid collision sensor with empty propery/material)
- Use collision sensor only when you need them. When no collision sensor is active
  on the sensor object, it is removed from the simulation and consume no CPU.

Known limitations:
- When running Blender in debug mode, you will see one warning line of the console:
  "warning btCollisionDispatcher::needsCollision: static-static collision!"
  In release mode this message is not printed.
- Collision margin has no effect on sphere, cone and cylinder shape.

Other performance improvements:
- Remove unnecessary interpolation for Near and Radar objects and by extension
  sensor objects.
- Use direct matrix copy instead of quaternion to synchronize orientation.

Other bug fix:
- Fix Near/Radar position error on newly activated objects. This was causing
  several detection problems in YoFrankie
- Fix margin not passed correctly to gImpact shape.
- Disable force/velocity actions on static objects
2009-05-17 12:51:51 +00:00

626 lines
21 KiB

* $Id$
* The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see
* ), or the Blender License 1.0 or
* later (the "BL", see ) which has to be
* bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the
* above mentioned GPL option does not apply.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
#define USE_ODE
#ifdef USE_ODE
#include "OdePhysicsController.h"
#include "PHY_IMotionState.h"
#include <ode/ode.h>
#include <config.h>
// general to-do list for ODE physics. This is maintained in doxygen format.
/// \todo determine assignment time for bounding spheres.
/// it appears you have to select "sphere" for bounding volume AND "draw bounds"
/// in order for a bounding sphere to be generated. otherwise a box is generated.
/// determine exactly when and how the bounding volumes are generated and make
/// this consistent.
/// }
/// \todo bounding sphere size incorrect
/// it appears NOT to use the size of the shown bounding sphere (button "draw bounds").
/// it appears instead to use the size of the "size" dynamic parameter in the
/// gamebuttons but this "size" draws an incorrectly-sized circle on screen for the
/// bounding sphere (leftover skewed size calculation from sumo?) so figure out WHERE
/// its getting the radius from.
/// \todo ODE collisions must fire collision actuator
/// See OdePhysicsEnvironment::OdeNearCallback. If a sensor was created to check
/// for the presence of this collision, then in the NearCallback you need to
/// take appropriate action regarding the sensor - something like checking its
/// controller and if needed firing its actuator. Need to find similar code in
/// Fuzzics which fires collision controllers/actuators.
/// \todo Are ghost collisions possible?
/// How do ghost collisions work? Do they require collision detection through ODE
/// and NON-CREATION of contact-joint in OdeNearCallback? Currently OdeNearCallback
/// creates joints ALWAYS for collisions.
/// \todo Why is KX_GameObject::addLinearVelocity commented out?
/// Try putting this code back in.
/// \todo Too many non-dynamic actors bogs down ODE physics
/// Lots of "geoms" (ODE static geometry) probably slows down ode. Try a test file
/// with lots of static geometry - the game performance in Blender says it is
/// spending all its time in physics, and I bet all that time is in collision
/// detection. It's ode's non-hierarchical collision detection.
/// try making a separate ode test program (not within blender) with 1000 geoms and
/// see how fast it is. if it is really slow, there is the culprit.
/// isnt someone working on an improved ODE collision detector? check
/// ode mailing list.
/// \todo support collision of dynas with non-dynamic triangle meshes
/// ODE has trimesh-collision support but only for trimeshes without a transform
/// matrix. update ODE tricollider to support a transform matrix. this will allow
/// moving trimeshes non-dynamically (e.g. through Ipos). then collide trimeshes
/// with dynas. this allows dynamic primitives (spheres, boxes) to collide with
/// non-dynamic or kinematically controlled tri-meshes. full dynamic trimesh to
/// dynamic trimesh support is hard because it requires (a) collision and penetration
/// depth for trimesh to trimesh and (hard to compute) (b) an intertia tensor
/// (easy to compute).
/// a triangle mesh collision geometry should be created when the blender
/// bounding volume (F9, EDITBUTTONS) is set to "polyheder", since this is
/// currently the place where sphere/box selection is made
/// \todo specify ODE ERP+CFM in blender interface
/// when ODE physics selected, have to be able to set global cfm and erp.
/// per-joint erp/cfm could be handled in constraint window.
/// \todo moving infinite mass objects should impart extra impulse to objects they collide with
/// currently ODE's ERP pushes them apart but doesn't account for their motion.
/// you have to detect if one body in a collision is a non-dyna. This
/// requires adding a new accessor method to
/// KX_IPhysicsInterfaceController to access the hidden m_isDyna variable,
/// currently it can only be written, not read). If one of the bodies in a
/// collision is a non-dyna, then impart an extra impulse based on the
/// motion of the static object (using its last 2 frames as an approximation
/// of its linear and angular velocity). Linear velocity is easy to
/// approximate, but angular? you have orientation at this frame and
/// orientation at previous frame. The question is what is the angular
/// velocity which would have taken you from the previous frame's orientation
/// to this frame's orientation?
/// \todo allow tweaking bounding volume size
/// the scene converter currently uses the blender bounding volume of the selected
/// object as the geometry for ODE collision purposes. this is good and automatic
/// intuitive - lets you choose between cube, sphere, mesh. but you need to be able
/// to tweak this size for physics.
/// \todo off center meshes totally wrong for ode
/// ode uses x, y, z extents regradless of center. then places geom at center of object.
/// but visual geom is not necessarily at center. need to detect off-center situations.
/// then do what? treat it as an encapsulated off-center mass, or recenter it?
/// i.o.w. recalculate center, or recalculate mass distribution (using encapsulation)?
/// \todo allow off-center mass
/// using ode geometry encapsulators
/// \todo allow entering compound geoms for complex collision shapes specified as a union of simpler shapes
/// The collision shape for arbitrary triangle meshes can probably in general be
///well approximated by a compound ODE geometry object, which is merely a combination
///of many primitives (capsule, sphere, box). I eventually want to add the ability
///to associate compound geometry objects with Blender gameobjects. I think one
///way of doing this would be to add a new button in the GameButtons, "RigidBodyCompound".
///If the object is "Dynamic" + "RigidBody", then the object's bounding volume (sphere,
///box) is created. If an object is "Dynamic" + "RigidBodyCompound", then the object itself
///will merely create a "wrapper" compound object, with the actual geometry objects
///being created from the object's children in Blender. E.g. if I wanted to make a
///compound collision object consisting of a sphere and 2 boxes, I would create a
///parent gameobject with the actual triangle mesh, and set its GameButtons to
///"RigidBodyCompound". I would then create 3 children of this object, 1 sphere and
///2 boxes, and set the GameButtons for the children to be "RigidBody". Then at
///scene conversion time, the scene converter sees "RigidBodyCompound" for the
///top-level object, then appropriately traverses the children and creates the compound
///collision geometry consisting of 2 boxes and a sphere. In this way, arbitrary
///mesh-mesh collision becomes much less necessary - the artist can (or must,
///depending on your point of view!) approximate the collision shape for arbitrary
///meshes with a combination of one or more primitive shapes. I think using the
///parent/child relationship in Blender and a new button "RigidBodyCompound" for the
///parent object of a compound is a feasible way of doing this in Blender.
///See ODE demo test_boxstack and look at the code when you drop a compound object
///with the "X" key.
/// \todo add visual specification of constraints
/// extend the armature constraint system. by using empties and constraining one empty
/// to "copy location" of another, you can get a p2p constraint between the two empties.
/// by making the two empties each a parent of a blender object, you effectively have
/// a p2p constraint between 2 blender bodies. the scene converter can detect these
/// empties, detect the constraint, and generate an ODE constraint.
/// then add a new constraint type "hinge" and "slider" to correspond to ODE joints.
/// e.g. a slider would be a constraint which restricts the axis of its object to lie
/// along the same line as another axis of a different object. e.g. you constrain x-axis
/// of one empty to lie along the same line as the z-axis of another empty; this gives
/// a slider joint.
/// open questions: how to handle powered joints? to what extent should/must constraints
/// be enforced during modeling? use CCD-style algorithm in modeler to enforce constraints?
/// how about ODE powered constraints e.g. motors?
/// \todo enable suspension of bodies
/// ODE offers native support for suspending dynas. but what about suspending non-dynas
/// (e.g. geoms)? suspending geoms is also necessary to ease the load of ODE's (simple?)
/// collision detector. suspending dynas and geoms is important for the activity culling,
/// which apparently works at a simple level. perhaps suspension should actually
/// remove or insert geoms/dynas into the ODE space/world? is this operation (insertion/
/// removal) fast enough at run-time? test it. if fast enough, then suspension=remove from
/// ODE simulation, awakening=insertion into ODE simulation.
/// \todo python interface for tweaking constraints via python
/// \todo raytesting to support gameengine sensors that need it
/// \todo investigate compatibility issues with old Blender 2.25 physics engine (sumo/fuzzics)
/// is it possible to have compatibility? how hard is it? how important is it?
ODEPhysicsController::ODEPhysicsController(bool dyna, bool fullRigidBody,
bool phantom, class PHY_IMotionState* motionstate, struct dxSpace* space,
struct dxWorld* world, float mass,float friction,float restitution,
bool implicitsphere,float center[3],float extents[3],float radius)
m_center[0] = center[0];
m_center[1] = center[1];
m_center[2] = center[2];
m_extends[0] = extents[0];
m_extends[1] = extents[1];
m_extends[2] = extents[2];
if (m_geomId)
dGeomDestroy (m_geomId);
float ODEPhysicsController::getMass()
dMass mass;
return mass.mass;
/// \todo Impart some extra impulse to dynamic objects when they collide with kinematically controlled "static" objects (ODE geoms), by using last 2 frames as 1st order approximation to the linear/angular velocity, and computing an appropriate impulse. Sumo (old physics engine) did this, see for details.
/// \todo handle scaling of static ODE geoms or fail with error message if Ipo tries to change scale of a static geom object
bool ODEPhysicsController::SynchronizeMotionStates(float time)
'Late binding' of the rigidbody, because the World Scaling is not available until the scenegraph is traversed
if (m_firstTime)
dQuaternion worldquat;
float worldpos[3];
#ifdef dDOUBLE
float scaling[3];
if (!m_bPhantom)
if (m_implicitsphere)
m_geomId = dCreateSphere (m_space,m_radius*scaling[0]);
} else
m_geomId = dCreateBox (m_space, m_extends[0]*scaling[0],m_extends[1]*scaling[1],m_extends[2]*scaling[2]);
} else
if (m_geomId)
if (!this->m_OdeDyna)
if (!m_bPhantom)
dGeomSetPosition (this->m_geomId,worldpos[0],worldpos[1],worldpos[2]);
dMatrix3 R;
dQtoR (worldquat, R);
dGeomSetRotation (this->m_geomId,R);
} else
//it's dynamic, so create a 'model'
m_bodyId = dBodyCreate(this->m_world);
dBodySetPosition (m_bodyId,worldpos[0],worldpos[1],worldpos[2]);
dBodySetQuaternion (this->m_bodyId,worldquat);
//this contains both scalar mass and inertia tensor
dMass m;
float length=1,width=1,height=1;
dMassSetBox (&m,1,m_extends[0]*scaling[0],m_extends[1]*scaling[1],m_extends[2]*scaling[2]);
dMassAdjust (&m,this->m_mass);
dBodySetMass (m_bodyId,&m);
if (!m_bPhantom)
dGeomSetBody (m_geomId,m_bodyId);
if (this->m_OdeDyna && !m_bFullRigidBody)
// ?? huh? what to do here?
if (m_OdeDyna)
if (this->m_OdeSuspendDynamics)
return false;
const float* worldPos = (float *)dBodyGetPosition(m_bodyId);
const float* worldquat = (float *)dBodyGetQuaternion(m_bodyId);
else {
// not a dyna, so dynamics (i.e. this controller) has not updated
// anything. BUT! an Ipo or something else might have changed the
// position/orientation of this geometry.
// so update the static geom position
/// \todo impart some extra impulse to colliding objects!
dQuaternion worldquat;
float worldpos[3];
#ifdef dDOUBLE
float scaling[3];
/// \todo handle scaling! what if Ipo changes scale of object?
// Must propagate to geom... is scaling geoms possible with ODE? Also
// what about scaling trimeshes, that is certainly difficult...
dGeomSetPosition (this->m_geomId,worldpos[0],worldpos[1],worldpos[2]);
dMatrix3 R;
dQtoR (worldquat, R);
dGeomSetRotation (this->m_geomId,R);
return false; //it update the worldpos
PHY_IMotionState* ODEPhysicsController::GetMotionState()
return m_MotionState;
// kinematic methods
void ODEPhysicsController::RelativeTranslate(float dlocX,float dlocY,float dlocZ,bool local)
void ODEPhysicsController::RelativeRotate(const float drot[9],bool local)
void ODEPhysicsController::setOrientation(float quatImag0,float quatImag1,float quatImag2,float quatReal)
dQuaternion worldquat;
worldquat[0] = quatReal;
worldquat[1] = quatImag0;
worldquat[2] = quatImag1;
worldquat[3] = quatImag2;
if (!this->m_OdeDyna)
dMatrix3 R;
dQtoR (worldquat, R);
dGeomSetRotation (this->m_geomId,R);
} else
dBodySetQuaternion (m_bodyId,worldquat);
void ODEPhysicsController::getOrientation(float &quatImag0,float &quatImag1,float &quatImag2,float &quatReal)
float q[4];
void ODEPhysicsController::getPosition(PHY__Vector3& pos) const
void ODEPhysicsController::setPosition(float posX,float posY,float posZ)
if (!m_bPhantom)
if (!this->m_OdeDyna)
dGeomSetPosition (m_geomId, posX, posY, posZ);
} else
dBodySetPosition (m_bodyId, posX, posY, posZ);
void ODEPhysicsController::setScaling(float scaleX,float scaleY,float scaleZ)
// physics methods
void ODEPhysicsController::ApplyTorque(float torqueX,float torqueY,float torqueZ,bool local)
if (m_OdeDyna) {
if(local) {
dBodyAddRelTorque(m_bodyId, torqueX, torqueY, torqueZ);
} else {
dBodyAddTorque (m_bodyId, torqueX, torqueY, torqueZ);
void ODEPhysicsController::ApplyForce(float forceX,float forceY,float forceZ,bool local)
if (m_OdeDyna) {
if(local) {
dBodyAddRelForce(m_bodyId, forceX, forceY, forceZ);
} else {
dBodyAddForce (m_bodyId, forceX, forceY, forceZ);
void ODEPhysicsController::SetAngularVelocity(float ang_velX,float ang_velY,float ang_velZ,bool local)
if (m_OdeDyna) {
if(local) {
// TODO: translate angular vel into local frame, then apply
} else {
dBodySetAngularVel (m_bodyId, ang_velX,ang_velY,ang_velZ);
void ODEPhysicsController::SetLinearVelocity(float lin_velX,float lin_velY,float lin_velZ,bool local)
if (m_OdeDyna)
dVector3 vel = {lin_velX,lin_velY,lin_velZ, 1.0};
if (local)
dMatrix3 worldmat;
dVector3 localvel;
dQuaternion worldquat;
#ifdef dDOUBLE
(float)worldquat[2], (float)worldquat[3],(float)worldquat[0]);
dQtoR (worldquat, worldmat);
dMULTIPLY0_331 (localvel,worldmat,vel);
dBodySetLinearVel (m_bodyId, localvel[0],localvel[1],localvel[2]);
} else
dBodySetLinearVel (m_bodyId, lin_velX,lin_velY,lin_velZ);
void ODEPhysicsController::applyImpulse(float attachX,float attachY,float attachZ, float impulseX,float impulseY,float impulseZ)
if (m_OdeDyna)
//apply linear and angular effect
const dReal* linvel = dBodyGetLinearVel(m_bodyId);
float mass = getMass();
if (mass >= 0.00001f)
float massinv = 1.f/mass;
float newvel[3];
const float* worldPos = (float *)dBodyGetPosition(m_bodyId);
const float* angvelc = (float *)dBodyGetAngularVel(m_bodyId);
float angvel[3];
dVector3 impulse;
dVector3 ap;
void ODEPhysicsController::SuspendDynamics()
void ODEPhysicsController::RestoreDynamics()
reading out information from physics
void ODEPhysicsController::GetLinearVelocity(float& linvX,float& linvY,float& linvZ)
if (m_OdeDyna)
const float* vel = (float *)dBodyGetLinearVel(m_bodyId);
linvX = vel[0];
linvY = vel[1];
linvZ = vel[2];
} else
linvX = 0.f;
linvY = 0.f;
linvZ = 0.f;
GetVelocity parameters are in geometric coordinates (Origin is not center of mass!).
void ODEPhysicsController::GetVelocity(const float posX,const float posY,const float posZ,float& linvX,float& linvY,float& linvZ)
void ODEPhysicsController::getReactionForce(float& forceX,float& forceY,float& forceZ)
void ODEPhysicsController::setRigidBody(bool rigid)
void ODEPhysicsController::PostProcessReplica(class PHY_IMotionState* motionstate,class PHY_IPhysicsController* parentctrl)
m_MotionState = motionstate;
m_bKinematic = false;
m_bPrevKinematic = false;
m_firstTime = true;
void ODEPhysicsController::SetSimulatedTime(float time)
void ODEPhysicsController::WriteMotionStateToDynamics(bool nondynaonly)