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""" test framework utilities """
import ipaddress
import logging
import socket
from socket import AF_INET6
import os.path
import platform
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import UserDict
import scapy.compat
from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
from scapy.layers.inet import IP
from scapy.layers.inet6 import (
from scapy.packet import Raw
from scapy.utils import hexdump
from scapy.utils6 import in6_mactoifaceid
from io import BytesIO
from vpp_papi import mac_pton
# Set up an empty logger for the testcase that can be overridden as necessary
null_logger = logging.getLogger("VppTestCase.util")
def pr(packet):
return packet.__repr__()
def ppp(headline, packet):
"""Return string containing headline and output of scapy packet.show()"""
return "%s\n%s\n\n%s\n" % (
hexdump(packet, dump=True),
def ppc(headline, capture, limit=10):
"""Return string containing ppp() printout for a capture.
:param headline: printed as first line of output
:param capture: packets to print
:param limit: limit the print to # of packets
if not capture:
return headline
tail = ""
if limit < len(capture):
tail = "\nPrint limit reached, %s out of %s packets printed" % (
body = "".join(
[ppp("Packet #%s:" % count, p) for count, p in zip(range(0, limit), capture)]
return "%s\n%s%s" % (headline, body, tail)
def ip4_range(ip4, s, e):
tmp = ip4.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
return ("%s.%d" % (tmp, i) for i in range(s, e))
def mcast_ip_to_mac(ip):
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
if not ip.is_multicast:
raise ValueError("Must be multicast address.")
ip_as_int = int(ip)
if ip.version == 4:
mcast_mac = "01:00:5e:%02x:%02x:%02x" % (
(ip_as_int >> 16) & 0x7F,
(ip_as_int >> 8) & 0xFF,
ip_as_int & 0xFF,
mcast_mac = "33:33:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" % (
(ip_as_int >> 24) & 0xFF,
(ip_as_int >> 16) & 0xFF,
(ip_as_int >> 8) & 0xFF,
ip_as_int & 0xFF,
return mcast_mac
# wrapper around scapy library function.
def mk_ll_addr(mac):
euid = in6_mactoifaceid(str(mac))
addr = "fe80::" + euid
return addr
def ip6_normalize(ip6):
return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip6))
def get_core_path(tempdir):
return "%s/%s" % (tempdir, get_core_pattern())
def is_core_present(tempdir):
return os.path.isfile(get_core_path(tempdir))
def get_core_pattern():
if platform.uname().system == "FreeBSD":
import sysctl
corefmt = sysctl.filter("kern.corefile")[0].value
elif platform.uname().system == "Linux":
with open("/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern", "r") as f:
corefmt = f.read().strip()
return corefmt
def check_core_path(logger, core_path):
corefmt = get_core_pattern()
if corefmt.startswith("|"):
"WARNING: redirecting the core dump through a"
" filter may result in truncated dumps."
" You may want to check the filter settings"
" or uninstall it and edit the"
" /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern accordingly."
logger.error(" current core pattern is: %s" % corefmt)
class NumericConstant:
desc_dict = {}
def __init__(self, value):
self._value = value
def __int__(self):
return self._value
def __long__(self):
return self._value
def __str__(self):
if self._value in self.desc_dict:
return self.desc_dict[self._value]
return ""
class Host:
"""Generic test host "connected" to VPPs interface."""
def mac(self):
"""MAC address"""
return self._mac
def bin_mac(self):
"""MAC address"""
return mac_pton(self._mac)
def ip4(self):
"""IPv4 address - string"""
return self._ip4
def ip4n(self):
"""IPv4 address of remote host - raw, suitable as API parameter."""
return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, self._ip4)
def ip6(self):
"""IPv6 address - string"""
return self._ip6
def ip6n(self):
"""IPv6 address of remote host - raw, suitable as API parameter."""
return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self._ip6)
def ip6_ll(self):
"""IPv6 link-local address - string"""
return self._ip6_ll
def ip6n_ll(self):
"""IPv6 link-local address of remote host -
raw, suitable as API parameter."""
return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self._ip6_ll)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Host):
return (
self.mac == other.mac
and self.ip4 == other.ip4
and self.ip6 == other.ip6
and self.ip6_ll == other.ip6_ll
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __repr__(self):
return "Host { mac:%s ip4:%s ip6:%s ip6_ll:%s }" % (
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__repr__())
def __init__(self, mac=None, ip4=None, ip6=None, ip6_ll=None):
self._mac = mac
self._ip4 = ip4
self._ip6 = ip6
self._ip6_ll = ip6_ll
class L4_Conn:
"""L4 'connection' tied to two VPP interfaces"""
def __init__(self, testcase, if1, if2, af, l4proto, port1, port2):
self.testcase = testcase
self.ifs = [None, None]
self.ifs[0] = if1
self.ifs[1] = if2
self.address_family = af
self.l4proto = l4proto
self.ports = [None, None]
self.ports[0] = port1
self.ports[1] = port2
def pkt(self, side, l4args={}, payload="x"):
is_ip6 = 1 if self.address_family == AF_INET6 else 0
s0 = side
s1 = 1 - side
src_if = self.ifs[s0]
dst_if = self.ifs[s1]
layer_3 = [
IP(src=src_if.remote_ip4, dst=dst_if.remote_ip4),
IPv6(src=src_if.remote_ip6, dst=dst_if.remote_ip6),
merged_l4args = {"sport": self.ports[s0], "dport": self.ports[s1]}
p = (
Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac)
/ layer_3[is_ip6]
/ self.l4proto(**merged_l4args)
/ Raw(payload)
return p
def send(self, side, flags=None, payload=""):
l4args = {}
if flags is not None:
l4args["flags"] = flags
self.ifs[side].add_stream(self.pkt(side, l4args=l4args, payload=payload))
self.ifs[1 - side].enable_capture()
def recv(self, side):
p = self.ifs[side].wait_for_packet(1)
return p
def send_through(self, side, flags=None, payload=""):
self.send(side, flags, payload)
p = self.recv(1 - side)
return p
def send_pingpong(self, side, flags1=None, flags2=None):
p1 = self.send_through(side, flags1)
p2 = self.send_through(1 - side, flags2)
return [p1, p2]
class L4_CONN_SIDE:
def fragment_rfc791(packet, fragsize, logger=null_logger):
Fragment an IPv4 packet per RFC 791
:param packet: packet to fragment
:param fragsize: size at which to fragment
:note: IP options are not supported
:returns: list of fragments
logger.debug(ppp("Fragmenting packet:", packet))
packet = packet.__class__(scapy.compat.raw(packet)) # recalc. all values
if len(packet[IP].options) > 0:
raise Exception("Not implemented")
if len(packet) <= fragsize:
return [packet]
pre_ip_len = len(packet) - len(packet[IP])
ip_header_len = packet[IP].ihl * 4
hex_packet = scapy.compat.raw(packet)
hex_headers = hex_packet[: (pre_ip_len + ip_header_len)]
hex_payload = hex_packet[(pre_ip_len + ip_header_len) :]
pkts = []
ihl = packet[IP].ihl
otl = len(packet[IP])
nfb = int((fragsize - pre_ip_len - ihl * 4) / 8)
fo = packet[IP].frag
p = packet.__class__(hex_headers + hex_payload[: nfb * 8])
p[IP].flags = "MF"
p[IP].frag = fo
p[IP].len = ihl * 4 + nfb * 8
del p[IP].chksum
p = packet.__class__(hex_headers + hex_payload[nfb * 8 :])
p[IP].len = otl - nfb * 8
p[IP].frag = fo + nfb
del p[IP].chksum
more_fragments = fragment_rfc791(p, fragsize, logger)
return pkts
def fragment_rfc8200(packet, identification, fragsize, logger=null_logger):
Fragment an IPv6 packet per RFC 8200
:param packet: packet to fragment
:param fragsize: size at which to fragment
:note: IP options are not supported
:returns: list of fragments
packet = packet.__class__(scapy.compat.raw(packet)) # recalc. all values
if len(packet) <= fragsize:
return [packet]
logger.debug(ppp("Fragmenting packet:", packet))
pkts = []
counter = 0
routing_hdr = None
hop_by_hop_hdr = None
upper_layer = None
seen_ipv6 = False
ipv6_nr = -1
l = packet.getlayer(counter)
while l is not None:
if l.__class__ is IPv6:
if seen_ipv6:
# ignore 2nd IPv6 header and everything below..
ipv6_nr = counter
seen_ipv6 = True
elif l.__class__ is IPv6ExtHdrFragment:
raise Exception("Already fragmented")
elif l.__class__ is IPv6ExtHdrRouting:
routing_hdr = counter
elif l.__class__ is IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop:
hop_by_hop_hdr = counter
elif (
and not upper_layer
and not l.__class__.__name__.startswith("IPv6ExtHdr")
upper_layer = counter
counter = counter + 1
l = packet.getlayer(counter)
"Layers seen: IPv6(#%s), Routing(#%s), HopByHop(#%s), upper(#%s)"
% (ipv6_nr, routing_hdr, hop_by_hop_hdr, upper_layer)
if upper_layer is None:
raise Exception("Upper layer header not found in IPv6 packet")
last_per_fragment_hdr = ipv6_nr
if routing_hdr is None:
if hop_by_hop_hdr is not None:
last_per_fragment_hdr = hop_by_hop_hdr
last_per_fragment_hdr = routing_hdr
logger.debug("Last per-fragment hdr is #%s" % (last_per_fragment_hdr))
per_fragment_headers = packet.copy()
logger.debug(ppp("Per-fragment headers:", per_fragment_headers))
ext_and_upper_layer = packet.getlayer(last_per_fragment_hdr)[1]
hex_payload = scapy.compat.raw(ext_and_upper_layer)
logger.debug("Payload length is %s" % len(hex_payload))
logger.debug(ppp("Ext and upper layer:", ext_and_upper_layer))
fragment_ext_hdr = IPv6ExtHdrFragment()
logger.debug(ppp("Fragment header:", fragment_ext_hdr))
len_ext_and_upper_layer_payload = len(ext_and_upper_layer.payload)
if not len_ext_and_upper_layer_payload and hasattr(ext_and_upper_layer, "data"):
len_ext_and_upper_layer_payload = len(ext_and_upper_layer.data)
if (
+ len(fragment_ext_hdr)
+ len(ext_and_upper_layer)
- len_ext_and_upper_layer_payload
> fragsize
raise Exception(
"Cannot fragment this packet - MTU too small "
"(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
% (
orig_nh = packet[IPv6].nh
p = per_fragment_headers
del p[IPv6].plen
del p[IPv6].nh
p = p / fragment_ext_hdr
del p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh
first_payload_len_nfb = int((fragsize - len(p)) / 8)
p = p / Raw(hex_payload[: first_payload_len_nfb * 8])
del p[IPv6].plen
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh = orig_nh
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id = identification
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].offset = 0
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].m = 1
p = p.__class__(scapy.compat.raw(p))
logger.debug(ppp("Fragment %s:" % len(pkts), p))
offset = first_payload_len_nfb * 8
logger.debug("Offset after first fragment: %s" % offset)
while len(hex_payload) > offset:
p = per_fragment_headers
del p[IPv6].plen
del p[IPv6].nh
p = p / fragment_ext_hdr
del p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh
l_nfb = int((fragsize - len(p)) / 8)
p = p / Raw(hex_payload[offset : offset + l_nfb * 8])
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh = orig_nh
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id = identification
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].offset = int(offset / 8)
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].m = 1
p = p.__class__(scapy.compat.raw(p))
logger.debug(ppp("Fragment %s:" % len(pkts), p))
offset = offset + l_nfb * 8
pkts[-1][IPv6ExtHdrFragment].m = 0 # reset more-flags in last fragment
return pkts
def reassemble4_core(listoffragments, return_ip):
buffer = BytesIO()
first = listoffragments[0]
for pkt in listoffragments:
buffer.seek(pkt[IP].frag * 8)
first.len = len(buffer.getvalue()) + 20
first.flags = 0
del first.chksum
if return_ip:
header = bytes(first[IP])[:20]
return first[IP].__class__(header + buffer.getvalue())
header = bytes(first[Ether])[:34]
return first[Ether].__class__(header + buffer.getvalue())
def reassemble4_ether(listoffragments):
return reassemble4_core(listoffragments, False)
def reassemble4(listoffragments):
return reassemble4_core(listoffragments, True)
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
class UnexpectedPacketError(Exception):
def __init__(self, packet, msg=""):
self.packet = packet
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return f"\nUnexpected packet:\n{pr(self.packet)}{self.msg}"
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
def recursive_dict_merge(dict_base, dict_update):
"""Recursively merge base dict with update dict, return merged dict"""
for key in dict_update:
if key in dict_base:
if type(dict_update[key]) is dict:
dict_base[key] = recursive_dict_merge(dict_base[key], dict_update[key])
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
dict_base[key] = dict_update[key]
dict_base[key] = dict_update[key]
return dict_base
class StatsDiff(UserDict):
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats:
diff_dictionary =
"err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, },
sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5,
'/stat/segment/counter2' : 6,
sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7,
It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment
path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index.
Special case string "err" is used for error counters, which are not per
__slots__ = () # prevent setting properties to act like a dictionary
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
def __init__(self, data):
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
def __or__(self, other):
return recursive_dict_merge(deepcopy(self.data), other)