Reset color after submodule warning message

Fixes leaking bold text
This commit is contained in:
Marco Scannadinari
2018-01-08 23:11:26 +00:00
committed by Jack Humbert
parent 6bbe2366ec
commit 8209304904

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Some git sub-modules are out of date or modified, please consider runnning:$(BOLD)\n\
make git-submodule\n\
You can ignore this warning if you are not compiling any ChibiOS keyboards,\n\
or if you have modified the ChibiOS libraries yourself. \n\n
or if you have modified the ChibiOS libraries yourself. \n\n$(NO_COLOR)
MSG_NO_CMP = $(ERROR_COLOR)Error:$(NO_COLOR)$(BOLD) cmp command not found, please install diffutils\n$(NO_COLOR)