
521 lines
32 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
2010-02-12 13:34:04 +00:00
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
* BKE_bad_level_calls function stubs
2011-02-25 13:46:54 +00:00
/** \file blenderplayer/bad_level_call_stubs/stubs.c
* \ingroup blc
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "DNA_listBase.h"
#include "RNA_types.h"
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct ARegion;
struct ARegionType;
struct BMEditMesh;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct Base;
struct Brush;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct CSG_FaceIteratorDescriptor;
struct CSG_VertexIteratorDescriptor;
struct ChannelDriver;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct ColorBand;
struct Context;
struct Curve;
struct CurveMapping;
struct DerivedMesh;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct EditBone;
struct EnvMap;
2010-04-07 02:14:46 +00:00
struct FCurve;
struct Heap;
struct HeapNode;
struct ID;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct ImBuf;
struct Image;
struct ImageUser;
2010-03-24 03:48:25 +00:00
struct KeyingSet;
struct KeyingSetInfo;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct LOD_Decimation_Info;
struct MCol;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct MTex;
struct Main;
struct Material;
struct MenuType;
struct Mesh;
struct ModifierData;
2011-11-08 11:15:40 +00:00
struct MovieClip;
struct MultiresModifierData;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct NodeBlurData;
struct Nurb;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct Object;
struct PBVHNode;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct Render;
struct RenderEngine;
struct RenderEngineType;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct RenderLayer;
struct RenderResult;
struct Scene;
struct Scene;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct ScrArea;
struct SculptSession;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct ShadeInput;
struct ShadeResult;
struct SmallHash;
struct SmallHashIter;
2011-11-08 11:15:40 +00:00
struct SpaceClip;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct SpaceImage;
struct SpaceNode;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct Tex;
struct TexResult;
struct Text;
struct ToolSettings;
struct View3D;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct bAction;
struct bArmature;
struct bConstraint;
struct bConstraintOb;
struct bConstraintTarget;
struct bContextDataResult;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct bNode;
struct bNodeSocket;
struct bNodeTree;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct bPoseChannel;
struct bPythonConstraint;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct uiLayout;
struct wmEvent;
struct wmKeyConfig;
struct wmKeyMap;
struct wmOperator;
struct wmWindow;
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
struct wmWindowManager;
2010-03-24 03:48:25 +00:00
/*new render funcs */
2011-04-15 01:19:13 +00:00
void EDBM_selectmode_set(struct BMEditMesh *em) {}
void EDBM_LoadEditBMesh(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob) {}
void EDBM_MakeEditBMesh(struct ToolSettings *ts, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob) {}
void *g_system;
struct Heap* BLI_heap_new (void){return NULL;}
void BLI_heap_free (struct Heap *heap, void *ptrfreefp) {}
struct HeapNode* BLI_heap_insert (struct Heap *heap, float value, void *ptr){return NULL;}
void BLI_heap_remove (struct Heap *heap, struct HeapNode *node) {}
int BLI_heap_empty (struct Heap *heap) {return 0;}
int BLI_heap_size (struct Heap *heap){return 0;}
struct HeapNode* BLI_heap_top (struct Heap *heap){return NULL;}
void* BLI_heap_popmin (struct Heap *heap){return NULL;}
void BLI_smallhash_init(struct SmallHash *hash) {}
void BLI_smallhash_release(struct SmallHash *hash) {}
void BLI_smallhash_insert(struct SmallHash *hash, uintptr_t key, void *item) {}
void BLI_smallhash_remove(struct SmallHash *hash, uintptr_t key) {}
void *BLI_smallhash_lookup(struct SmallHash *hash, uintptr_t key) { return NULL; }
int BLI_smallhash_haskey(struct SmallHash *hash, uintptr_t key) { return 0; }
int BLI_smallhash_count(struct SmallHash *hash) { return 0; }
void *BLI_smallhash_iternext(struct SmallHashIter *iter, uintptr_t *key) { return NULL; }
void *BLI_smallhash_iternew(struct SmallHash *hash, struct SmallHashIter *iter, uintptr_t *key) { return NULL; }
2011-04-15 01:19:13 +00:00
2010-03-24 03:48:25 +00:00
float *RE_RenderLayerGetPass(struct RenderLayer *rl, int passtype) {return (float *) NULL;}
float RE_filter_value(int type, float x) {return 0.0f;}
struct RenderLayer *RE_GetRenderLayer(struct RenderResult *rr, const char *name) {return (struct RenderLayer *)NULL;}
/* zbuf.c stub */
void antialias_tagbuf(int xsize, int ysize, char *rectmove) {}
void RE_zbuf_accumulate_vecblur(struct NodeBlurData *nbd, int xsize, int ysize, float *newrect, float *imgrect, float *vecbufrect, float *zbufrect) {}
/* imagetexture.c stub */
void ibuf_sample(struct ImBuf *ibuf, float fx, float fy, float dx, float dy, float *result) {}
/* texture.c */
int multitex_thread(struct Tex *tex, float *texvec, float *dxt, float *dyt, int osatex, struct TexResult *texres, short thread, short which_output) {return 0;}
int multitex_ext(struct Tex *tex, float *texvec, float *dxt, float *dyt, int osatex, struct TexResult *texres){return 0;}
2010-12-27 21:58:07 +00:00
int multitex_ext_safe(struct Tex *tex, float *texvec, struct TexResult *texres){return 0;}
int multitex_nodes(struct Tex *tex, float *texvec, float *dxt, float *dyt, int osatex, struct TexResult *texres, short thread, short which_output, struct ShadeInput *shi, struct MTex *mtex) {return 0;}
struct Material *RE_init_sample_material(struct Material *orig_mat, struct Scene *scene) {return (struct Material *)NULL;}
void RE_free_sample_material(struct Material *mat) {}
void RE_sample_material_color(struct Material *mat, float color[3], float *alpha, const float volume_co[3], const float surface_co[3],
int face_index, short hit_quad, struct DerivedMesh *orcoDm, struct Object *ob) {}
/* nodes */
struct RenderResult *RE_GetResult(struct Render *re){return (struct RenderResult *) NULL;}
struct Render *RE_GetRender(const char *name){return (struct Render *) NULL;}
/* blenkernel */
void RE_FreeRenderResult(struct RenderResult *res){}
struct RenderResult *RE_MultilayerConvert(void *exrhandle, int rectx, int recty){return (struct RenderResult *) NULL;}
void RE_GetResultImage(struct Render *re, struct RenderResult *rr){}
int RE_RenderInProgress(struct Render *re){return 0;}
struct Scene *RE_GetScene(struct Render *re){return (struct Scene *) NULL;}
void RE_Database_Free(struct Render *re){}
void RE_FreeRender(struct Render *re){}
void RE_DataBase_GetView(struct Render *re, float mat[][4]){}
int externtex(struct MTex *mtex, float *vec, float *tin, float *tr, float *tg, float *tb, float *ta){return 0;}
float texture_value_blend(float tex, float out, float fact, float facg, int blendtype, int flip){return 0.0f;}
void texture_rgb_blend(float *in, float *tex, float *out, float fact, float facg, int blendtype){}
char stipple_quarttone[1]; //GLubyte stipple_quarttone[128]
double elbeemEstimateMemreq(int res, float sx, float sy, float sz, int refine, char *retstr) {return 0.0f;}
struct Render *RE_NewRender(const char *name){return (struct Render*) NULL;}
void RE_SwapResult(struct Render *re, struct RenderResult **rr){}
void RE_BlenderFrame(struct Render *re, struct Scene *scene, int frame){}
int RE_WriteEnvmapResult(struct ReportList *reports, struct Scene *scene, struct EnvMap *env, const char *relpath, const char imtype, float layout[12]) { return 0; }
/* rna */
2010-03-24 03:48:25 +00:00
float *give_cursor(struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d){return (float *) NULL;}
void WM_menutype_free(void){}
void WM_menutype_freelink(struct MenuType* mt){}
int WM_menutype_add(struct MenuType *mt) {return 0;}
2010-03-24 03:48:25 +00:00
int WM_operator_props_dialog_popup (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, int width, int height){return 0;}
2010-11-22 23:47:00 +00:00
int WM_operator_confirm(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event){return 0;}
struct MenuType *WM_menutype_find(const char *idname, int quiet){return (struct MenuType *) NULL;}
2010-04-07 02:14:46 +00:00
void WM_operator_stack_clear(struct bContext *C) {}
void WM_autosave_init(struct bContext *C){}
void WM_jobs_stop_all(struct wmWindowManager *wm){}
char *WM_clipboard_text_get(int selection){return (char*)0;}
void WM_clipboard_text_set(char *buf, int selection){}
struct wmKeyMapItem *WM_keymap_item_find_id(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, int id){return (struct wmKeyMapItem *) NULL;}
int WM_enum_search_invoke(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event){return 0;}
void WM_event_add_notifier(const struct bContext *C, unsigned int type, void *reference){}
void WM_main_add_notifier(unsigned int type, void *reference){}
void ED_armature_bone_rename(struct bArmature *arm, char *oldnamep, char *newnamep){}
struct wmEventHandler *WM_event_add_modal_handler(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op){return (struct wmEventHandler *)NULL;}
struct wmTimer *WM_event_add_timer(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmWindow *win, int event_type, double timestep){return (struct wmTimer *)NULL;}
2011-05-03 18:31:01 +00:00
void WM_event_remove_timer(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmWindow *win, struct wmTimer *timer){}
void ED_armature_edit_bone_remove(struct bArmature *arm, struct EditBone *exBone){}
void object_test_constraints (struct Object *owner){}
void ED_object_parent(struct Object *ob, struct Object *par, int type, const char *substr){}
void ED_object_constraint_set_active(struct Object *ob, struct bConstraint *con){}
void ED_node_composit_default(struct Scene *sce){}
void *ED_region_draw_cb_activate(struct ARegionType *art, void(*draw)(const struct bContext *, struct ARegion *, void *), void *custumdata, int type){return 0;} /* XXX this one looks weird */
2010-03-24 03:48:25 +00:00
void *ED_region_draw_cb_customdata(void *handle){return 0;} /* XXX This one looks wrong also */
void ED_region_draw_cb_exit(struct ARegionType *art, void *handle){}
void ED_area_headerprint(struct ScrArea *sa, char *str){}
struct EditBone *ED_armature_bone_get_mirrored(struct ListBase *edbo, struct EditBone *ebo){return (struct EditBone *) NULL;}
struct EditBone *ED_armature_edit_bone_add(struct bArmature *arm, char *name){return (struct EditBone*) NULL;}
struct ListBase *get_active_constraints (struct Object *ob){return (struct ListBase *) NULL;}
struct ListBase *get_constraint_lb(struct Object *ob, struct bConstraint *con, struct bPoseChannel **pchan_r){return (struct ListBase *) NULL;}
int ED_pose_channel_in_IK_chain(struct Object *ob, struct bPoseChannel *pchan){return 0;}
int ED_space_image_show_uvedit(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct Object *obedit){return 0;}
int ED_space_image_show_render(struct SpaceImage *sima){return 0;}
int ED_space_image_show_paint(struct SpaceImage *sima){return 0;}
void ED_space_image_paint_update(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct ToolSettings *settings){}
void ED_space_image_set(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *obedit, struct Image *ima){}
struct ImBuf *ED_space_image_buffer(struct SpaceImage *sima){return (struct ImBuf *) NULL;}
void ED_space_image_uv_sculpt_update(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct ToolSettings *settings){}
2011-05-03 18:31:01 +00:00
void ED_screen_set_scene(struct bContext *C, struct Scene *scene){}
Camera tracking integration =========================== Commiting camera tracking integration gsoc project into trunk. This commit includes: - Bundled version of libmv library (with some changes against official repo, re-sync with libmv repo a bit later) - New datatype ID called MovieClip which is optimized to work with movie clips (both of movie files and image sequences) and doing camera/motion tracking operations. - New editor called Clip Editor which is currently used for motion/tracking stuff only, but which can be easily extended to work with masks too. This editor supports: * Loading movie files/image sequences * Build proxies with different size for loaded movie clip, also supports building undistorted proxies to increase speed of playback in undistorted mode. * Manual lens distortion mode calibration using grid and grease pencil * Supervised 2D tracking using two different algorithms KLT and SAD. * Basic algorithm for feature detection * Camera motion solving. scene orientation - New constraints to "link" scene objects with solved motions from clip: * Follow Track (make object follow 2D motion of track with given name or parent object to reconstructed 3D position of track) * Camera Solver to make camera moving in the same way as reconstructed camera This commit NOT includes changes from tomato branch: - New nodes (they'll be commited as separated patch) - Automatic image offset guessing for image input node and image editor (need to do more tests and gather more feedback) - Code cleanup in libmv-capi. It's not so critical cleanup, just increasing readability and understanadability of code. Better to make this chaneg when Keir will finish his current patch. More details about this project can be found on this page: Further development of small features would be done in trunk, bigger/experimental features would first be implemented in tomato branch.
2011-11-07 12:55:18 +00:00
void ED_space_clip_set(struct bContext *C, struct SpaceClip *sc, struct MovieClip *clip){}
2011-05-03 18:31:01 +00:00
void ED_area_tag_redraw_regiontype(struct ScrArea *sa, int regiontype){}
void ED_render_engine_changed(struct Main *bmain) {}
struct PTCacheEdit *PE_get_current(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob){return (struct PTCacheEdit *) NULL;}
void PE_current_changed(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob){}
/* rna keymap */
struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_active(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmKeyMap *keymap){return (struct wmKeyMap *) NULL;}
struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_find(struct wmKeyConfig *keyconf, char *idname, int spaceid, int regionid){return (struct wmKeyMap *) NULL;}
struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_add_item(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, char *idname, int type, int val, int modifier, int keymodifier){return (struct wmKeyMap *) NULL;}
struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_copy_to_user(struct wmKeyMap *kemap){return (struct wmKeyMap *) NULL;}
struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_list_find(struct ListBase *lb, char *idname, int spaceid, int regionid){return (struct wmKeyMap *) NULL;}
struct wmKeyConfig *WM_keyconfig_new(struct wmWindowManager *wm, char *idname){return (struct wmKeyConfig *) NULL;}
struct wmKeyConfig *WM_keyconfig_new_user(struct wmWindowManager *wm, char *idname){return (struct wmKeyConfig *) NULL;}
void WM_keyconfig_remove(struct wmWindowManager *wm, char *idname){}
void WM_keyconfig_set_active(struct wmWindowManager *wm, const char *idname) {}
void WM_keymap_remove_item(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi){}
void WM_keymap_restore_to_default(struct wmKeyMap *keymap){}
void WM_keymap_restore_item_to_default(struct bContext *C, struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi){}
void WM_keymap_properties_reset(struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi){}
void WM_keyconfig_update_tag(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi) {}
int WM_keymap_item_compare(struct wmKeyMapItem *k1, struct wmKeyMapItem *k2){return 0;}
/* rna editors */
struct FCurve *verify_fcurve (struct bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], const int array_index, short add){return (struct FCurve *) NULL;}
int insert_vert_fcurve(struct FCurve *fcu, float x, float y, short flag){return 0;}
void delete_fcurve_key(struct FCurve *fcu, int index, short do_recalc){}
2010-03-24 03:48:25 +00:00
struct KeyingSetInfo *ANIM_keyingset_info_find_named (const char name[]){return (struct KeyingSetInfo *) NULL;}
struct KeyingSet *ANIM_scene_get_active_keyingset (struct Scene *scene){return (struct KeyingSet *) NULL;}
int ANIM_scene_get_keyingset_index(struct Scene *scene, struct KeyingSet *ks){return 0;}
struct ListBase builtin_keyingsets;
void ANIM_keyingset_info_register (struct KeyingSetInfo *ksi){}
void ANIM_keyingset_info_unregister (const struct bContext *C, struct KeyingSetInfo *ksi){}
short ANIM_validate_keyingset (struct bContext *C, struct ListBase *dsources, struct KeyingSet *ks){return 0;}
short ANIM_add_driver(struct ID *id, const char rna_path[], int array_index, short flag, int type){return 0;}
2010-04-12 23:02:14 +00:00
short ANIM_remove_driver (struct ID *id, const char rna_path[], int array_index, short flag){return 0;}
void ED_space_image_release_buffer(struct SpaceImage *sima, void *lock){}
struct ImBuf *ED_space_image_acquire_buffer(struct SpaceImage *sima, void **lock_r){return (struct ImBuf *) NULL;}
void ED_space_image_zoom(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct ARegion *ar, float *zoomx, float *zoomy) {}
2010-03-24 03:48:25 +00:00
char *ED_info_stats_string(struct Scene *scene){return (char *) NULL;}
void ED_area_tag_redraw(struct ScrArea *sa){}
2010-02-04 23:03:08 +00:00
void ED_area_tag_refresh(struct ScrArea *sa){}
void ED_area_newspace(struct bContext *C, struct ScrArea *sa, int type){}
void ED_region_tag_redraw(struct ARegion *ar){}
void WM_event_add_fileselect(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op){}
2010-02-07 17:15:20 +00:00
void WM_cursor_wait (int val) {}
void ED_node_texture_default(struct Tex *tx){}
void ED_node_changed_update(struct bContext *C, struct bNode *node){}
void ED_node_generic_update(struct Main *bmain, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct bNode *node){}
void ED_node_tree_update(struct SpaceNode *snode, struct Scene *scene){}
void ED_view3d_scene_layers_update(struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene){}
int ED_view3d_scene_layer_set(int lay, const int *values){return 0;}
void ED_view3d_quadview_update(struct ScrArea *sa, struct ARegion *ar){}
2011-05-14 06:24:29 +00:00
void ED_view3d_from_m4(float mat[][4], float ofs[3], float quat[4], float *dist){}
struct BGpic *ED_view3D_background_image_new(struct View3D *v3d){return (struct BGpic *) NULL;}
void ED_view3D_background_image_remove(struct View3D *v3d, struct BGpic *bgpic){}
void ED_view3D_background_image_clear(struct View3D *v3d){}
void ED_view3d_update_viewmat(struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, struct ARegion *ar, float viewmat[][4], float winmat[][4]){}
void view3d_apply_mat4(float mat[][4], float *ofs, float *quat, float *dist){}
int text_file_modified(struct Text *text){return 0;}
void ED_node_shader_default(struct Material *ma){}
void ED_screen_animation_timer_update(struct bContext *C, int redraws){}
void ED_base_object_select(struct Base *base, short mode){}
int ED_object_modifier_remove(struct ReportList *reports, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, struct ModifierData *md){return 0;}
int ED_object_modifier_add(struct ReportList *reports, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, char *name, int type){return 0;}
void ED_object_modifier_clear(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob){}
void ED_object_enter_editmode(struct bContext *C, int flag){}
void ED_object_exit_editmode(struct bContext *C, int flag){}
int uiLayoutGetActive(struct uiLayout *layout){return 0;}
int uiLayoutGetOperatorContext(struct uiLayout *layout){return 0;}
int uiLayoutGetAlignment(struct uiLayout *layout){return 0;}
int uiLayoutGetEnabled(struct uiLayout *layout){return 0;}
float uiLayoutGetScaleX(struct uiLayout *layout){return 0.0f;}
float uiLayoutGetScaleY(struct uiLayout *layout){return 0.0f;}
void uiLayoutSetActive(struct uiLayout *layout, int active){}
void uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(struct uiLayout *layout, int opcontext){}
void uiLayoutSetEnabled(struct uiLayout *layout, int enabled){}
void uiLayoutSetAlignment(struct uiLayout *layout, int alignment){}
void uiLayoutSetScaleX(struct uiLayout *layout, float scale){}
void uiLayoutSetScaleY(struct uiLayout *layout, float scale){}
void ED_base_object_free_and_unlink(struct Scene *scene, struct Base *base){}
void ED_mesh_calc_normals(struct Mesh *me){}
void ED_mesh_geometry_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int verts, int edges, int faces){}
void ED_mesh_material_add(struct Mesh *me, struct Material *ma){}
void ED_mesh_transform(struct Mesh *me, float *mat){}
void ED_mesh_update(struct Mesh *mesh, struct bContext *C){}
2010-08-30 02:04:22 +00:00
void ED_mesh_vertices_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count){}
void ED_mesh_edges_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count){}
void ED_mesh_faces_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count){}
void ED_mesh_loops_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count){}
void ED_mesh_polys_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count){}
void ED_mesh_vertices_remove(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count){}
void ED_mesh_edges_remove(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count){}
void ED_mesh_faces_remove(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count){}
2010-08-30 02:04:22 +00:00
void ED_mesh_material_link(struct Mesh *mesh, struct Material *ma){}
int ED_mesh_color_add(struct bContext *C, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, struct Mesh *me){return 0;}
int ED_mesh_uv_texture_add(struct bContext *C, struct Mesh *me){return 0;}
void ED_object_constraint_dependency_update(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob){}
void ED_object_constraint_update(struct Object *ob){}
struct bDeformGroup *ED_vgroup_add_name(struct Object *ob, char *name){return (struct bDeformGroup *) NULL;}
void ED_vgroup_vert_add(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *dg, int vertnum, float weight, int assignmode){}
2011-01-09 02:43:26 +00:00
void ED_vgroup_vert_remove(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *dg, int vertnum){}
void ED_vgroup_vert_weight(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *dg, int vertnum){}
void ED_vgroup_delete(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *defgroup){}
void ED_vgroup_clear(struct Object *ob){}
2011-01-09 02:43:26 +00:00
void ED_vgroup_object_is_edit_mode(struct Object *ob){}
long mesh_mirrtopo_table(struct Object *ob, char mode) { return 0; }
intptr_t mesh_octree_table(struct Object *ob, struct BMEditMesh *em, float *co, char mode) { return 0; }
2011-01-09 02:43:26 +00:00
void ED_sequencer_update_view(struct bContext *C, int view){}
float ED_rollBoneToVector(struct EditBone *bone, float new_up_axis[3]){return 0.0f;}
void ED_space_image_size(struct SpaceImage *sima, int *width, int *height){}
void ED_nurb_set_spline_type(struct Nurb *nu, int type){}
void EM_selectmode_set(struct EditMesh *em){}
int EM_texFaceCheck(struct EditMesh *em){return 0;}
void make_editMesh(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob){}
void load_editMesh(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob){}
void make_editLatt(struct Object *obedit){}
void load_editLatt(struct Object *obedit){}
void load_editNurb (struct Object *obedit){}
void make_editNurb (struct Object *obedit){}
void uiItemR(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, int flag, char *name, int icon){}
2012-02-20 08:06:24 +00:00
struct PointerRNA uiItemFullO(struct uiLayout *layout, char *idname, char *name, int icon, struct IDProperty *properties, int context, int flag){struct PointerRNA a = {0}; return a;}
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutRow(struct uiLayout *layout, int align){return (struct uiLayout *) NULL;}
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutColumn(struct uiLayout *layout, int align){return (struct uiLayout *) NULL;}
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutColumnFlow(struct uiLayout *layout, int number, int align){return (struct uiLayout *) NULL;}
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutBox(struct uiLayout *layout){return (struct uiLayout *) NULL;}
2009-12-10 14:47:07 +00:00
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutSplit(struct uiLayout *layout, float percentage, int align){return (struct uiLayout *) NULL;}
int uiLayoutGetRedAlert(struct uiLayout *layout){return 0;}
void uiLayoutSetRedAlert(struct uiLayout *layout, int redalert){}
void uiItemsEnumR(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname){}
void uiItemMenuEnumR(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, char *name, int icon){}
void uiItemEnumR_string(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, char *value, char *name, int icon){}
void uiItemPointerR(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, struct PointerRNA *searchptr, char *searchpropname, char *name, int icon){}
void uiItemPointerSubR(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, char *searchpropname, char *name, int icon){}
void uiItemsEnumO(struct uiLayout *layout, char *opname, char *propname){}
void uiItemEnumO_string(struct uiLayout *layout, char *name, int icon, char *opname, char *propname, char *value_str){}
void uiItemMenuEnumO(struct uiLayout *layout, char *opname, char *propname, char *name, int icon){}
void uiItemBooleanO(struct uiLayout *layout, char *name, int icon, char *opname, char *propname, int value){}
void uiItemIntO(struct uiLayout *layout, char *name, int icon, char *opname, char *propname, int value){}
void uiItemFloatO(struct uiLayout *layout, char *name, int icon, char *opname, char *propname, float value){}
void uiItemStringO(struct uiLayout *layout, char *name, int icon, char *opname, char *propname, char *value){}
void uiItemL(struct uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon){}
void uiItemM(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, char *menuname, char *name, int icon){}
void uiItemS(struct uiLayout *layout){}
void uiItemFullR(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, struct PropertyRNA *prop, int index, int value, int flag, char *name, int icon){}
void uiLayoutSetContextPointer(struct uiLayout *layout, char *name, struct PointerRNA *ptr){}
char *uiLayoutIntrospect(struct uiLayout *layout){return (char *)NULL;}
void UI_reinit_font(void) {}
/* rna template */
void uiTemplateAnyID(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, char *text){}
void uiTemplatePathBuilder(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, struct PointerRNA *root_ptr, char *text){}
void uiTemplateHeader(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, int menus){}
void uiTemplateID(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, char *newop, char *unlinkop){}
struct uiLayout *uiTemplateModifier(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr){return (struct uiLayout *) NULL;}
struct uiLayout *uiTemplateConstraint(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr){return (struct uiLayout *) NULL;}
void uiTemplatePreview(struct uiLayout *layout, struct ID *id, int show_buttons, struct ID *parent, struct MTex *slot){}
void uiTemplateIDPreview(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, char *newop, char *openop, char *unlinkop, int rows, int cols){}
void uiTemplateCurveMapping(struct uiLayout *layout, struct CurveMapping *cumap, int type, int compact){}
void uiTemplateColorRamp(struct uiLayout *layout, struct ColorBand *coba, int expand){}
void uiTemplateLayers(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname){}
void uiTemplateImageLayers(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct Image *ima, struct ImageUser *iuser){}
ListBase uiTemplateList(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, struct PointerRNA *activeptr, char *activepropname, int rows, int listtype){struct ListBase b = {0,0}; return b;}
void uiTemplateRunningJobs(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C){}
void uiTemplateOperatorSearch(struct uiLayout *layout){}
void uiTemplateHeader3D(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C){}
void uiTemplateEditModeSelection(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C){}
void uiTemplateTextureImage(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct Tex *tex){}
void uiTemplateImage(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, struct PointerRNA *userptr, int compact){}
void uiTemplateDopeSheetFilter(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr){}
2010-01-10 21:33:41 +00:00
void uiTemplateColorWheel(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, int value_slider){}
void uiTemplateHistogram(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, int expand){}
2010-03-03 13:59:57 +00:00
void uiTemplateReportsBanner(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op){}
2010-04-07 02:14:46 +00:00
void uiTemplateWaveform(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, int expand){}
void uiTemplateVectorscope(struct uiLayout *_self, struct PointerRNA *data, char* property, int expand){}
void uiTemplateNodeLink(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct bNode *node, struct bNodeSocket *input) {}
void uiTemplateNodeView(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct bNode *node, struct bNodeSocket *input) {}
void uiTemplateTextureUser(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) {}
void uiTemplateTextureShow(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, struct PropertyRNA *prop) {}
void uiTemplateKeymapItemProperties(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr){}
Camera tracking integration =========================== Commiting camera tracking integration gsoc project into trunk. This commit includes: - Bundled version of libmv library (with some changes against official repo, re-sync with libmv repo a bit later) - New datatype ID called MovieClip which is optimized to work with movie clips (both of movie files and image sequences) and doing camera/motion tracking operations. - New editor called Clip Editor which is currently used for motion/tracking stuff only, but which can be easily extended to work with masks too. This editor supports: * Loading movie files/image sequences * Build proxies with different size for loaded movie clip, also supports building undistorted proxies to increase speed of playback in undistorted mode. * Manual lens distortion mode calibration using grid and grease pencil * Supervised 2D tracking using two different algorithms KLT and SAD. * Basic algorithm for feature detection * Camera motion solving. scene orientation - New constraints to "link" scene objects with solved motions from clip: * Follow Track (make object follow 2D motion of track with given name or parent object to reconstructed 3D position of track) * Camera Solver to make camera moving in the same way as reconstructed camera This commit NOT includes changes from tomato branch: - New nodes (they'll be commited as separated patch) - Automatic image offset guessing for image input node and image editor (need to do more tests and gather more feedback) - Code cleanup in libmv-capi. It's not so critical cleanup, just increasing readability and understanadability of code. Better to make this chaneg when Keir will finish his current patch. More details about this project can be found on this page: Further development of small features would be done in trunk, bigger/experimental features would first be implemented in tomato branch.
2011-11-07 12:55:18 +00:00
void uiTemplateMovieClip(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int compact){}
void uiTemplateTrack(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname){}
void uiTemplateMarker(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *userptr, PointerRNA *trackptr, int compact){}
2011-11-22 00:35:22 +00:00
void uiTemplateImageSettings(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *imfptr){}
/* rna render */
struct RenderResult *RE_engine_begin_result(struct RenderEngine *engine, int x, int y, int w, int h){return (struct RenderResult *) NULL;}
struct RenderResult *RE_AcquireResultRead(struct Render *re){return (struct RenderResult *) NULL;}
struct RenderResult *RE_AcquireResultWrite(struct Render *re){return (struct RenderResult *) NULL;}
struct RenderStats *RE_GetStats(struct Render *re){return (struct RenderStats *) NULL;}
void RE_engine_update_result(struct RenderEngine *engine, struct RenderResult *result){}
void RE_engine_update_progress(struct RenderEngine *engine, float progress) {}
void RE_engine_end_result(struct RenderEngine *engine, struct RenderResult *result){}
void RE_engine_update_stats(struct RenderEngine *engine, char *stats, char *info){}
void RE_layer_load_from_file(struct RenderLayer *layer, struct ReportList *reports, char *filename){}
void RE_result_load_from_file(struct RenderResult *result, struct ReportList *reports, char *filename){}
void RE_AcquireResultImage(struct Render *re, struct RenderResult *rr){}
void RE_ReleaseResult(struct Render *re){}
void RE_ReleaseResultImage(struct Render *re){}
int RE_engine_test_break(struct RenderEngine *engine){return 0;}
void RE_engines_init() {}
void RE_engines_exit() {}
void RE_engine_report(struct RenderEngine *engine, int type, const char *msg) {}
ListBase R_engines = {NULL, NULL};
void RE_engine_free(struct RenderEngine *engine) {}
2011-11-03 09:20:54 +00:00
struct RenderEngineType *RE_engines_find(const char *idname) { return NULL; }
/* python */
struct wmOperatorType *WM_operatortype_find(const char *idname, int quiet){return (struct wmOperatorType *) NULL;}
struct GHashIterator *WM_operatortype_iter(){return (struct GHashIterator *) NULL;}
struct wmOperatorType *WM_operatortype_exists(const char *idname){return (struct wmOperatorType *) NULL;}
struct wmOperatorTypeMacro *WM_operatortype_macro_define(struct wmOperatorType *ot, const char *idname){return (struct wmOperatorTypeMacro *) NULL;}
int WM_operator_call_py(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot, int context, struct PointerRNA *properties, struct ReportList *reports){return 0;}
int WM_operatortype_remove(const char *idname){return 0;}
int WM_operator_poll(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot){return 0;}
int WM_operator_poll_context(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot, int context){return 0;}
int WM_operator_props_popup(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event){return 0;}
void WM_operator_properties_free(struct PointerRNA *ptr){}
void WM_operator_properties_create(struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *opstring){}
void WM_operator_properties_create_ptr(struct PointerRNA *ptr, struct wmOperatorType *ot){}
void WM_operator_properties_sanitize(struct PointerRNA *ptr, const short no_context){};
void WM_operatortype_append_ptr(void (*opfunc)(struct wmOperatorType*, void*), void *userdata){}
void WM_operatortype_append_macro_ptr(void (*opfunc)(struct wmOperatorType*, void*), void *userdata){}
void WM_operator_bl_idname(char *to, const char *from){}
void WM_operator_py_idname(char *to, const char *from){}
void WM_operator_ui_popup(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, int width, int height){}
short insert_keyframe (struct ID *id, struct bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], int array_index, float cfra, short flag){return 0;}
short delete_keyframe(struct ID *id, struct bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], int array_index, float cfra, short flag){return 0;};
2010-03-24 03:48:25 +00:00
char *WM_operator_pystring(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot, struct PointerRNA *opptr, int all_args){return (char *)NULL;}
struct wmKeyMapItem *WM_modalkeymap_add_item(struct wmKeyMap *km, int type, int val, int modifier, int keymodifier, int value){return (struct wmKeyMapItem *)NULL;}
struct wmKeyMap *WM_modalkeymap_add(struct wmKeyConfig *keyconf, char *idname, EnumPropertyItem *items){return (struct wmKeyMap *) NULL;}
/* RNA COLLADA dependency */
int collada_export(struct Scene *sce, const char *filepath){ return 0; }
int sculpt_get_brush_size(struct Brush *brush) {return 0;}
void sculpt_set_brush_size(struct Brush *brush, int size) {}
int sculpt_get_lock_brush_size(struct Brush *brush){ return 0;}
float sculpt_get_brush_unprojected_radius(struct Brush *brush){return 0.0f;}
void sculpt_set_brush_unprojected_radius(struct Brush *brush, float unprojected_radius){}
float sculpt_get_brush_alpha(struct Brush *brush){return 0.0f;}
void sculpt_set_brush_alpha(struct Brush *brush, float alpha){}
void ED_sculpt_modifiers_changed(struct Object *ob){};
/* bpy/python internal api */
void operator_wrapper(struct wmOperatorType *ot, void *userdata) {}
void BPY_text_free_code(struct Text *text) {}
void BPY_id_release(struct Text *text) {}
int BPY_context_member_get(struct Context *C, const char *member, struct bContextDataResult *result) { return 0; }
void BPY_pyconstraint_target(struct bPythonConstraint *con, struct bConstraintTarget *ct) {}
float BPY_driver_exec(struct ChannelDriver *driver, const float evaltime) {return 0.0f;} /* might need this one! */
2011-05-03 18:31:01 +00:00
void BPY_DECREF(void *pyob_ptr) {}
void BPY_pyconstraint_exec(struct bPythonConstraint *con, struct bConstraintOb *cob, struct ListBase *targets) {}
2012-02-27 10:35:39 +00:00
void macro_wrapper(struct wmOperatorType *ot, void *userdata) {}
/* intern/dualcon */
struct DualConMesh;
struct DualConMesh *dualcon(const struct DualConMesh *input_mesh,
void *create_mesh,
int flags,
int mode,
float threshold,
float hermite_num,
float scale,
int depth) {return 0;}
/* intern/cycles */
struct CCLDeviceInfo;
struct CCLDeviceInfo *CCL_compute_device_list(int opencl) { return NULL; }
char blender_path[] = "";