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2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* $Id$
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* Conversion of Blender data blocks to KX sensor system
#include <config.h>
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning (disable : 4786)
#endif //WIN32
#include "KX_BlenderSceneConverter.h"
#include "KX_ConvertSensors.h"
/* This little block needed for linking to Blender... */
#ifdef WIN32
#include "BLI_winstuff.h"
#include "DNA_object_types.h"
#include "DNA_material_types.h"
#include "DNA_sensor_types.h"
#include "DNA_actuator_types.h" /* for SENS_ALL_KEYS ? this define is
probably misplaced */
/* end of blender include block */
#include "RAS_IPolygonMaterial.h"
// Sensors
#include "KX_GameObject.h"
#include "RAS_MeshObject.h"
#include "SCA_KeyboardSensor.h"
#include "SCA_MouseSensor.h"
#include "SCA_AlwaysSensor.h"
#include "KX_TouchSensor.h"
#include "KX_NearSensor.h"
#include "KX_RadarSensor.h"
#include "KX_MouseFocusSensor.h"
2005-01-23 01:36:29 +00:00
#include "SCA_JoystickSensor.h"
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
#include "KX_NetworkMessageSensor.h"
BGE logic update: new servo control motion actuator, new distance constraint actuator, new orientation constraint actuator, new actuator sensor. General ======= - Removal of Damp option in motion actuator (replaced by Servo control motion). - No PyDoc at present, will be added soon. Generalization of the Lvl option ================================ A sensor with the Lvl option selected will always produce an event at the start of the game or when entering a state or at object creation. The event will be positive or negative depending of the sensor condition. A negative pulse makes sense when used with a NAND controller: it will be converted into an actuator activation. Servo control motion ==================== A new variant of the motion actuator allows to control speed with force. The control if of type "PID" (Propotional, Integral, Derivate): the force is automatically adapted to achieve the target speed. All the parameters of the servo controller are configurable. The result is a great variety of motion style: anysotropic friction, flying, sliding, pseudo Dloc... This actuator should be used in preference to Dloc and LinV as it produces more fluid movements and avoids the collision problem with Dloc. LinV : target speed as (X,Y,Z) vector in local or world coordinates (mostly useful in local coordinates). Limit: the force can be limited along each axis (in the same coordinates of LinV). No limitation means that the force will grow as large as necessary to achieve the target speed along that axis. Set a max value to limit the accelaration along an axis (slow start) and set a min value (negative) to limit the brake force. P: Proportional coefficient of servo controller, don't set directly unless you know what you're doing. I: Integral coefficient of servo controller. Use low value (<0.1) for slow reaction (sliding), high values (>0.5) for hard control. The P coefficient will be automatically set to 60 times the I coefficient (a reasonable value). D: Derivate coefficient. Leave to 0 unless you know what you're doing. High values create instability. Notes: - This actuator works perfectly in zero friction environment: the PID controller will simulate friction by applying force as needed. - This actuator is compatible with simple Drot motion actuator but not with LinV and Dloc motion. - (0,0,0) is a valid target speed. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Distance constraint actuator ============================ A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to set the distance and orientation relative to a surface. The controller uses a ray to detect the surface (or any object) and adapt the distance and orientation parallel to the surface. Damp: Time constant (in nb of frames) of distance and orientation control. Dist: Select to enable distance control and set target distance. The object will be position at the given distance of surface along the ray direction. Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction. Range: length of ray. Objecgt within this distance will be detected. N : Select to enable orientation control. The actuator will change the orientation and the location of the object so that it is parallel to the surface at the vertical of the point of contact of the ray. M/P : Select to enable material detection. Default is property detection. Property/Material: name of property/material that the target of ray must have to be detected. If not set, property/ material filter is disabled and any collisioning object within range will be detected. PER : Select to enable persistent operation. Normally the actuator disables itself automatically if the ray does not reach a valid target. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. rotDamp: Time constant (in nb of frame) of orientation control. 0 : use Damp parameter. >0: use a different time constant for orientation. Notes: - If neither N nor Dist options are set, the actuator does not change the position and orientation of the object; it works as a ray sensor. - The ray has no "X-ray" capability: if the first object hit does not have the required property/material, it returns no hit and the actuator disables itself unless PER option is enabled. - This actuator changes the position and orientation but not the speed of the object. This has an important implication in a gravity environment: the gravity will cause the speed to increase although the object seems to stay still (it is repositioned at each frame). The gravity must be compensated in one way or another. the new servo control motion actuator is the simplest way: set the target speed along the ray axis to 0 and the servo control will automatically compensate the gravity. - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important) - All parameters are accessible through Python. Orientation constraint ====================== A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to align an object axis along a global direction. Damp : Time constant (in nb of frames) of orientation control. X,Y,Z: Global coordinates of reference direction. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. Notes: - (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0) is not a valid direction - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important). - This actuator doesn't change the location and speed. It is compatible with gravity. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Actuator sensor =============== This sensor detects the activation and deactivation of actuators of the same object. The sensor generates a positive pulse when the corresponding sensor is activated and a negative pulse when it is deactivated (the contrary if the Inv option is selected). This is mostly useful to chain actions and to detect the loss of contact of the distance motion actuator. Notes: - Actuators are disabled at the start of the game; if you want to detect the On-Off transition of an actuator after it has been activated at least once, unselect the Lvl and Inv options and use a NAND controller. - Some actuators deactivates themselves immediately after being activated. The sensor detects this situation as an On-Off transition. - The actuator name can be set through Python.
2008-07-04 08:14:50 +00:00
#include "SCA_ActuatorSensor.h"
#include "SCA_DelaySensor.h"
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
#include "SCA_PropertySensor.h"
#include "SCA_RandomSensor.h"
#include "KX_RaySensor.h"
#include "SCA_EventManager.h"
#include "SCA_LogicManager.h"
#include "KX_BlenderInputDevice.h"
#include "KX_Scene.h"
#include "IntValue.h"
#include "KX_BlenderKeyboardDevice.h"
#include "KX_BlenderGL.h"
#include "RAS_ICanvas.h"
#include "PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment.h"
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
#include "KX_KetsjiEngine.h"
#include "KX_BlenderSceneConverter.h"
// this map is Blender specific: a conversion between blender and ketsji enums
std::map<int,SCA_IInputDevice::KX_EnumInputs> gReverseKeyTranslateTable;
void BL_ConvertSensors(struct Object* blenderobject,
class KX_GameObject* gameobj,
SCA_LogicManager* logicmgr,
KX_Scene* kxscene,
KX_KetsjiEngine* kxengine,
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
SCA_IInputDevice* keydev,
int activeLayerBitInfo,
bool isInActiveLayer,
RAS_ICanvas* canvas,
KX_BlenderSceneConverter* converter
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
static bool reverseTableConverted = false;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
if (!reverseTableConverted)
reverseTableConverted = true;
/* The reverse table. In order to not confuse ourselves, we */
/* immediately convert all events that come in to KX codes. */
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[LEFTMOUSE ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_LEFTMOUSE;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[MIDDLEMOUSE ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_MIDDLEMOUSE;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[RIGHTMOUSE ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_RIGHTMOUSE;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[WHEELUPMOUSE ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_WHEELUPMOUSE;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[WHEELDOWNMOUSE ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_WHEELDOWNMOUSE;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[MOUSEX ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_MOUSEX;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[MOUSEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_MOUSEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[TIMER0 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_TIMER0;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[TIMER1 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_TIMER1;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[TIMER2 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_TIMER2;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[TIMER3 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_TIMER3;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[KEYBD ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_KEYBD;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[RAWKEYBD ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_RAWKEYBD;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[REDRAW ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_REDRAW;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[INPUTCHANGE ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_INPUTCHANGE;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[QFULL ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_QFULL;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[WINFREEZE ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_WINFREEZE;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[WINTHAW ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_WINTHAW;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[WINCLOSE ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_WINCLOSE;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[WINQUIT ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_WINQUIT;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[Q_FIRSTTIME ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_Q_FIRSTTIME;
// standard keyboard
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[AKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_AKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[BKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_BKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[CKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_CKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[DKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_DKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[EKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_EKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[FKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_FKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[GKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_GKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[HKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_HKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[IKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_IKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[JKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_JKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[KKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_KKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[LKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_LKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[MKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_MKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[NKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_NKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[OKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_OKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[QKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_QKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[RKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_RKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[SKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_SKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[TKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_TKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[UKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_UKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[VKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_VKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[WKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_WKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[XKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_XKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[YKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_YKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[ZKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_ZKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[ZEROKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_ZEROKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[ONEKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_ONEKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[TWOKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_TWOKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[THREEKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_THREEKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[FOURKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_FOURKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[FIVEKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_FIVEKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[SIXKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_SIXKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[SEVENKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_SEVENKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[EIGHTKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_EIGHTKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[NINEKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_NINEKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[CAPSLOCKKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_CAPSLOCKKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[LEFTCTRLKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_LEFTCTRLKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[LEFTALTKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_LEFTALTKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[RIGHTALTKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_RIGHTALTKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[RIGHTCTRLKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_RIGHTCTRLKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[RIGHTSHIFTKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_RIGHTSHIFTKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[LEFTSHIFTKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_LEFTSHIFTKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[ESCKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_ESCKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[TABKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_TABKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[RETKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_RETKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[SPACEKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_SPACEKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[LINEFEEDKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_LINEFEEDKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[BACKSPACEKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_BACKSPACEKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[DELKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_DELKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[SEMICOLONKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_SEMICOLONKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PERIODKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PERIODKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[COMMAKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_COMMAKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[QUOTEKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_QUOTEKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[ACCENTGRAVEKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_ACCENTGRAVEKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[MINUSKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_MINUSKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[SLASHKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_SLASHKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[BACKSLASHKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_BACKSLASHKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[EQUALKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_EQUALKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[LEFTBRACKETKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_LEFTBRACKETKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[LEFTARROWKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_LEFTARROWKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[DOWNARROWKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_DOWNARROWKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[RIGHTARROWKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_RIGHTARROWKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[UPARROWKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_UPARROWKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAD2 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAD2;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAD4 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAD4;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAD6 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAD6;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAD8 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAD8;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAD1 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAD1;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAD3 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAD3;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAD5 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAD5;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAD7 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAD7;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAD9 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAD9;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PADPERIOD ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PADPERIOD;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PADSLASHKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PADSLASHKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PADASTERKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PADASTERKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAD0 ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAD0;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PADMINUS ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PADMINUS;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PADENTER ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PADENTER;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PADPLUSKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PADPLUSKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F1KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F1KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F2KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F2KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F3KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F3KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F4KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F4KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F5KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F5KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F6KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F6KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F7KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F7KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F8KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F8KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F9KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F9KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F10KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F10KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F11KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F11KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[F12KEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_F12KEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAUSEKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAUSEKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[INSERTKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_INSERTKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[HOMEKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_HOMEKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAGEUPKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAGEUPKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[PAGEDOWNKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_PAGEDOWNKEY;
gReverseKeyTranslateTable[ENDKEY ] = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_ENDKEY;
int executePriority = 0;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
int uniqueint = 0;
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
int count = 0;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
bSensor* sens = (bSensor*)blenderobject->sensors.first;
bool pos_pulsemode = false;
bool neg_pulsemode = false;
int frequency = 0;
bool invert = false;
bool level = false;
BGE logic: new sensor "tap" option to generate automatically on/off pulses When enabled, this option converts any positive trigger from the sensor into a pair of positive+negative trigger, with the negative trigger sent in the next frame. The negative trigger from the sensor are not passed to the controller as the option automatically generates the negative triggers. From the controller point of view, the sensor is positive only for 1 frame, even if the underlying sensor state remains positive. The option interacts with the other sensor option in this way: - Level option: tap option is mutually exclusive with level option. Both cannot be enabled at the same time. - Invert option: tap option operates on the negative trigger of the sensor, which are converted to positive trigger by the invert option. Hence, the controller will see the sensor positive for 1 frame when the underlying sensor state turns negative. - Positive pulse option: tap option adds a negative trigger after each repeated positive pulse, unless the frequency option is 0, in which case positive pulse are generated on every frame as before, as long as the underlying sensor state is positive. - Negative pulse option: this option is not compatible with tap option and is ignored when tap option is enabled. Notes: - Keyboard "All keys" is handled specially when tap option is set: There will be one pair of positive/negative trigger for each new key press, regardless on how many keys are already pressed and there is no trigger when keys are released, regardless if keys are still pressed. In case two keys are pressed in succesive frames, there will be 2 positive triggers and 1 negative trigger in the following frame.
2009-05-04 22:21:02 +00:00
bool tap = false;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
while (sens)
sens = sens->next;
sens = (bSensor*)blenderobject->sensors.first;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
SCA_ISensor* gamesensor=NULL;
/* All sensors have a pulse toggle, frequency, and invert field. */
/* These are extracted here, and set when the sensor is added to the */
/* list. */
pos_pulsemode = (sens->pulse & SENS_PULSE_REPEAT)!=0;
neg_pulsemode = (sens->pulse & SENS_NEG_PULSE_MODE)!=0;
frequency = sens->freq;
invert = !(sens->invert == 0);
level = !(sens->level == 0);
BGE logic: new sensor "tap" option to generate automatically on/off pulses When enabled, this option converts any positive trigger from the sensor into a pair of positive+negative trigger, with the negative trigger sent in the next frame. The negative trigger from the sensor are not passed to the controller as the option automatically generates the negative triggers. From the controller point of view, the sensor is positive only for 1 frame, even if the underlying sensor state remains positive. The option interacts with the other sensor option in this way: - Level option: tap option is mutually exclusive with level option. Both cannot be enabled at the same time. - Invert option: tap option operates on the negative trigger of the sensor, which are converted to positive trigger by the invert option. Hence, the controller will see the sensor positive for 1 frame when the underlying sensor state turns negative. - Positive pulse option: tap option adds a negative trigger after each repeated positive pulse, unless the frequency option is 0, in which case positive pulse are generated on every frame as before, as long as the underlying sensor state is positive. - Negative pulse option: this option is not compatible with tap option and is ignored when tap option is enabled. Notes: - Keyboard "All keys" is handled specially when tap option is set: There will be one pair of positive/negative trigger for each new key press, regardless on how many keys are already pressed and there is no trigger when keys are released, regardless if keys are still pressed. In case two keys are pressed in succesive frames, there will be 2 positive triggers and 1 negative trigger in the following frame.
2009-05-04 22:21:02 +00:00
tap = !(sens->tap == 0);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
switch (sens->type)
SCA_EventManager* eventmgr = logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::ALWAYS_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
gamesensor = new SCA_AlwaysSensor(eventmgr, gameobj);
// we can reuse the Always event manager for the delay sensor
SCA_EventManager* eventmgr = logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::ALWAYS_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
bDelaySensor* delaysensor = (bDelaySensor*)sens->data;
gamesensor = new SCA_DelaySensor(eventmgr,
(delaysensor->flag & SENS_DELAY_REPEAT) != 0);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
SCA_EventManager* eventmgr = logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::TOUCH_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
// collision sensor can sense both materials and properties.
bool bFindMaterial = false, bTouchPulse = false;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
bCollisionSensor* blendertouchsensor = (bCollisionSensor*)sens->data;
bFindMaterial = (blendertouchsensor->mode & SENS_COLLISION_MATERIAL);
bTouchPulse = (blendertouchsensor->mode & SENS_COLLISION_PULSE);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
STR_String touchPropOrMatName = ( bFindMaterial ?
(blendertouchsensor->name ? blendertouchsensor->name: ""));
if (gameobj->GetPhysicsController())
gamesensor = new KX_TouchSensor(eventmgr,
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
SCA_EventManager* eventmgr = logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::TOUCH_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
STR_String touchpropertyname;
bTouchSensor* blendertouchsensor = (bTouchSensor*)sens->data;
if (blendertouchsensor->ma)
touchpropertyname = (char*) (blendertouchsensor->ma->;
bool bFindMaterial = true;
if (gameobj->GetPhysicsController())
gamesensor = new KX_TouchSensor(eventmgr,
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
KX_NetworkEventManager* eventmgr = (KX_NetworkEventManager*)
if (eventmgr) {
bMessageSensor* msgSens = (bMessageSensor*) sens->data;
/* Get our NetworkScene */
NG_NetworkScene *NetworkScene = kxscene->GetNetworkScene();
/* filter on the incoming subjects, might be empty */
STR_String subject = (msgSens->subject
? (char*)msgSens->subject
: "");
gamesensor = new KX_NetworkMessageSensor(
eventmgr, // our eventmanager
NetworkScene, // our NetworkScene
gameobj, // the sensor controlling object
subject); // subject to filter on
SCA_EventManager* eventmgr = logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::TOUCH_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
STR_String nearpropertyname;
bNearSensor* blendernearsensor = (bNearSensor*)sens->data;
if (blendernearsensor->name)
// only objects that own this property will be taken into account
nearpropertyname = (char*) blendernearsensor->name;
//DT_ShapeHandle shape = DT_Sphere(0.0);
// this sumoObject is not deleted by a gameobj, so delete it ourself
// later (memleaks)!
float radius = blendernearsensor->dist;
PHY__Vector3 pos;
const MT_Vector3& wpos = gameobj->NodeGetWorldPosition();
pos[0] = wpos[0];
pos[1] = wpos[1];
pos[2] = wpos[2];
pos[3] = 0.f;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
bool bFindMaterial = false;
PHY_IPhysicsController* physCtrl = kxscene->GetPhysicsEnvironment()->CreateSphereController(radius,pos);
//will be done in KX_TouchEventManager::RegisterSensor()
//if (isInActiveLayer)
// kxscene->GetPhysicsEnvironment()->addSensor(physCtrl);
gamesensor = new KX_NearSensor(eventmgr,gameobj,
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* temporary input device, for converting the code for the keyboard sensor */
bKeyboardSensor* blenderkeybdsensor = (bKeyboardSensor*)sens->data;
SCA_KeyboardManager* eventmgr = (SCA_KeyboardManager*) logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::KEYBOARD_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
gamesensor = new SCA_KeyboardSensor(eventmgr,
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
(blenderkeybdsensor->type == SENS_ALL_KEYS),
gameobj); // blenderkeybdsensor->pad);
int keytype = SCA_MouseSensor::KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_NODEF;
int trackfocus = 0;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
bMouseSensor *bmouse = (bMouseSensor *)sens->data;
/* There are two main types of mouse sensors. If there is
* no focus-related behaviour requested, we can make do
* with a basic sensor. This cuts down memory usage and
* gives a slight performance gain. */
SCA_MouseManager *eventmgr
= (SCA_MouseManager*) logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::MOUSE_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr) {
/* Determine key mode. There is at most one active mode. */
switch (bmouse->type) {
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
trackfocus = 1;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
trackfocus = 2;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
; /* error */
/* initial mouse position */
int startx = canvas->GetWidth()/2;
int starty = canvas->GetHeight()/2;
if (!trackfocus) {
/* plain, simple mouse sensor */
gamesensor = new SCA_MouseSensor(eventmgr,
} else {
/* give us a focus-aware sensor */
gamesensor = new KX_MouseFocusSensor(eventmgr,
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
} else {
// cout << "\n Could't find mouse event manager..."; - should throw an error here...
bPropertySensor* blenderpropsensor = (bPropertySensor*) sens->data;
SCA_EventManager* eventmgr
= logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::PROPERTY_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
STR_String propname=blenderpropsensor->name;
STR_String propval=blenderpropsensor->value;
STR_String propmaxval=blenderpropsensor->maxvalue;
propchecktype = SCA_PropertySensor::KX_PROPSENSOR_NODEF;
/* Better do an explicit conversion here! (was implicit */
/* before...) */
switch(blenderpropsensor->type) {
propchecktype = SCA_PropertySensor::KX_PROPSENSOR_EQUAL;
propchecktype = SCA_PropertySensor::KX_PROPSENSOR_NOTEQUAL;
propchecktype = SCA_PropertySensor::KX_PROPSENSOR_INTERVAL;
propchecktype = SCA_PropertySensor::KX_PROPSENSOR_CHANGED;
propchecktype = SCA_PropertySensor::KX_PROPSENSOR_EXPRESSION;
/* error */
; /* error */
gamesensor = new SCA_PropertySensor(eventmgr,gameobj,propname,propval,propmaxval,propchecktype);
BGE logic update: new servo control motion actuator, new distance constraint actuator, new orientation constraint actuator, new actuator sensor. General ======= - Removal of Damp option in motion actuator (replaced by Servo control motion). - No PyDoc at present, will be added soon. Generalization of the Lvl option ================================ A sensor with the Lvl option selected will always produce an event at the start of the game or when entering a state or at object creation. The event will be positive or negative depending of the sensor condition. A negative pulse makes sense when used with a NAND controller: it will be converted into an actuator activation. Servo control motion ==================== A new variant of the motion actuator allows to control speed with force. The control if of type "PID" (Propotional, Integral, Derivate): the force is automatically adapted to achieve the target speed. All the parameters of the servo controller are configurable. The result is a great variety of motion style: anysotropic friction, flying, sliding, pseudo Dloc... This actuator should be used in preference to Dloc and LinV as it produces more fluid movements and avoids the collision problem with Dloc. LinV : target speed as (X,Y,Z) vector in local or world coordinates (mostly useful in local coordinates). Limit: the force can be limited along each axis (in the same coordinates of LinV). No limitation means that the force will grow as large as necessary to achieve the target speed along that axis. Set a max value to limit the accelaration along an axis (slow start) and set a min value (negative) to limit the brake force. P: Proportional coefficient of servo controller, don't set directly unless you know what you're doing. I: Integral coefficient of servo controller. Use low value (<0.1) for slow reaction (sliding), high values (>0.5) for hard control. The P coefficient will be automatically set to 60 times the I coefficient (a reasonable value). D: Derivate coefficient. Leave to 0 unless you know what you're doing. High values create instability. Notes: - This actuator works perfectly in zero friction environment: the PID controller will simulate friction by applying force as needed. - This actuator is compatible with simple Drot motion actuator but not with LinV and Dloc motion. - (0,0,0) is a valid target speed. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Distance constraint actuator ============================ A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to set the distance and orientation relative to a surface. The controller uses a ray to detect the surface (or any object) and adapt the distance and orientation parallel to the surface. Damp: Time constant (in nb of frames) of distance and orientation control. Dist: Select to enable distance control and set target distance. The object will be position at the given distance of surface along the ray direction. Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction. Range: length of ray. Objecgt within this distance will be detected. N : Select to enable orientation control. The actuator will change the orientation and the location of the object so that it is parallel to the surface at the vertical of the point of contact of the ray. M/P : Select to enable material detection. Default is property detection. Property/Material: name of property/material that the target of ray must have to be detected. If not set, property/ material filter is disabled and any collisioning object within range will be detected. PER : Select to enable persistent operation. Normally the actuator disables itself automatically if the ray does not reach a valid target. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. rotDamp: Time constant (in nb of frame) of orientation control. 0 : use Damp parameter. >0: use a different time constant for orientation. Notes: - If neither N nor Dist options are set, the actuator does not change the position and orientation of the object; it works as a ray sensor. - The ray has no "X-ray" capability: if the first object hit does not have the required property/material, it returns no hit and the actuator disables itself unless PER option is enabled. - This actuator changes the position and orientation but not the speed of the object. This has an important implication in a gravity environment: the gravity will cause the speed to increase although the object seems to stay still (it is repositioned at each frame). The gravity must be compensated in one way or another. the new servo control motion actuator is the simplest way: set the target speed along the ray axis to 0 and the servo control will automatically compensate the gravity. - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important) - All parameters are accessible through Python. Orientation constraint ====================== A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to align an object axis along a global direction. Damp : Time constant (in nb of frames) of orientation control. X,Y,Z: Global coordinates of reference direction. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. Notes: - (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0) is not a valid direction - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important). - This actuator doesn't change the location and speed. It is compatible with gravity. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Actuator sensor =============== This sensor detects the activation and deactivation of actuators of the same object. The sensor generates a positive pulse when the corresponding sensor is activated and a negative pulse when it is deactivated (the contrary if the Inv option is selected). This is mostly useful to chain actions and to detect the loss of contact of the distance motion actuator. Notes: - Actuators are disabled at the start of the game; if you want to detect the On-Off transition of an actuator after it has been activated at least once, unselect the Lvl and Inv options and use a NAND controller. - Some actuators deactivates themselves immediately after being activated. The sensor detects this situation as an On-Off transition. - The actuator name can be set through Python.
2008-07-04 08:14:50 +00:00
bActuatorSensor* blenderactsensor = (bActuatorSensor*) sens->data;
// we will reuse the property event manager, there is nothing special with this sensor
SCA_EventManager* eventmgr
= logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::ACTUATOR_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
STR_String propname=blenderactsensor->name;
gamesensor = new SCA_ActuatorSensor(eventmgr,gameobj,propname);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
SCA_EventManager* eventmgr = logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::TOUCH_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
STR_String radarpropertyname;
STR_String touchpropertyname;
bRadarSensor* blenderradarsensor = (bRadarSensor*) sens->data;
int radaraxis = blenderradarsensor->axis;
if (blenderradarsensor->name)
// only objects that own this property will be taken into account
radarpropertyname = (char*) blenderradarsensor->name;
MT_Scalar coneheight = blenderradarsensor->range;
// janco: the angle was doubled, so should I divide the factor in 2
// or the blenderradarsensor->angle?
// nzc: the angle is the opening angle. We need to init with
// the axis-hull angle,so /2.0.
MT_Scalar factor = tan(MT_radians((blenderradarsensor->angle)/2.0));
//MT_Scalar coneradius = coneheight * (factor / 2);
MT_Scalar coneradius = coneheight * factor;
// this sumoObject is not deleted by a gameobj, so delete it ourself
// later (memleaks)!
MT_Scalar smallmargin = 0.0;
2005-01-23 01:36:29 +00:00
MT_Scalar largemargin = 0.0;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
bool bFindMaterial = false;
PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl = kxscene->GetPhysicsEnvironment()->CreateConeController(coneradius,coneheight);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
gamesensor = new KX_RadarSensor(
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
case SENS_RAY:
bRaySensor* blenderraysensor = (bRaySensor*) sens->data;
SCA_EventManager* eventmgr = logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::RAY_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
bool bFindMaterial = (blenderraysensor->mode & SENS_COLLISION_MATERIAL);
bool bXRay = (blenderraysensor->mode & SENS_RAY_XRAY);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
STR_String checkname = (bFindMaterial? blenderraysensor->matname : blenderraysensor->propname);
// don't want to get rays of length 0.0 or so
double distance = (blenderraysensor->range < 0.01 ? 0.01 : blenderraysensor->range );
int axis = blenderraysensor->axisflag;
gamesensor = new KX_RaySensor(eventmgr,
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
bRandomSensor* blenderrndsensor = (bRandomSensor*) sens->data;
// some files didn't write randomsensor, avoid crash now for NULL ptr's
if (blenderrndsensor)
SCA_EventManager* eventmgr = logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::RANDOM_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
int randomSeed = blenderrndsensor->seed;
gamesensor = new SCA_RandomSensor(eventmgr, gameobj, randomSeed);
2005-01-23 01:36:29 +00:00
int joysticktype = SCA_JoystickSensor::KX_JOYSENSORMODE_NODEF;
bJoystickSensor* bjoy = (bJoystickSensor*) sens->data;
SCA_JoystickManager *eventmgr
= (SCA_JoystickManager*) logicmgr->FindEventManager(SCA_EventManager::JOY_EVENTMGR);
if (eventmgr)
int axis =0;
int axisf =0;
int button =0;
int hat =0;
int hatf =0;
int prec =0;
axis = bjoy->axis;
axisf = bjoy->axisf;
prec = bjoy->precision;
joysticktype = SCA_JoystickSensor::KX_JOYSENSORMODE_AXIS;
button = bjoy->button;
joysticktype = SCA_JoystickSensor::KX_JOYSENSORMODE_BUTTON;
hat = bjoy->hat;
hatf = bjoy->hatf;
joysticktype = SCA_JoystickSensor::KX_JOYSENSORMODE_HAT;
axis = bjoy->axis_single;
prec = bjoy->precision;
joysticktype = SCA_JoystickSensor::KX_JOYSENSORMODE_AXIS_SINGLE;
2005-01-23 01:36:29 +00:00
printf("Error: bad case statement\n");
gamesensor = new SCA_JoystickSensor(
2005-01-23 01:36:29 +00:00
(bjoy->flag & SENS_JOY_ANY_EVENT));
2005-01-23 01:36:29 +00:00
printf("Error there was a problem finding the event manager\n");
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
if (gamesensor)
STR_String uniquename = sens->name;
uniquename += "#SENS#";
CIntValue* uniqueval = new CIntValue(uniqueint);
uniquename += uniqueval->GetText();
/* Conversion succeeded, so we can set the generic props here. */
BGE logic: new sensor "tap" option to generate automatically on/off pulses When enabled, this option converts any positive trigger from the sensor into a pair of positive+negative trigger, with the negative trigger sent in the next frame. The negative trigger from the sensor are not passed to the controller as the option automatically generates the negative triggers. From the controller point of view, the sensor is positive only for 1 frame, even if the underlying sensor state remains positive. The option interacts with the other sensor option in this way: - Level option: tap option is mutually exclusive with level option. Both cannot be enabled at the same time. - Invert option: tap option operates on the negative trigger of the sensor, which are converted to positive trigger by the invert option. Hence, the controller will see the sensor positive for 1 frame when the underlying sensor state turns negative. - Positive pulse option: tap option adds a negative trigger after each repeated positive pulse, unless the frequency option is 0, in which case positive pulse are generated on every frame as before, as long as the underlying sensor state is positive. - Negative pulse option: this option is not compatible with tap option and is ignored when tap option is enabled. Notes: - Keyboard "All keys" is handled specially when tap option is set: There will be one pair of positive/negative trigger for each new key press, regardless on how many keys are already pressed and there is no trigger when keys are released, regardless if keys are still pressed. In case two keys are pressed in succesive frames, there will be 2 positive triggers and 1 negative trigger in the following frame.
2009-05-04 22:21:02 +00:00
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
// only register to manager if it's in an active layer
// Make registration dynamic: only when sensor is activated
//if (isInActiveLayer)
// gamesensor->RegisterToManager();
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
BGE performance, 4th round: logic This commit extends the technique of dynamic linked list to the logic system to eliminate as much as possible temporaries, map lookup or full scan. The logic engine is now free of memory allocation, which is an important stability factor. The overhead of the logic system is reduced by a factor between 3 and 6 depending on the logic setup. This is the speed-up you can expect on a logic setup using simple bricks. Heavy bricks like python controllers and ray sensors will still take about the same time to execute so the speed up will be less important. The core of the logic engine has been much reworked but the functionality is still the same except for one thing: the priority system on the execution of controllers. The exact same remark applies to actuators but I'll explain for controllers only: Previously, it was possible, with the "executePriority" attribute to set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. Other than that, the sequential execution of controllers, as defined in Blender was guaranteed by default. With the new system, the sequential execution of controllers is still guaranteed but only within the controllers of one object. the user can no longer set a controller to run before any other controllers in the game. The "executePriority" attribute controls the execution of controllers within one object. The priority is a small number starting from 0 for the first controller and incrementing for each controller. If this missing feature is a must, a special method can be implemented to set a controller to run before all other controllers. Other improvements: - Systematic use of reference in parameter passing to avoid unnecessary data copy - Use pre increment in iterator instead of post increment to avoid temporary allocation - Use const char* instead of STR_String whenever possible to avoid temporary allocation - Fix reference counting bugs (memory leak) - Fix a crash in certain cases of state switching and object deletion - Minor speed up in property sensor - Removal of objects during the game is a lot faster
2009-05-10 20:53:58 +00:00
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
for (int i=0;i<sens->totlinks;i++)
bController* linkedcont = (bController*) sens->links[i];
if (linkedcont) {
SCA_IController* gamecont = converter->FindGameController(linkedcont);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
if (gamecont) {
} else {
"Warning, sensor \"%s\" could not find its controller "
"(link %d of %d) from object \"%s\"\n"
"\tthere has been an error converting the blender controller for the game engine,"
"logic may be incorrect\n", sens->name, i+1, sens->totlinks, blenderobject->;
} else {
"Warning, sensor \"%s\" has lost a link to a controller "
"(link %d of %d) from object \"%s\"\n"
"\tpossible causes are partially appended objects or an error reading the file,"
"logic may be incorrect\n", sens->name, i+1, sens->totlinks, blenderobject->;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
// special case: Keyboard sensor with no link
// this combination is usually used for key logging.
if (sens->type == SENS_KEYBOARD && sens->totlinks == 0) {
// Force the registration so that the sensor runs
// done with gamesensor
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00