from Alberto Santos (dnakhain)
"This patch adds a few new variables relationated with Particle System children such as children amount, render amount,
child clumping..."
ob.someProp = 10
can now be...
ob["someProp"] = 10
For simple get/set test with an objects 10 properties, this is ~30% faster.
Though I like the attribute access, its slower because it needs to lookup BGE attributes and methods (for parent classes as well as KX_GameObject class).
This could also be an advantage if there are collisions between new attributes added for 2.49 and existing properties a game uses.
Made some other small optimizations,
- Getting and setting property can use const char* as well as STR_String (avoids making new STR_Strings just to do the lookup).
- CValue::SetPropertiesModified() and CValue::SetPropertiesModified(), were looping through all items in the std::map, advancing from the beginning each time.
ffmpeg format switched from RGBA32 to BGR32, it's no longer needed to swap color planes.
NOTE: this commit also attempts to fix the big endian case, but since I don't have a machine to test it, I'd appreciate if someone else would.
Correct joint-guided roll to use the previous bone, not the following (that was silly). Also made first bone use view axis (since it has no previous), this is much nicer that using rotation correction only. Using the joint roll option makes it MUCH more orientation independant.
own fault, broke rev16702.
Curves created by fonts didnt have their radius set. Forgot do do this when making radius calculated with the curve (like tilt)
getPosition, setPosition, getOrientation, setOrientation, getState, setState, getParent, getVisible, getMass
* swapped set/get to get/set in KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW_FUNCTION macro to match pythons getsetattrs.
* deprecation warnings in the api and notes in epydocs.
* added 'state' attribute
* gameob.mass = 10 # now works because its not checking only for float values.
* dir(gameob) # includes attributes now
other scenes, for texture face / multitexture materials.
Fix for bug #18428: BGE lights on hidden layers were still used,
for all material types, now they have no effect
Was adding each face with a remove doubles option that made conversion increasingly slower for larger meshes, this would often hang blender when starting with the BGE with larger meshes.
Replace btTriangleMesh()->addTriangle() with btTriangleIndexVertexArray()
YoFrankie level_1_home.blend starts a third faster, level_nut about twice as fast.
- previous commit was also incorrect using the original meshes vert locations rather then the vert locations that came from the derived mesh.
- Softbody is relying on removing doubles at 0.01 to give stable results, this no longer works but seems a bit dodgy anyway. Maybe some post-processing filter could fix up a mesh for bullet softbody.
In a simple test with ~12000 verts, overall BGE startup time went from ~4.5 sec to a bit under a second.
- before adding each vert it did a check for a duplicates.
- Using RAS_Polygon verts can give a lot of duplicates because the verts also store UV's and normals.
- Was increasing the array one item at a time, now resize the array once.
- Use the blender mesh mvert array rather then RAS_TexVert's, so needed to include some DNA headers.
[18429] Typo in IPO Actuator
[18377] Crash fo yofankie (G.curscreen==NULL)
/* No screen, happens when saving a blendfile in background mode,
* then loading in the game engine
* just assume we need the mesh info */
* when joining only 2 faces dont check they are convex
* allow edge rotate for non planer faces
- Both were very annoying especially when sub-surf modeling with edge loops